Reborn Panlong

Chapter 272 The Strength of Beauty Pass

Chapter 272 The Strength of Beauty Pass
Under the leadership of Gudis, Lin Feng and the others walked towards the battlefield.Along the way, I also met many other tourists, as well as batches of heavily armed patrolling soldiers.

After seeing these soldiers, Lin Feng and others finally understood why this place was called the Beauty Pass.Because not only the guides here are all beauties, but even the guards are all first-class beauties.From the moment they came to Beauty Pass to now, Lin Feng and the others have not seen a single male staff member.Staff including income tariffs.

"Miss Gudis, is it possible that all of your beauty staff are female staff, and there are no male staff?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"That's right." Gudis smiled and explained: "Usually, all you see are female staff members. Unless you deliberately make trouble here, and we can't subdue you, our beauty pass hides in the dark. The strong ones in the place will take action. Among these strong ones, there are men."

"Hey, aren't we going to the battlefield? Why are we heading towards the mountain? Could it be that the battlefield is located on the top of this mountain?" Nisi asked suspiciously.

Although Lin Feng and the others followed Gudis and turned left and right, their general direction was towards the highest peak in the center of the Beauty Pass.

"Of course not. This mountain is the highest peak of the Beauty Pass, called the Beauty Peak, and the battleground is located in the belly of the Beauty Peak."

"It's located in the belly of the mountain? Could it be that the entire Beauty Peak has been hollowed out?" Beibei asked in surprise.

"That's right." Gudis smiled slightly.

"Well, why is it 'sort of' again, you are incompetent as a guide."

"Hee hee, if you think I'm incompetent, you can fire me, but I won't refund the money." Gudis showed her playful side.

"Wow, there are so many people." Beibei couldn't help exclaiming as she watched countless people passing through the huge archway in the mountainside.

Although I met a lot of people along the way before, but compared with this place, it is simply nothing.

"Of course, the ring battle is a feature of our Beauty Pass, and almost half of the people will come here to watch it."

As the flow of people passed through the giant arched gate, Lin Feng and Gudis entered the mountainside.

As soon as you enter the mountain belly, you will feel a sense of enlightenment.The entire battlefield, at a glance, can't be seen at all, and it is estimated that it occupies at least a hundred miles.Although there are many people, it does not appear crowded.

"This arena is divided into three floors. The first floor is the lower god arena, the second floor is the middle god arena, and the third floor is the upper god arena. Each floor has one hundred arenas. Fifty arenas The stage will be set up by us beauty Guan, and the other fifty will be set up by you. If you want to have a challenge, or set up a challenge, just tell me, and I will go through the formalities for you." Gudis said to Lin Feng four said.

"Let's have a look first before we talk." Lin Feng said.

"If you want to watch the battle, you need to pay one thousand ink stones each," Gudis said again.

"Why do you need money again?" Beibei complained: "You need money to enter the beauty pass, and you need money to hire you as a guide, so why do you need money to come here to watch the ring battle? Now, that would be more appropriate."

Beibei finally understood what Lin Feng said before, "When you enter the cave, you will know what is called the Tunjin Cave." 'The meaning of this sentence is gone.

"I also think the name Tunjin Cave is more appropriate, but this is not something that a small staff member like me can decide on." Gudis laughed.

"Forget it, I don't care about you as a girl." Beibei turned her head and asked Lin Feng, "Boss, which level should we watch first?"

"The battle of the upper gods is the most exciting, so naturally go there first." Lin Feng smiled, and the others were also looking forward to the battle of the upper gods, so a group of people went down the huge spiral staircase and went directly to the upper gods on the third floor. Go to the battlefield.

After a while, Lin Feng and the others went up to the third floor.

When they came to the battlefield of the high gods, a hundred huge arenas were displayed in front of Lin Feng and his group.Each arena has a diameter of five miles, and there are so many seats in the trapezoidal stands around it, it is estimated that there are nearly a hundred thousand at a glance.

There are nearly [-] seats around a ring arena, and there are nearly [-] million seats in a hundred rings.At the moment, the nearly ten million seats are almost full.Shouts, shouts, one after another.

"This high god arena is the largest. The other two arenas are not so large." Gudis played her role as a guide again, pointing to the arena not far away. Said.

God-level powerhouses have an extremely far range of vision, so that everyone can easily see the battle between two people in the arena several miles away.

Lin Feng looked towards the nearest arena, and there were two people floating above them at this moment, facing each other, one was a strong, one-horned man, and the other was an enchanting red-haired woman.

What attracted Lin Feng's attention was not the two who were about to start the battle, but the beautiful warriors in goose yellow armor standing at the edge of the core open space at the front of the stands.On the edge of the circular stand, a beautiful warrior stood every few meters.

"There are more than 100 beautiful fighters!" Lin Feng secretly exclaimed. There are more than 100 beautiful fighters in each arena. There are a total of [-] arenas on this floor. Tens of thousands of beautiful warriors.And these beautiful warriors are without exception the strength of the upper gods.

Even though these beautiful warriors are high gods who have refined their godheads to become gods, they are still high gods anyway.The upper god is the upper god, and the average middle god is not its opponent at all. There are more than 1 high gods here, and it is estimated that no one who is desperate will dare to make trouble here.

Lin Feng finally understood why no one dared to disturb such a beauty pass, which was completely a gold-tonguing cave.This is not only because there are Asura behind the Beauty Pass, and even the Dzogchen powerhouse sits behind it, but also because the backbone of the Beauty Pass is also extremely strong.

"It is estimated that Miluo Island's defensive strength is not as good as this beauty pass." Lin Feng secretly compared Miluo Island with Beauty Pass, but found that although Miluo Island has a great reputation in the Sea of ​​Stars and Fog, it is still It can't compare to the strength of the number one peak of Bauhinia.

"Wow, there are quite a lot of beautiful warriors." Beibei exclaimed.

Gudis said with a smile: "This is the battlefield of the high-ranking gods. In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle from hurting the people watching. That's why so many high-ranking god fighters are arranged. There are very few high-ranking god fighters in the middle god fighting battlefield. And on the edge of the lower god stand, there is no protection from the upper god warriors at all."

"The aftermath of the battle of the lower gods, who can hurt?" Beibei laughed.

While talking, Lin Feng and the others carefully watched the battle in the arena.I saw the two people turned into two phantoms fighting like lightning, and the mid-air was also filled with rays of light, while Lin Feng and the others watched carefully.

The enchanting red-haired beauty actually held a long red stick, and slapped the big one-horned man like lightning, "Ah~" the shrill cry stopped abruptly, and the big one-horned man was thrown into the air.Immediately, the whole body exploded with a strange "Peng~".

"Clarinda successfully defended the ring for the third time!" A voice sounded.The enchanting red-haired beauty left directly along the passage below the battlefield.

"Too weak!" Seeing this battle, Lin Feng shook his head inwardly, "It turns out that with a little bit of special fire elemental law, it can defend successfully. The level of people participating in this battle is really too low "Now Lin Feng is also a Shura-level powerhouse, so his vision is naturally very high. "It is estimated that my fire god avatar can beat this unicorn to the ground."

Although Lin Feng's fire god avatar is only in the mid-god realm, it has fully integrated three kinds of mysteries.And these three kinds of mysteries even include the high-level mystery of the fire system, the mystery of explosion.

"Hey, why did this beautiful woman leave after successfully defending the ring?" Beibei asked in confusion.

Gudis next to him explained: "There is a 10-minute break between each battle."

Beibei understood as soon as he thought about it.Every battle will more or less consume some divine power and mental power. It is really unfair to fight one after another without giving a rest time.

"Of course, if the winner of the ring is willing to fight continuously, the 10-minute rest period can also be cancelled."

Lin Feng and the others found some vacant places along the corridor and sat down.

At this time, the 10-minute break time hadn't passed, and the battle hadn't even started yet. Beibei couldn't stay idle, and as soon as she sat down, she asked a big man next to her, "This man, what's the prize for this ring battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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