Reborn Panlong

Chapter 11 Delia

Chapter 11 Delia

The two came to the dormitory and saw their future boss Yale, and Yale, as written in the original book, was fiddling with exercise equipment.

Seeing Lin Feng and Lei Nuo, his eyes lit up immediately, and he ran over excitedly: "Haha, you are my roommates, right? I have been waiting for a long time, and now I am the only one here. Let me introduce myself, I His name is Yale, so he can barely be regarded as a member of the Holy Alliance."

"What do you mean by barely being a holy alliance?" Renault curled his lips, "My name is Renault, from the O'Brien Empire."

"My name is Lin Feng, from the Kingdom of Finlay, the Holy Alliance." Lin Feng also said with a smile.

"Ah, Lei Nuo, Lin Feng, I'm so glad to see you. Hey, those tools for exercising are placed over there." Yale turned his head and shouted to his servant again.

"Tools for exercising?" Renault blinked and stared at Yale, "Yale, what do you use those for? Do you want to be a soldier?"

Yale wrinkled his nose and said with a smile: "Although we are noble magicians, we still need to develop a good figure. Otherwise, how can there be beautiful beauties? There are many beauties among magicians. Especially Ernst College The beauty of the magician is not only beautiful, but also has a temperament. It is also very face-saving to go out and show off that I have a girlfriend from Ernst Academy."

"Uh" Renault was speechless.

Lin Feng felt a little funny, a kid who was only ten years old was talking about his girlfriend, which made Lin Feng, a traveler, feel weird.But he also knows that this is the world of "Coiling Dragon", not the earth, and there is no such thing as adulthood or immaturity here, as long as you have the ability, it is not a big problem to get married at the age of three.

Lei Nuo and Lin Feng announced their ages respectively, but Yale said with bright eyes when he heard the words: "Me? I am ten years old this year. Haha, but I am not young. My brother died when he was 12 years old. I have to prepare as soon as possible." .”

"What is **?" The innocent little Lei Nuo asked a very stupid question, but Lin Feng would not be as stupid as in the original book.What a joke, although a top student who graduated from an undergraduate university, although he has never had a girlfriend and is still a virgin before crossing, his understanding of sex is beyond the reach of people in this world.

The three chatted for a while, and George, the second child of the four brothers in 1987, also returned to his place.Seeing George's appearance, Lin Feng was amused. Unexpectedly, the ten-year-old George was as tall as the eight-year-old Renault as stated in the book, almost half a head shorter than him.

After just talking for a while, the relationship between the four brothers became much more cordial.

The four brothers in the dormitory 1987 took the god-eating mouse 'Bei Bei' to visit the college and got a general understanding of the whole college. That night, the four of them ate and drank in a luxury hotel not far from the dormitory area. After a while, but all they drank were fruit juices.

The next day, February 2th, was the official opening day of school.

There was no class on this day, and the class was officially started on February 2th. On February 10th, I just went to the college to listen to the persuasion words of the leaders of the college. This group of 2 children, the youngest is six years old and the oldest is 9 years old Staying in a classroom that can accommodate hundreds of people, they don't know the identity of the college leader who spoke above. One by one, the children take a nap below, and leave happily one by one after the opening ceremony is over.

For Ernst College courses, there are classes in the first 28 days of a month, but there are no classes in the last two days.


However, most students are single-department, and only need to attend classes for two hours a day.Moreover, you can listen to this kind of course if you want to, or you don’t want to, no one forces you.

On February 2th, at eight o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng came to the first grade classroom of the Earth Department.

After the instructors and students introduced each other, Lin Feng started his first class at the Ernst Academy.But after listening to one class, Lin Feng decided that he would never take a class in the Earth Department again.Although the strength of the magic instructor of the earth system is good, it is incomparable with Delin Cowart, and the understanding of the magic of the earth system is not the same at all.And at this time, Lin Feng was already at the level of a fifth-level magician. After listening to the simple magic knowledge introduced by the tutor of this grade, Lin Feng felt that this was torture at all.It's like letting a college student go to kindergarten with a group of little kids. It's impossible to understand the feeling unless you are there.

Lin Feng also went to the next fire and water magic courses, but he found that these magics are similar to the earth magic courses, except that the magic department is different. The basic magic principles can be based on the atomic theory he learned in university. Understand, and more thoroughly than what the instructor said.

Therefore, Lin Feng decided again that he would only come to listen to water and fire classes occasionally in the future.You don't have to attend every class.

Lin Feng went to the next wind magic class early.Lin Feng was a little excited. Lin Feng's original partner in the original book "Coiling Dragon" is about to appear, and she may become his future wife. Thinking of this, Lin Feng's heart became hot. In his previous life, he was studying all day long. The time is only to read online novels, there is no time to talk about love, little girl.But in this life, in the world of "Coiling Dragon", Lin Feng will not be so stupid, just obsessed with cultivation, and become a reckless man who doesn't understand romance.

"Hi everyone." A handsome young man with long blond hair said with a smile, "I am 'Trey', a sixth-year student of the college. From today onwards, I will be in charge of your wind magic teaching. I live in dormitory 0298. If you have any questions after class, you can come to me.”

A sixth-grade student is a sixth-level magician who can apply for graduation at any time.They are qualified to teach first and second grade students.

"Before that, let's introduce ourselves first." Trey said with a smile.

This is the most basic point of the first class of the school. All the students went up to introduce themselves.

As the students came to the stage one by one, the Delia that Lin Feng was looking forward to finally appeared on the stage.

I saw a sweet-looking blond girl slowly walking up to the podium, stroked the messy hair on her temples, and said with a smile, "Hi everyone, my name is Delia, and I'm from the Magnolia Empire."

After a short self-introduction, he walked off the podium, but Lin Feng's eyes followed Delia's figure slowly, until she came to his seat and sat down.

At this moment, although Delia is just a child who hasn't grown up like Lin Feng, she has a sweet appearance and delicate and lovely features, especially when she just came on stage, the touch of amorous hair on her temples directly made Lin Feng make up his mind He made up his mind: Delia, just wait, I will definitely catch up with you.

Perhaps it was fate, Lin Feng, who had the same body but different souls, found that he fell in love with this young girl when he met Delia for the first time. Could it be love at first sight?It feels really good.

And Delia naturally noticed Lin Feng's gaze on her, and looked along the gaze. The moment she saw the owner of the gaze, Delia suddenly had a very strange feeling. She felt that she would not be able to escape his gaze in this life. palm.

The moment she felt this ingenious feeling, Delia's pretty face blushed instantly, and she lowered her head in a shy manner.

Seeing Delia's performance, Lin Feng burst out laughing instantly, as expected she is still an immature little girl!

During this class, Lin Feng and Delia quietly passed the class with eye contact.After Lin Feng saw that Delia was a shy little girl, he became playful and looked at Delia frequently, but Delia was extremely curious about Lin Feng because of the unreasonable feeling before. Although he was very shy, he still mustered up the courage to raise his head to look at Lin Feng from time to time.

After class, Lin Feng did not leave immediately, but walked up to Delia, stretched out his hand boldly, and said with a smile, "Hello, Delia, my name is Lin Feng."

For an innocent girl like Delia, Lin Feng decided that it would be better for him to take the initiative. After all, he is a man with a mind in his 20s. If Delia is asked to show love to Lin Feng as in the original book I mean, that's too soft.And now that he has decided to marry Delia in the future, there is no need to go through the marathon love affair between Lin Feng and Delia in the book.Don't worry if you catch up early, although Lin Feng doesn't plan to imitate Yale's eldest brother and have a 12-year-old **, but it is still possible to confirm the relationship with Delia before the age of 12.

Although Delia was shy and surprised by Lin Feng's boldness, she was kind-hearted and had a good impression or curiosity about Lin Feng, so after struggling a little in her heart, she shyly stretched out her wonderful hand and Lin Feng. The wind held together.

"Hi, my name is Delia."

"We will be good friends from now on. I will reserve a seat for you in class tomorrow." Lin Feng was extremely shameless, and defined the relationship between Delia and him when they met for the first time as good friends.

Lin Feng was just announcing, not discussing, and left after speaking, leaving Delia standing there with a shocked and shy face.

"Why is he doing this without asking me if I agree or not? I, do I want to listen to him?" Delia was confused, "Forget it, that's tomorrow's matter, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Unable to make a choice, Delia left the problem until tomorrow as if avoiding it.

But Lin Feng, who had already strode out of the classroom, smiled secretly in his heart: "Hey, the difference between a good friend and a girlfriend is only one letter, Delia, you are destined not to escape from my grasp. "

Spring passed and autumn came, and Lin Feng had already been in Ernst College for more than half a year in a blink of an eye.

In the past half a year, Lin Feng's strength has improved dramatically, and both magic and fighting spirit have made gratifying progress.After more than half a year of hard work, Lin Feng's magic has reached the sixth level, but there is still a big gap from the seventh level.But in terms of grudge, it is a bit worse than magic, only promoted from a third-level fighter to a fourth-level fighter.

Of course, in the past six months, Lin Feng's greatest achievement was not in his personal cultivation, but in his relationship. Because of Lin Feng's deliberate approach and Delia's curiosity about Lin Feng, the relationship between the two The relationship is one day at a time. After half a year of hard work, the relationship between them has been basically confirmed. Lin Feng believes that as long as he asks Delia to be his girlfriend now, she will definitely agree, but Lin Feng has never done so. There is no other reason, it is entirely due to the concept of the current society. Lin Feng always feels that it is a very strange thing for a little girl who is less than ten years old to be his girlfriend.

After accepting Lin Feng's instruction, Delin Cowart fell into a frenzied retreat.For more than half a year, he only came out occasionally to give advice on Lin Feng's cultivation, and he didn't show up at other times.This made Lin Feng feel helpless and at the same time thankful that no one cared about him, so he could be with Delia unscrupulously while practicing.

(End of this chapter)

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