Reborn Panlong

Chapter 298 Arriving at Blue Maple City

Chapter 298 Arriving at Blue Maple City

"Sure enough, as I expected, the Lord of Stormwind finally couldn't bear to ask us for help." Lin Feng smiled slightly: "You stay here, I will go down and deal with these people."

Lin Feng ordered Beibei and the three of them, and then he stepped out of the metal life, and in the next moment, he smashed it directly towards the ground like a lump of iron.The speed was so fast, much faster than that of the flying bird with broken wings, Lin Feng actually used 'Gravity Space' for himself.


There was a loud noise, and Lin Feng was already standing on the ground, but at this moment, the ground of this valley cracked around Lin Feng's feet.

The direction of this crack is facing in all directions. At first glance, it is extremely irregular, but when you look closely, you will find that the direction of this crack is extremely strange. The army side and the bandit side were separated.


Lin Feng let out a soft drink, and immediately saw that the land bounded by the crack broke away from the whole ground and rose rapidly.In the end, it looked like a floating island, floating in mid-air.

The city guards on the 'island' and the robbers below were all in a daze, and hadn't reacted to this series of sudden changes.

This was hitting, and there was a loud noise, which actually made the whole valley shake, and even the ground cracked. Could it be an earthquake?

Also, why did this enemy suddenly rise into the air with the ground under his feet? Could it be that he was pushed into the sky by the ground?

When these robbers reacted, they found that their bodies suddenly became a million times heavier, and it was difficult to even lift their arms. Although they were standing on the ground, their feet were still sinking slowly.

"This is the gravitational space used by the superpowers of the earth system."

Suddenly someone who knew the goods yelled.

At this time, the hundreds of high gods who besieged the Lord of the Stormy Wind City were also miserable. They found that a single strand of their hair weighed ten thousand junctures, and a strand of hair was pressed on their heads, as if there was a super big iron hat on their heads. If they could raise their hands at this moment, they would definitely shave themselves bald without hesitation.

"Guangfeng, these people have been restrained by me, and I will leave the rest to you."

Lin Feng laughed, and the hearty laughter resounded throughout the valley.

After Lin Feng said this, everyone knew that all this was done by this young man in a sky blue robe.

"Brother, thank you." The Lord of Stormwind couldn't help grinning.When he asked for help from Lin Feng, he just had the attitude of giving it a try. He never thought that Lin Feng would really help.After all, in hell, almost everyone has an indifferent mentality that they have nothing to do with themselves, and few people will meddle in their own business.

After the Lord of Stormwind thanked Lin Feng, he suddenly roared.

"The wind is raging!"

Wind elements frantically gathered from all directions, countless wind blades emerged out of thin air, the raging gust of wind whined, and some broken stones on the ground were blown by the gust of wind, and were twisted into nothingness in an instant.

"Die, go to die."

The raging wind formed a vortex and quickly moved towards the group of robbers.

"Oh, no, no"

Their souls wanted to resist, but their bodies couldn't move.

The final cry of a group of god-level powerhouses did not save their lives.

Their bodies were twisted into nothingness under the strong wind, and their souls were also scattered under the strong wind.Wherever the vortex passed, only their godheads remained, proving their previous existence.

The strong wind continued to rage, and half of the nearly [-] robbers were quickly swallowed up. They screamed and begged for mercy, but nothing helped.

Standing in mid-air, Lin Feng looked down at this valley that had turned into a hell on earth, and felt a little unbearable.

It's just that he who practiced the rules of death knows that although death is terrible, resentful, and cruel, it is also the fairest trial in the world.

At this time, Lin Feng once again deeply felt the cruelty of respecting the strong.

The number of robbers dwindled, and they began to despair.They finally understood the horror of Shura, and how stupid it is to be an enemy of Shura.Even if this Shura is not good at fighting, even if this Shura has just stepped into the threshold not long ago.But Shura is Shura, a demon in the world, a killer, a slaughter knife, and it's not something ordinary god-level powerhouses like them can do.

Lin Feng looked at these robbers who were usually full of crimes and committed countless crimes. They were still so humble in the face of death, and gradually realized in their hearts.

"Death is judgment, the last judgment of a life."


A strange wave of heaven and earth suddenly came, and the law of heaven and earth descended.

Lin Feng, who was wearing a gray robe, flew out of Lin Feng's real body. It was Lin Feng's Death God avatar. Immediately, he was wrapped by the law of heaven and earth and suspended in the air. At the same time, a shimmering gray godhead also appeared Floating out of Lin Feng's death god avatar, wrapped in the power of law, undergoing transformation from a lower godhead to a middle godhead.

"Boss, his death god avatar has also broken through to the middle god?"

On the metal surface, Beibei and the others saw Lin Feng's situation at this time, and they were overjoyed.

Although the breakthrough of the death god avatar from the lower god to the middle god did not improve Lin Feng's strength at all, but who can say that after many years, Lin Feng's death rules will not achieve great perfection?

The coming of the law of heaven and earth attracted the attention of almost all the god-level powerhouses present, including those robbers who were about to fall under the strong wind.

From the lower god to the middle god, only the transformation of the godhead is needed, and there is no need to condense the god body, so it will be over soon.

After Lin Feng took the clone of the death god who had been promoted to the middle god into his body, he felt a breeze blowing on his face, and soon found that the big man of the stormy city lord was grinning at him.

"Congratulations, congratulations, I didn't expect you to also learn the rules of death." The lord of Stormwind laughed, "Brother, your achievements in the laws of the earth are much higher than mine in the laws of the wind element. I didn't expect you to have other avatars. A big bastard like me, just this one body."

"I'm laughing." Lin Feng also smiled back. After all, the other party is also a strong Shura. Although the strength is much weaker than him, at least they are equal in realm. I have always lived in your Stormy City, and I am really curious that your city is as peaceful as the pastoral mountains."

"Okay, Brother Lin Feng, I didn't expect you to be a resident of my Stormy Wind City. It's just that I was out for the past ten years, sweeping up these hateful robbers. I didn't return to the city, but I missed it. If it wasn't for what happened today, I By the way, I asked Brother Lin Feng for your help before, and promised that there would be good rewards afterwards, but I was clichéd. But you did help me a lot today, and you are a resident of my Stormwind City, and I am in Stormwind City The best location, how about giving you the best courtyard?"

"Haha, there is no need for the courtyard." Lin Feng smiled and said, "We are not staying in Stormwind City for a long time, but only for a while, and now we are planning to leave. What looks like a busy job to you is just a matter of effort in my opinion. And if it weren't for today's incident, my death rules would not have broken through to the middle god level so quickly, so I still have to thank you."

"In that case, then I won't force you to stay." The lord of Blizzard City smiled heartily, "It's just that Brother Lin Feng, if you pass by my Blastering City next time, you must let me know so that I can show my friendship as a landlord. .”

These words are completely polite. After all, hell is infinitely large, and there are more than a thousand cities.Passing through his Stormwind City this time is probably just a coincidence, who knows what year and month it will be when he comes to his Stormwind City again next time.

Of course, although the words were polite, they sounded comfortable.

Lin Feng also smiled: "Definitely, definitely."

After Lin Feng bid farewell to City Lord Stormwind, he left with his metal life.

The flowers bloomed and fell, the blood sun and the purple moon alternated, and two years passed quickly.

"Blue Maple City is here!" Beibei cheered.

The four people in the entire metal life are overjoyed.

"It's finally here!" Looking at the beautiful and ancient Blue Maple City in the distance through the transparent metal, Lin Feng felt a burst of emotion in his heart.Originally, it was estimated that it would take one year to reach Lanfeng City, but because they would enter the city when they encountered it on the way, visit it, and sometimes stay for ten days and a half months, this task caused them to spend almost two years back and forth. Only then arrived at Blue Maple City, the southernmost city of Bauhinia.

Blue Maple City in Hongyang Mansion is on the southeast corner of the entire Bauhinia Plate, and it only takes a short flight from Blue Maple City to reach the vast sea of ​​stars and fog.

No matter from Bauhinia, to Bifu in the east or to Blood Peak in the southeast, Blue Maple City is the closest place.A large number of people will pass by here, and some large caravans will also have stations here.This also caused the prosperity of Blue Maple City.Far beyond the prosperity of other cities in Bauhinia!Of course, it was a little worse than Huiyue City beside the Amethyst Mountains.

"There are Bauhinia soldiers at the gate of Lanfeng City. It's really strange." Delia smiled lightly and praised. At this moment, Lin Feng and the four of them had already stepped into Lanfeng City.He was walking on the road in the interior of Lanfeng City.

In general cities, the city gates are guarded by some city guards, and the Bauhinia Army can only be seen outside the Bauhinia Castle.And at the gate of Lanfeng City, there were actually two teams of Bauhinia Army neatly lined up.And they are all from the Highgod Bauhinia Army.

"This Blue Maple City is an extremely prosperous city. Trade has led to a large number of caravans departing from here, and many powerful people who try to go to other places will also depart from here. In such an important place, put some Bauhinia Army in This, that is normal." Lin Feng said while looking around.Appreciate the style of Lanfeng City which is different from other cities.

Every city has something in common. For example, each city of Bauhinia has three castles, namely 'Bauhinia Castle', 'Black Sand Castle' and 'Devil Castle', and most of them are located in the downtown area of ​​the city.

Of course, every city also has its special place.

For example, there is no curfew in Huiyue City, and there is no city fee in Stormy Wind City, and the city is like a peaceful and peaceful mountain village.But the characteristic of this Blue Maple City is its special geographical location, which attracts a large number of people.

This Blue Maple City allowed Lin Feng to see the prosperity of Hell City, no less than some of the top metropolises on earth.

The huge flow of people is naturally accompanied by huge commercial trade.It is not like the tranquility of Stormwind City, nor the crowdedness of Huiyue City, but only the noise of a normal city.

"Lin Feng." Delia whispered through voice transmission.

"En?" Lin Feng looked puzzled.Delia winked and looked towards Nisi.Only then did Lin Feng notice that there was something wrong with Nisi's mood.

When they came to Blue Maple City, Nisi, who was usually called one of the two living treasures with Beibei, didn't say a word.

Wearing the straw hat Beibei knitted for her, she lowered her head halfway.He didn't care about the surrounding buildings and people at all.Nisi just walked silently, it was hard to see what she was thinking from the outside.But seeing this scene, Lin Feng understood in his heart.

Nisi missed her elder brother Salomon.

His elder brother Salomon was going to Bifu, and he would definitely pass through this Blue Maple City.The escort mission they took before was from Emperor Yi City of Yemu Mansion to Lanfeng City of Hongyang Mansion.It's just that they have served in the Amethyst Mountains for decades. If Salomon hadn't died in the hands of Ali Quinn, he probably would have crossed the sea of ​​stars and fog and reached Bifu long ago.

"Beibei." Lin Feng spoke to Beibei's soul.

"Boss, what are you calling me for?" Beibei also replied via voice transmission.

"Nice misses her elder brother Salomon, go and comfort her," Lin Feng said.Comfort Nisi, this is naturally the most suitable thing for Beibei to do.

Lin Feng caught a glimpse of Beibei and Nisi whispering to each other beside him, and knew that he was comforting Nisi.With a knowing smile, he said, "It's still early, let's go to taste the special food in Blue Maple City first, and then go to the Devil's Castle to pick up the quest."

When Lin Feng and the others came out of the restaurant, it was already evening, and the sun was drooping, and it was obvious that the mountain was about to set.

But Beibei did not know what method he used to make Nisi smile again.regained its former vivacity.

When they came to the downtown area in the center of the city, Lin Feng and the others found that the Devil's Castle here was bigger than the Bauhinia Castle and the Black Sand Castle.

But after thinking about it for a while, Lin Feng and the others understood.

Huiyue City is mainly engaged in the amethyst trade, so the Bauhinia Castle was built bigger than the Demon Castle and the Black Sand Castle.But this Blue Maple City is considered a port city, and many of the people passing through this city are demons, who come here to receive escort missions.There is a lot of business, in order to avoid crowding, it is natural to build the Devil's Castle a little bigger.

Although the size has become larger, the style of the devil's castle is exactly the same as the devil's castle in other places.

According to the rule, Lin Feng and the others still came to the second floor of the Devil's Castle.There is a row of rooms next to the hall on the second floor, all of which are used for one-star demons to accept tasks.Lin Feng and the four of them directly entered one of the open rooms.

Inside the room was a blonde woman in a purple robe.

The purple-robed woman looked up at the four of them, and said indifferently, "Tell me, what mission do you take?"

"The four of us will take a two-star mission, hoping to arrive at Blood Peak Nishan City from Blue Maple City." Lin Feng said.

Nishan City is also located on the northwest corner of Blood Peak.From Bauhinia, you usually arrive at Nishan City.

"Blood Peak? Wait a minute." The purple-robed woman glanced at Lin Feng with blue eyes, then closed her eyes for a moment.When the purple-robed woman opened her eyes again, a thick file appeared in her hand.She flipped through it, and said at the same time: "From Blue Maple City to Nishan City, the border city of Blood Peak, there are 13289 missions in one month, and there are 1830 two-star missions. Choose your own." Put this thick file in front of Lin Feng.

"There are more than 1 missions, and there are nearly [-] two-star missions alone." Beibei was amazed.

The purple-robed woman said calmly: "Every day, a large number of people go from Blue Maple City to Blood Peak, Bifu, or Sea of ​​Stars. But most of them have their own caravans. Not many. Even so, it is normal to have more than 1 kinds.”

Lin Feng flipped through the two-star missions one by one.

"Boss, which one should we choose?" Beibei was dazzled by the side, and didn't know which one to choose.

Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at several people: "Let's choose a simple and easy task."

Lin Feng and the others traveled across the sea of ​​stars and fog to the Blood Peak this time. The reason why they were going to take on a mission was because they didn’t want to make the decades-long journey too boring. They didn’t want to experience a passionate life, so they didn’t need to take on those large , Difficult tasks.

"That's it." Lin Feng decided.

It's a small quest to hire twenty demons.

"This?" Beibei stretched out her head to look, but muttered, "The reward is so little, and you only get one hundred thousand ink stones for traveling through the vast sea of ​​stars and fog. This is too stingy."

Delia smiled, "Bebe, do you still care about this?"

If all the amethysts in Beibei's hands were exchanged for black stones, it would be much more wealth than Nanis' Boyi family had accumulated over countless years.Compared with one hundred thousand ink stones, it is not even a drop in the bucket.

"Give me the Devil Medal." The purple-robed woman said.

After a series of measures were completed, Lin Feng and the others left the Devil's Castle.At the same time, they also knew the date of departure, which was three days later.One of the reasons why Lin Feng chose this mission and set off in three days.

Lin Feng and the others went to buy a lot of food and wine, and then checked into the hotel.

The next three days were spent in the independent courtyard of the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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