Reborn Panlong

Chapter 12 Grade Competition

Chapter 12 Grade Competition

Today, the sun is shining.

The four brothers in dormitory No. 1987 who had lunch all wore a set of sky blue robes, which is the standard uniform issued by the college.Because of long-term exercise, the slender Lin Feng wore a sky blue robe, which gave him a special charm.

At this moment, the four brothers are talking about the sea and the sky while walking.

"By the way, Lin Feng, I heard that you recently had a very hot fight with a girl from the wind department!" George said with a smile while looking at Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng heard this, he didn't shy away from it. He didn't need to hide his brother's treatment.

"Second, her name is Delia, she is in the same class as me."

"Tch, what classmates, I think they will soon become our younger siblings? Haha, third child, you have come ahead of our brothers." Yale on the side also began to tease Lin Feng.

"No wonder, the third brother is super-class in both the earth and wind elements, even the fire element is average, but I have never seen him take a class on the earth and fire elements, but the wind element class is not a class." Listen Seeing the two elder brothers making fun of Lin Feng, Lei Nuo, the youngest of the four brothers in 1987, was not to be outdone, and made fun of Lin Feng.Under the leadership of Yale, Renault, an innocent boy, has gone astray.

Now that it was made clear, Lin Feng no longer concealed it, and directly admitted: "So what? You see, we are all brothers, but I already have girlfriends. You haven't, and I have already outmatched you. Don't hurry to find it."

Being counterattacked by Lin Feng like this, the three of George felt a little embarrassed, especially Yale, he was the loudest, and on the first day of school he announced that he would find a girlfriend from Ernst College, but seeing that more than half a year had passed , but didn't see any movement from him.

Another month has passed.

In the first grade classroom of the wind department.

"Lin Feng, you are here." As soon as Lin Feng sat down, a very cute girl sat beside Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced at the girl, smiled and said, "Delia, you came quite early, and there is still a long time before class."

After more than half a year of getting along, Delia is no longer as shy as when they first met.

"I know you came early." Delia smiled and narrowed her eyes.

The two of them were chatting, but the time passed quickly. The two of them hadn't felt much, and the class had already started.

"Okay, today's class is over, but before get out of class is over, I have something to tell you." Teacher Trey said with a smile.

The students below suddenly began to discuss in a low voice.

"Old students should all know that our Ernst College has a rule that every year in the last one or two months, we hold a 'grade competition'. The annual 'grade competition' is also the most lively time in our entire college , and if you win the grade competition, you will easily be rated as an outstanding student when you graduate. When you graduate, it is estimated that the four major empires will invite you kindly." Teacher Trey laughed.

The students below immediately became excited.

At Ernst Academy, geniuses gather.And geniuses have a bad problem, it's hard to convince people!
Therefore, the annual grade competition has become an opportunity for geniuses to make a name for themselves.Almost [-]% of the students will pay attention to this grade competition, and those with a little ability will participate in it.

"Naturally, those of our wind department will also participate in the competition. If you are willing to sign up, let me know." Teacher Trey said with a smile, but his eyes turned towards Lin Feng.

"Teacher, I am willing." Many students below immediately began to sign up excitedly.

"Okay." Trey immediately took out the paper and quill pen and began to record, but when he recorded more than a dozen students, he found that Lin Feng and Delia who were below were talking, and they didn't sign up at all. mean.

Trey went down.

Lin Feng couldn't help looking up, and immediately called out respectfully: "Teacher Trey." Delia beside him also bowed respectfully.

Teacher Trey smiled and nodded, "Lin Feng, this grade competition is a very good opportunity to exercise. I believe that almost all the elites in the first grade will participate. Why don't you sign up? Such an opportunity is very rare."

"I'm not interested." Lin Feng said directly.

Teacher Trey couldn't help but startled.

"Lin Feng, you don't know, if you win this grade competition, there will be some rewards." Teacher Trey said again.

Lin Feng couldn't help curling his lips when he heard the words. He naturally knew that if he won the grade competition, there would be a reward, but this reward was not the gold coins he urgently needed, but the accommodation conditions, so Lin Feng had no interest in the grade competition.With his current strength as a sixth-level magician, it would be difficult for even sixth-year students to defeat him, let alone these first-year students.Let him be an 'adult' to fight with a group of brats, of course he has no interest.

"I won't participate." Lin Feng still said.

Teacher Trey is a little anxious. In fact, Trey is also a sixth-grade student. If he can make his students rank among the top three, he will not only be rewarded, but also very face-to-face.Young people have a good face.

But since Lin Feng himself didn't want to participate, there was nothing Trey could do. He couldn't force Lin Feng to participate, could he?
Delia who was beside Lin Feng was also a little puzzled by Lin Feng's decision. She didn't know why Lin Feng would give up such a chance to gain both fame and fortune.

The academy is holding the annual competition lively, but Lin Feng's life rules have not been broken, and he is still practicing hard.

Age competition.

The students of Ernst Academy are all the pride of heaven!
The group arena matches are very exciting. In the first-year competition, there are fireballs, lightning, and wind blades.And the third-level and fourth-level competitions are exciting, with various auxiliary magic and range attack magic, such as broken stones, and even dozens of hundreds of large stones are smashed down, and the lightning is continuous.

As for the fifth and sixth level competitions, it was even more astonishing.

All kinds of dazzling magic appeared one after another, and the terrifying explosion and rumbling sound continued one after another.The students watching below cheered one after another, and the atmosphere reached its peak.Most of the entire academy gathered here.

The age competition lasted for almost a month, and this month was also the most lively and craziest month in the entire Ernst Academy. During this lively time, Lin Feng only occasionally watched the competitions of the fifth and sixth grades , Most of the rest of the time is spent quietly practicing alone.

"This game also requires that you can't intentionally put people to death. Is this kind of game with hands and feet still called a game?"

Under the influence of Derlin Cowart, Lin Feng also disdained this kind of ostentatious competition.

"Lin Feng, your task now is to practice hard and accumulate strength. As for combat experience, after you pass this year's college test, I will take you to the Warcraft Mountains, and enter the edge of the Warcraft Mountains for the real life-and-death trial before accumulating." Derlin Cowart persuaded Lin Feng in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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