Reborn Panlong

Chapter 299

Chapter 299
"The strength of the earth god avatar has almost reached the peak of Shura now. It is difficult to improve in ordinary battles. Only in real peak battles can it be possible to improve." Sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, Lin Feng thought about the strength of his god avatar, "Crossing the sea of ​​stars and fog this time, I only received a small task of twenty demons. It is estimated that even seven-star demons are hard to come across, let alone strong Asura. Let the fire god clone cooperate with the deity. Fire The god avatar has been comprehended for more than a hundred years, and it has only merged the three kinds of mystery so far. Compared with the wind and earth elements, it is too slow. And it always follows the earth god avatar, and it cannot get exercise. I hope this time the stars The decades of journey in the sea of ​​fog can allow the fire system to fuse the five kinds of mystery and break through to the upper god."

Lin Feng had already made up his mind to escort this mission, only to show the strength of his fire god avatar, that is, the middle god.After all, they took the two-star mission as one-star demons this time.It's normal for a one-star demon to be a midgod, but if it's a highgod, it's a bit eye-catching.

Of course, although Lin Feng's fire god avatar is the middle god, it has already integrated three kinds of mysteries.Coupled with the tyrannical body of the deity and the broken Panlong ring, the strength is completely comparable to that of ordinary six-star demons, or even surpassed.

Lin Feng closed his eyes.

The sea of ​​souls was rippling, and there were three bodies sitting cross-legged on the surface of the sea, namely, Lin Feng in khaki-yellow robes, gray-black robes, and fire-red robes. The three 'Lin Feng' sat in a triangle.Above it is the seven-colored sword-shaped soul.

If you observe carefully, you can find traces of golden mist being absorbed by the sword-shaped soul.It's just that the speed is extremely slow.

"For more than 100 years since I came to Hell, I put a large amount of amethyst in the Panlong ring to refine and absorb it. I have been absorbing it for more than 100 years. Now, the absorption speed seems to be getting slower and slower. It seems that this soul absorbs soul essence , There really is a limit." Lin Feng sighed inwardly.

Now Lin Feng's real sword-shaped soul is many times stronger than before he became a god.

At the beginning, Lin Feng's soul was divided into two points twice in a row, which would cause the deity's soul to be weak and almost collapsed.But now, even if Lin Feng continuously breaks through the remaining five elements to become gods, and gets two points of soul five times, there is no possibility of Lin Feng's real deity breaking down.

Now Lin Feng's real soul is too powerful.

"It seems that if you want to absorb more soul essence, you can only make a big breakthrough with your god avatar. This time, the death god avatar has broken through from the lower god to the middle god, and it has hardly improved the soul of the deity. It is estimated that even if you break through to the upper god, the effect will not be too great. It seems that only when you break through to the Dzogchen can you further improve the soul of the deity." Lin Feng thought to himself.

It's just Dzogchen, it's easy to say, but it's too difficult to do.

I haven't seen so many main gods, but basically they have become main gods for hundreds of millions, or even over a billion years, and have the blessing of faith that is so huge that it is unimaginable, but there are only a dozen or so people who have truly integrated Xuan Ao into Dzogchen.

Although Lin Feng is very confident in his cultivation talent and has never doubted it, he also knows that even if he really cultivates to Dzogchen one day, it will take at least a thousand years, tens of thousands of years, or even longer.

"By the way, this time the death god avatar broke through from the lower god to the middle god. Although it doesn't have much impact on the main body, the death god avatar's own soul can absorb more soul essence."

With a thought in Lin Feng's mind, a large number of godheads were collected by Lin Feng into the Panlong ring, and refined into pure soul essence. With a "chi chi", a large amount of golden mist poured into the soul ocean, and the death god sitting cross-legged split his body Inside, it strengthens his soul.

Three days later, outside the gate of Lanfeng City, a large number of people gathered, and there were many teams about to set off, and there were many personnel from the Devil's Castle at the gate of the city.Lin Feng and the others tested their demon medals to each other, and the staff of the demon castle led Lin Feng and four people to a metal life.

"Your people are here." The Devil Castle staff member said something, then turned around and left.

"Four, I'm the hirer this time, Mira!" A short, middle-aged man with blond curly hair said with a smile, "Wait a little longer, I've almost got all the people I've hired. When all the people are there, Let's go into the sea." Suddenly, this middle-aged man named 'Mila' stared at Delia without blinking his eyes.

Delia was startled by his stare.

Lin Feng frowned, and Beibei was even more dissatisfied: "Hey, boy, what are you looking at? Do you have such an attitude?"

"High god, haha, you are actually a high god devil?" Mira's face was full of surprise, "Haha, I made it, I made it. I didn't expect to invite twenty one-star and two-star devils, and there was a high god devil among them." what."

Lin Feng put his earth god avatar in the ocean of soul, and what he showed was only the middle god state of the fire god avatar.This Mira is also only a middle god, so it is naturally impossible to see that Lin Feng has a clone of a higher god.

As for Beibei, a year ago, his wind god avatar was also piled up with a large number of soul gold beads, and with the "teaching" of Lin Feng and others, he also mastered the simplest two mysteries of "fast" and "slow". , broke through to the middle god realm.As for the fusion, Beibei just blended the two mysteries of 'fast' and 'slow' a little bit.As for how much fusion, only he himself knows.

At this time, Beibei was also told by Lin Feng to hide the upper god avatar of the dark element, and only show the realm of the middle god of the wind element.

As for Nisi, she is a middle god herself, so naturally she has nothing to hide.

It's just that Delia has only one body, and she can't hide it if she wants to.Although there are pills with hidden cultivation, Delia also used them in the demon assessment before, but that kind of pills are only effective for one year, but this journey across the sea of ​​stars and fog will take decades.If you really want to use this pill to hide your cultivation, you will need dozens of pills.Not to mention that this kind of elixir is extremely expensive, and one piece costs hundreds of millions of inkstones. The trouble of taking medicine every year alone made Delia give up this method.

Bauhinia, Kaluosha, Bifu, Xuefeng, and Muya in hell, these five elements almost form a big circle, and within this circle is the inner sea of ​​stars and fog.Although it is an inland sea, the range of the Sea of ​​Stars and Fog exceeds any other area.

"Wow~" The clear and slightly purple sea water was rippling.

In this boundless sea of ​​stars and mist, there is no wind, and there are also three-foot waves.

"Whew!" A diamond-shaped ship, metal life, rushed through the wind and waves at top speed.The metal life that transformed into a diamond-shaped boat is nearly 50 meters long and nearly ten meters wide at its widest point.There is no cover on the top, and the metal on the sides is all transparent.

Lin Feng and Delia were all watching the scenery of the sea of ​​stars and fog. This was their first time entering the sea of ​​stars and fog.

"it's beautiful!"

Looking at the boundless lavender sea water, like a silky mist, and the cool water vapor transpiring, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling relaxed and happy watching all of this.

"The view of the sea is indeed the most charming and intoxicating."

"Boss, when we set off just now, there was no fog above the sea, but now it's covered with fog. It's the same as the Amethyst Mountains, but it's not as thick as the Amethyst Mountains." Beibei looked up at the top, this Metal life is advancing close to the water surface.

About ten meters above the metal life, there is fog.

The fog above the sea of ​​stars and fog is very thin, and it doesn't hinder the line of sight too much.

Lin Feng also looked up, and suddenly a voice sounded from the side: "Don't underestimate this fog, the fog in the sea of ​​stars and fog is very dangerous. Once you enter the range of the fog, you will be attacked by lightning. The deeper you go into the fog, The greater the power of thunder and lightning! Even the upper gods dare not fly too high!"

Lin Feng turned his head to look.

The one who spoke was a middle god devil, a young man with a round, cute baby face.

"My name is Lin Feng." Lin Feng looked at him with a smile.

"You can call me Tana." The baby-faced man said casually, "This is the first time you have come to Sea of ​​Stars and Mist. This is the first time, but it will be boring in the future. After all, the endless sea is sea water. Occasionally there will be annoying robbers. These robbers are everywhere, really annoying." As he spoke, he still frowned, obviously hating robbers extremely.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile.

Since coming to Hell, Lin Feng never cared about the robbers at all.He almost regarded the robber as a rich object.The first windfall they made in hell was robbed from robbers.

Bandits are demons and nightmares to ordinary god-level powerhouses, but to powerhouses, they are just a joke.

"Haha, don't worry about the robbers." The hirer Mira walked over with a smile on his face, "This time we have two high gods in our team, how dare those small bandit gangs provoke two high gods and demons? A particularly powerful force probably won't attack people like us."

When Lin Feng and the others boarded the boat, they also discovered that among the twenty demons they hired this time, besides Delia, there was another one, a woman with long purple hair who was also a high god.

Beibei glanced at him, "Listen to you, it seems safe?"

"Of course it's safe." The baby-faced Tana said proudly: "My sister is a powerful upper god. With my sister here, I can absolutely ensure that this journey will be safe."

"Your sister?" Beibei asked curiously, "That girl with purple hair is your sister?"

"Tana." A plain but warm voice came from the side. Lin Feng and the others looked around, only to see the purple-haired woman who was being discussed by them walking over calmly.

"Sister." Seeing the purple-haired woman, Tana immediately smiled.It can be seen that he is very dependent on his sister.

The purple-haired woman walked up to Tana, smiled and said, "Tana, what are you doing?"

"Hehe, sister, I'm chatting with them." Tana said with a smile: "This is Lin Feng, this is"

Tana was about to introduce Lin Feng and the others to his sister, but found that he only knew Lin Feng's name after chatting with them for so long.

"My name is Beibei." Beibei was quite familiar, shifted his gaze to the purple-haired woman, and said exaggeratedly: "You are actually a high god, and the one I worship most is the high god. I think back then, I was still a materialistic person. At that time, there was no high god in the whole plane, and finally a high god suddenly appeared, and that person immediately became the master of the whole plane, so enviable." After finishing speaking, he winked at her blink.

At the same time, a voice rang directly in the purple-haired woman's mind: "My name is Lin Feng, and the person who was talking to you just now is my brother, named Beibei. We hide our identity as a high god, but we just don't want to attract too much attention .It made you laugh."

The upper god cannot hide his aura in front of the upper god.Even if Lin Feng and the others completely restrained their high-god aura, they would still be noticed by the other party.Therefore, Lin Feng and Bei Bei had a high god avatar, and they couldn't hide it from this purple-haired woman.

The purple-haired woman glanced at Lin Feng, turned her head and smiled at Beibei, and said, "Hello, Beibei, my name is Tana, and I'm Tana's older sister."

"'Tana'?" Beibei said in amazement: "You are also called 'Tana', and your younger brother is also called Tana. Why do you siblings use the same name?"

"The pronunciation is similar, but the words are different. My name is Tana, and my sister's name is Tana." Tana especially emphasized the words "Na" and "Na" to highlight the difference.It's just that the sound of these two words is basically the same and cannot be distinguished.Fortunately, he often encountered similar situations before, and said with a smile: "We have often encountered such situations before, so I gave myself another name. Turn 'Tana' upside down and call it 'Nata' .You can also call me Nata in the future.”

"Okay, Tana, you talk to Beibei and the others, I'll go first." The purple-haired woman named Tana said to Tana, and then said to Lin Feng, Beibei, and Di who was standing beside Lin Feng. Leah nodded and walked away calmly.

As for Nisi, the real middle god, she was naturally ignored by her.

(End of this chapter)

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