Reborn Panlong

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

As soon as Lin Feng and the others entered the Beauty Gate, the first thing that caught their eyes was not the dark head, nor the ancient cypresses of Cangshan Mountain, but a beautiful woman.

Wearing a goose-yellow long dress with a little makeup on, her appearance is impeccable, and her figure is even better.It's just that god-level powerhouses can change their appearance and figure, so after coming to hell for so long, the female god-level powerhouses they see are basically beautiful women, so Lin Feng and Beibei are not surprised.

"Welcome to the Beauty Pass." Lin Feng's voice sounded like a nightingale, it was so delicate and touching.

Beibei's eyes were sharp, and she caught a glimpse of the three beautiful characters "Beauty Pass" embroidered on the woman's chest, and knew that this woman was the welcome lady arranged by Beauty Pass here.

"Hello, beauty, I heard that your Beauty Pass is known as the No. [-] entertainment place in hell. I don't know what entertainment items are there? Would you like to introduce it to us?" Beibei directly grabbed the woman in front of her with a playful smile the way.What Beibei didn't notice was that Nisi, who was standing next to Delia, had narrowed her eyes into a crescent shape, but she didn't stop Beibei.

"Of course I would." The 'Miss Welcome' who was only wearing a professional smile just now, suddenly smiled like a flower, looked at Beibei with charming eyes, and said with a smile: "It's just that the little girl is not a free guide. If someone introduces the situation of the Beauty Pass, there will be a fee."

"Charge? How do you calculate it?" Beibei asked, tilting her head.

"The little girl can be rented out. As for the rent, it will be charged according to the day. The little girl is not very good-looking, and she only needs a thousand ink stones a day. If you just let me introduce the situation of the beauty pass, then you only need to rent me One day is fine, if you need me to be your guide throughout the beauty pass, that’s fine too. The rent is also charged on a day-to-day basis, one thousand ink stones a day."

"If the lease time is more than one year, I can also give you a discount." Speaking of this, the 'Miss Welcome' stretched out her pink tongue and licked her lips before continuing: "Of course, if you need anything special For the service, it will cost extra." After speaking, he specially gave Lin Feng and Beibei a wink.

"Oh? What else? What can you offer?" Beibei asked with a smile.

From the tone and eyes of 'Miss Welcome', one can roughly guess what kind of service this is. Beibei obviously asked knowingly.

"Babe" Nisi couldn't take it anymore.

"Uh..." Beibei turned her head, saw the beautiful Hanshanis, rubbed her nose resentfully, and returned to her side.

"Beibei, you are so courageous, you dare to flirt with women in front of me." Nisi said bitterly.

"Oh, dear Nini, you are wrong to blame me. I just wanted to compare the gap between this beauty and you at close range." Beibei said in an exaggerated tone.

"Then what's the result?" Nisi narrowed her eyes again.

"Of course, Nini, you are even more beautiful."

"Is it only beautiful?"

"Oh, no, it's ten."

Seeing the young couple, Beibei and Nisi, arguing again, Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head, walked up to the 'Miss Welcome', and asked with a smile: "May I ask what your name is?"

"Sir, you can call the little girl Gudis." 'Miss Welcome' withdrew her flattery again, and asked with a smile, "I wonder if you want to rent the little girl, sir?"

"Of course." As soon as Lin Feng flipped his hands, several blue strips appeared in his hands, "Here is 36 ink stones, and you can rent them for one year. As for the discount, there is no need."

However, Lin Feng knew that the beauty pass had a radius of several million miles, and there were no spacious avenues in it, but only mountain trails, and the criss-crossing mountain trails were like a maze.Moreover, although flying is allowed in the Beauty Pass, it is only allowed to fly at low altitudes.It is almost impossible for someone who is not familiar with the beauty pass to pass the beauty pass.Even if you look for one direction and go straight forward, it won't work.

Therefore, people who come to Meirenguan for the first time will rent a guide at the entrance.

Although the rental price of [-] inkstones for one day is quite expensive, this is the site of Meirenguan, and the price is determined by them.No counter-offer at all.


You can choose not to rent.

As for whether you can pass the Beauty Pass without a guide, it depends on your own good fortune and luck.Maybe even if you transfer here for five or six years, you may not be able to go out.

Of course, in addition to the people who want to pass the beauty pass who will rent a guide, the people who usually come here will also rent a guide.After all, the scope of the beauty pass is too large, and there are countless entertainment items in it.Without the guidance of a familiar person, you can only wander around in the beauty pass.

Therefore, 80.00% of people who enter the customs generally choose to rent a guide.

Therefore, just for the business of providing guides, Meirenguan can earn countless ink stones every day.

The welcoming lady, who called herself Gudis, took the ink stone handed over by Lin Feng very skillfully, put it in the space ring, and said with a smile: "From now on, I will be your guide in the beauty pass. I don't know How do you call them?"

Lin Feng and the others were not in a hurry to pass the Beauty Pass.Beauty Pass is known as the No. [-] entertainment place in hell. Now that we have met it, we will naturally have to enjoy it to our heart's content.

"Miss Gudis, what entertainment items do you have in Beauty Pass?" Lin Feng asked Gudis beside him.

Lin Feng was still very curious about the playground in hell.Playgrounds on the earth are generally carousels, roller coasters, go-karts and other entertainment items.Lin Feng believed that the casinos in hell would never have these 'low-level and childish' entertainment items.

After all, the lowest people in hell are all sanctuaries, and those who are qualified to enter the beauty pass are god-level powerhouses.Let the god-level powerhouse play on the merry-go-round?Going on a roller coaster?Or two god-level powerhouses driving a go-kart race?This is completely impossible.

When Lin Feng mentioned it, Beibei and the three immediately turned their attention to Gudis.Beibei and Delia knew very little about hell, and although Nisi was a native of hell and knew some of the beauty pass, she didn't know anything about these specific situations.

"There are countless entertainment items in Meirenguan. It's not enough to list them all. You can find them in ordinary cities, such as restaurants, clothing stores, etc., here. If we want to talk about the characteristics, we have to talk about the ring battle here." Goody Talking about everything, it is obvious that he is very skilled in business.

"Oh, the ring fight?" Beibei became interested and asked, "What exactly is this ring fight?"

Gudis looked around, and when she noticed that Lin Feng and the other three were also looking at her curiously, she said, "The ring battles here are divided into two types and three levels."

"One is for us beauties to set up a competition among themselves and promise a lot of money. As long as someone pays [-] ink stones, they can go up to the competition. If they succeed in the competition, they can win the lottery and return the [-] ink stones at the same time. The other is that you set up a challenge yourself and promise a lottery. Those who want to compete must first pay [-] ink stones. And half of the [-] ink stones will go to us Meirenguan, and the other half will go to the setter. If you succeed, you can take back the fifty thousand ink stones and the lottery head. Of course, the value of the lottery must exceed one hundred thousand ink stones."

"As for the three levels, it is divided into the lower god arena battle, the middle god arena battle, and the upper god arena battle. As the name suggests, this lower god arena battle only allows the lower gods to set up or fight. The same is true for the arena of gods. Of course, if the lower gods are confident, they can also participate in the arena of the middle gods or the arena of the upper gods. It is difficult to meet once in a year."

After listening to Gudis's narration, Lin Feng understood.This so-called ring battle is similar to the battle field on Miluo Island, except that the battle field is a continuous battle, with ten victories and one hundred victories determined, and then some rewards are given.And allowed to join the island guard of Miluo Island.But the arena battle here is a battle to determine the outcome.If you win, you will get the lottery and get back the entry fee. If you lose, you will lose the entry fee.

"Isn't it too easy to make money by setting up a challenge? After one game, you can earn 50 ink stones. If you win ten games in a row, you will get 11 ink stones. Even if No. 50 loses, you will lose the lottery. Maybe This lottery is less than [-] inkstones." Beibei wondered.

"Of course it's not that simple. We have a rule that the challenger must fight for ten rounds before withdrawing from the challenge. And during these ten rounds, no matter how strong a person is on the stage, he must accept it. And there is no ban on killing in the arena. .As long as you have the ability, you can kill the challenger, or the challenger will kill the challenger."

"Isn't the challenger very dangerous? If you meet an unmatched opponent in these ten rounds, wouldn't you be sure to die?" Delia asked.

"Of course not." Gudis glanced at Delia and said with a smile: "Before the start of every battle, the challenger can choose to admit defeat or accept the challenge. If you feel that you can't beat the challenger, set up the challenge The contestant can choose to admit defeat. But in this way, not only will he lose the lottery, but he must also give all the money he won to the contestant."

"Of course, the challenger or the challenger can also choose to admit defeat in the battle, but at this time it depends on whether the opponent accepts it. If the opponent does not accept it, it is useless even if you admit defeat."

"If I went up to fight and killed the person who set up the challenge in your beauty pass, wouldn't your guards in the beauty pass chase me down?" Beibei asked with a laugh.

"Of course not. In the arena, it all depends on your strength. If you die, it proves that you are not strong enough. If you have the strength, it doesn't matter if you kill all the challengers in our beauty gate." Gudis glanced at Beibei.

"Since the arena battle is a major feature of Beauty Pass, let's experience it too." Lin Feng smiled and made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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