Reborn Panlong

Chapter 300

Chapter 300
At night, at the bow of the diamond-shaped ship, Lin Feng went out of the cabin and went outside. At this moment, there were several people outside the bow.


The life speed of the metal is extremely fast, and the sea breeze is also extremely strong, like a knife.If it is an ordinary mortal, this sea breeze is enough to suffocate people to death.But for these god-level powerhouses, this little sea breeze doesn't have much effect.Lin Feng didn't talk to those people, he just half-lyed down and leaned against the slanted transparent metal baffle at the back, admiring the night view of the sea of ​​stars and mist.

In the night, the sea of ​​stars, mist, and sea looked very dark, as if a giant beast was lurking there, making people daunting.

"It has been a whole year since I went to sea, but I can't feel how much progress I have made." Lin Feng sighed in his heart.The one named Tana was right.After a long time in the sea of ​​stars and fog, it will feel boring, after all, there will always be an endless sea around.

Although metal life is advancing rapidly.Can hardly feel it.

"Lin Feng." A voice came from behind, and Lin Feng turned his head to look. It was Delia. Thinking of something, he laughed.

"What are you smirking at?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"I was thinking, when we met for the first time at the Ernst Academy of Magic, would we have imagined that one day, the two of us would wander together in the sea of ​​stars and fog in hell? This fate is really amazing." Di Leah sighed.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile.

"Lin Feng, look, there is lightning in the distance." Delia pointed to the distance and said.

Lin Feng also turned his head to look. Sure enough, there were a lot of lightning currents rushing in the thin fog in the distant sky, like electric snakes.

"Thunder and lightning? Could it be a riot in the sea of ​​fog?" Lin Feng's face changed, he hugged Delia, and fled back to the cabin.

"The sea of ​​fog is about to riot, hurry up!"

Not talking nonsense at all, the few people standing at the bow of the boat quickly flew back into the boat like frightened rabbits.

After returning to the metal life, Lin Feng and Delia immediately looked carefully at the thunder and lightning through the transparent metal, and the other group of people also watched.


Countless electric snakes flowed in the mist, and the range became wider and wider.

In a moment, the electric snake scattered over Lin Feng and his metal life, and Lin Feng was shocked: "In the blink of an eye, at least thousands of miles away. This riot in the sea of ​​fog is really terrifying." The gods The range of vision is very far, and the speed of the electric snake also surprised Lin Feng and the others.

"Whoosh!" The metal life that Lin Feng and the others were riding on was immediately completely sealed, and at the same time turned around like lightning, and flew in the direction they came from.


The sky above Lin Feng and the others, as well as other areas, were filled with endless electric snakes.This electric snake divergence area is still expanding.The speed of expansion is far faster than the flying speed of this metal life.

"I hope I can escape from the riot zone." Namira said in a low voice.

Lin Feng and the other demons watched the situation above through the transparent metal.At this moment, the range of the electric snake's spread is very far away, and the entire sky is almost scattered.Under the light of the electric snake, the originally thin and dim mist looked so dazzling.


A deep voice sounded.

Countless electric snakes and mist swirled, and in the sky, a vortex with a range of thousands of miles was born in the sky.The huge electric snake vortex is so dazzling in the middle of the night.Yingdi Linfeng and their faces all lit up.


A huge vortex formed in the thousands of miles of sky, which unexpectedly attracted the sea water below to suddenly form a terrifying vortex with a radius of ten thousand miles.The power of this vortex is surprisingly strong, and it can stir up the sea water in the area of ​​thousands of miles.This power is terrifying just thinking about it.

Thousands of miles of sea water was churning, and the waves rolled up tens of meters, connecting with the fog above.

"Whew!" The metal life that Lin Feng and the others were riding frantically shuttled, seizing every moment to stay away from the center of the vortex.

But "At the beginning, our ship was too close to the center of the vortex. Whether we can escape from the terrible lightning vortex depends on luck." The purple-haired woman Tana also spoke out, expressing her worry.

"Why don't you fly up there?" Bei Bei frowned and said, "Although I'm struck by lightning when I enter the mist, as long as I go a little deeper, the power of the lightning strike shouldn't be too great. Now the vortex is too powerful."

The whole metal life was twisted suddenly by the force of the vortex, turning around.

"It's really bad luck to encounter a riot in the sea of ​​fog." Na Mira cursed in a low voice, and at the same time tried her best to control the progress of the metal life.

"Enter the fog above now?" The other demons in the metal life sneered, "During the riot in the sea of ​​fog, countless lightning forces gathered, and now rushing into the fog, the power of thunder and lightning is the strongest, even the upper gods can't resist the power of lightning You want to court death, so don't drag everyone down."

Lin Feng felt that the vibration of the whole metal life was getting bigger and bigger.If it goes on like this, it is estimated that the last wave of the Wuhai riot will not be able to wait, and this metal life will fall apart.

"What should I do?" Lin Feng's thoughts changed sharply. Lin Feng knew that even if the metal life fell apart, he and Beibei protected Nisi, and Delia had two defensive main artifacts. The safety of the four of them would be no problem.It's just that for the rest of the people, maybe the purple-haired woman Tana can also escape, but the rest of them are afraid that they will die under the lightning.

Although I met these people by chance, I can't even count them as friends.But after all, they had been together for a year, and they chatted together occasionally, so Lin Feng really couldn't bear to see them die under lightning strikes like this.

"It seems that there is only part of the strength." Lin Feng made up his mind, and said to the three of Delia through voice transmission: "I will resist the thunder and lightning vortex, you stay here, don't worry."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, his figure flashed, disappeared into the cabin, and came outside the ship.

"Lin Feng!"

"Brother Lin Feng."

Both Delia and Nisi couldn't help exhaling. The momentum of the Wuhai riot was too terrifying. Even though they knew that Lin Feng was a strong Shura, they couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Don't worry, Boss won't do anything he's not sure about." Beibei knew Lin Feng very well, and persuaded him: "Since Boss chooses to do this, he must have his own sense. Besides, Boss still has a drop in his hand. With the power of the main god, self-protection is no problem."

"Look, someone is outside the cabin."

"Hey, it's the one named Lin Feng."

"He chose to go overboard at this time. Could it be that he wants to die?"

As soon as Lin Feng's figure appeared outside the cabin, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.


With a flash of Lin Feng's figure, he reached the stern of the boat, and immediately pushed his hands towards the stern of the boat. A large amount of divine power poured out from his palms, forming two energy columns, pushing the metal life forward.

"call out!"

The metal life was propelled by the two energy pillars, and its speed suddenly doubled. Riding the wind and waves, it gradually escaped from the scope of the sea of ​​fog riot.

"Haha, it's out of the range of the Fog Sea Riot. It's safe." The hirer Mira grinned.

All the demons breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Haha, it's safe!"

", I have regained my life again!"

Only after escaping a catastrophe will he become presumptuous.

But Tana looked at the distance, looked at Lin Feng who hadn't escaped from the range of the Sea of ​​Fog riot in time, and fell into doubt: "This guy is really crazy. Doesn't he know that even if he is a high god, it is difficult for him Can you survive the riot in the sea of ​​fog?"

"Safe ass, you are safe, but my boss is still inside." Beibei was angry. Although he believed in Lin Feng's strength, he still felt a little worried. The guy screamed wildly here, and his heart was even more restless.

Beibei's angry curse immediately made the whole cabin quiet down.

Although they were scolded, no one refuted them.Their behavior just now really felt like accepting other people's favors and not caring about other people's life or death.Now that Beibei pointed it out, they all felt guilty.

"That Lin Feng is only a god, and he dared to be so bold. Although he is a bit reckless, I admire his spirit."

"He, I have never been convinced in my life. He is a middle god like me, and he is willing to sacrifice his life to save us all. I am convinced."

"If Lin Feng died under lightning today, I, Batata, will remember him forever."

At this time, the atmosphere in the entire cabin was about to catch up with the memorial service for Lin Feng.

Just when Beibei couldn't bear it anymore and was about to curse again, an exclamation suddenly resounded throughout the cabin.

"Look, the last attack of the Fog Sea Riot is coming."

This voice immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone hurriedly looked out of the ship, to the area covered by the lightning vortex not far away.

In an instant, in an area with a radius of ten thousand miles, countless electric snakes suddenly fell from the sky, like rain, and fell densely. At this moment, the sky and the earth were dazzling!

In the blink of an eye, they hit the surface of the sea, and there were quite a few metal life spots in the area of ​​thousands of miles. In an instant, more than half of them were hit directly.

The plot of the Fog Sea Riot feels quite exciting, so I didn't omit it.

(End of this chapter)

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