Reborn Panlong

Chapter 305

Chapter 305
Lin Feng's body was suspended suddenly, he glanced in all directions from a high place, and said, "This is Cuixin Lake, it seems that we are lucky that we were not teleported to the corner."

Like hell, the Life God Realm is also divided into seven regions, each of which is under the control of the seven main gods of the life department.It's just that the God Realm of Life is different from hell. There is only one piece of the God Realm of Life, and the rest is the ocean.

This piece is located in the center of the Life God Realm. It has a huge area and is surrounded by oceans.This only piece is controlled by the master of life, that is, Lilian, and the surrounding ring-shaped ocean is divided into six pieces, which are under the control of the other six main gods of the life department.

In the entire Life God Realm, only the Cuixin Lake teleportation point is located on this area, and the other two are on the ring-shaped ocean.

Hearing the word Cuixin Lake, those green-robed warriors immediately affirmed that this person came from another higher plane.

Lin Feng nodded slightly to the surrounding green-robed warriors, and immediately waved his hand, a dragon-shaped metal life appeared in mid-air.

"Let's go."

The three of Lin Feng got on Metal Life and left Cuixin Lake soon.

"Walking into other planes, when can I reach this level. But the teleportation fee is really expensive! The emeralds I have earned over the years are not enough to teleport once." The green-robed warrior with the appearance of a black-haired boy envied admiration.

In the vast sky, the golden sun hangs high in the air, lazily shining on the earth.

This is a forest, and a metal life is speeding past the forest.

"This is the metal life, it's really strange." The baby kept looking at the inner space of the metal life, and ordered the metal life to change a few things from time to time.

Ever since Sha Sha and Bao Bao got on this metal life, they were immediately aroused by this strange thing.

It can fly and change, which they have never seen before.

"Okay, okay, this is just a means of transportation in a higher plane, there's no need to make such a fuss." Lin Feng glanced at the two women, and then turned his gaze to the window.

"This Life God Realm is really like a paradise, with a golden sun and lush forests. It's not as eerie as hell, where there are barren hills and rocks everywhere. It's not like the underworld described in the original book, where there are bones everywhere. Snowy, with skeletons all over the ground, ghostly."

"Father, who are those guys in green robes just now, and where are we now?" Sasha came to Lin Feng and asked.

"We are now in the only piece in the Life God Realm, Cui Xin. And those green-robed warriors we saw just now are the army under the command of the Lord God, who will take charge of the Cui Xin instead of the Lord God." Lin Feng said.

Because he was going to the Life God Realm, Lin Feng's deity bought a lot of books about the Life God Realm in Hell to read, so he also knew a little about the Life God Realm.

"Cui Xin?" Bao Bao also interjected, "Father, where are we going now, aren't we just wandering aimlessly like this?"

"Of course not." Lin Feng glanced at the baby, and said with a smile: "Let's find a city first, stay here, and appreciate the local customs and customs here."

Although the Life God Realm looks like a paradise, there are robbers no less than hell.Along the way, the metal lives of the three of Lin Feng encountered robbers countless times.

Some weak robber gangs would immediately run away with their heads in their arms when they saw that Lin Feng was the High God.However, some powerful robber gangs didn't buy into Lin Feng's account. Seeing that Lin Feng and the others only had Lin Feng as a high-god, and they were not life demons, they naturally didn't care about it, and directly showed their weapons and rushed to kill them.

But the result was the same, Lin Feng and the three were safe and sound, the robber gang was destroyed!
"These robbers are really annoying." Bao Bao sat at the table, while tasting the fine wine that Lin Feng bought from hell, while scavenging for these plentiful robbers.

When they first met the robbers, Sasha and Baobao were very excited, eager to try.But after seeing the robber's strength, the two women obediently followed behind Lin Feng, accepting Lin Feng's protection.

Although Sasha's strength is good, she can barely deal with a high god who has refined her godhead and become a god, but she has no power to parry a group of bandits composed of several high gods and high gods.Although the baby has teleportation skills and can remain invincible, Lin Feng strictly forbids her to use it.This skill is only allowed to be used unless it is absolutely necessary and life-threatening.

Therefore, when encountering robbers who dare to attack Lin Feng and the three of them, Sa Sha and Bao Bao can only watch.If things go on like this, the two women will naturally hate these robbers very much.

"Although robbers are annoying, we can't blame them. They are robbers only to survive." After wandering in hell for a long time, Lin Feng also deeply understood the hardships of the lower gods, and even some middle gods, living in the bottom of hell. .

If you are not a robber, and you don’t have the money to buy a house in the city, then your result is often that you are wiped out by other robbers.

Lin Feng turned his head to look at Sasha and Bao Bao, and said with a smile, "If you didn't have such a powerful father like me, you probably would have been robbers or been killed by robbers when you first came to the Life God Realm."

"I'm not a robber." Salsa curled her mouth, and immediately hugged Lin Feng's arm, saying coquettishly, "Because I have such a powerful father to protect me."

"Oh, sister, you stole my lines." The baby suddenly yelled.

"Ha ha"

The cities in the Life God Realm are no different from the cities in Hell. They are all huge, and they are completely carved out of stone piles. The simple and unsophisticated atmosphere all shows that they have existed for a long time.

Green Willow City was the first city that Lin Feng and the others came to.

When Sha Sha and Bao Bao saw the city stretching for thousands of miles, they were inevitably surprised again.

The entire Magnolia is only [-] to [-] miles away, and the city of thousands of miles is beyond their imagination.

Lin Feng collected the metal life and floated down from the air with the two girls.

"Why are there so many people and the city gate is so big, is it necessary to line up to enter the city?" Sasha pointed to the long queue at the city gate and asked doubtfully.

"To enter the city, you need to pay the entrance fee." Lin Feng explained: "Of course, those life demons don't need to pay the entrance fee."

"Fate? What is Fate?" The baby asked curiously.After coming to Life God Realm, the baby successfully added a prefix to her name and became a curious baby.

"Mingmo is similar to the demon I told you before. Demon is the name in hell, and Mingmo is the name of the life god world. Although the names are different, they are similar in nature." Lin Feng said, leading the two women's volleyball teams to set up Team up.

Lin Feng felt a little emotional. In hell, he is a devil. No matter which city he enters, he doesn't need to line up to pay the entrance fee.But now in the Life God Realm, they have to do the work of queuing up to pay the fee again.

"Father, let's go check out a life demon too, shall we have fun?" Bao Bao said.

"Assessing the life demon?" Lin Feng's heart was a little moved. With the identity of the life demon, many unnecessary troubles in the world of life gods could be reduced.And with his protection, there would be no danger at all for this one-star life demon.

"Okay, no problem. It's just a prerequisite. You must reach the middle god level. When you break through to the middle god one day, we will go to assess the life demon."

(End of this chapter)

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