Reborn Panlong

Chapter 306 The Law of Wind Elements, Fusion of 8 Kinds

Chapter 306 The Law of Wind Elements, Fusion of Eight Kinds
"A jadeite." The old man who received the city fee said without raising his head.

"The three of us, these are three ink stones." Lin Feng flipped his hands, and three ink stones appeared in his hands.

"Moshi?" The old man raised his head, looked at Lin Feng and the others, and asked in surprise, "Are you from hell?"

Ink stone is the currency in hell, while the currency in the life god world is emerald stone, a kind of emerald green stone that is about the size of ink stone.

When Lin Feng heard this, he smiled noncommittally and said, "This inkstone should be usable here, right?"

"Yes, of course." The old man's attitude was somewhat respectful.Being able to come to the Life God Realm from hell not only shows how rich his wealth is, but also shows his strength.Without strength, how could one earn so much wealth to teleport between planes.

Lin Feng and the others paid the entrance fee and entered the Green Willow City.

This Green Willow City is not prosperous, it is far worse than Huiyue City and Blue Maple City in hell, and it is also on the same level as Emperor Wing City and Hongye City.But even so, it is not comparable to those cities in Yulan.

Sha Sha and Bao Bao were like country folks entering the city for the first time, curious about this and that, dragging Lin Feng around.

"Wow, it's so delicious, even better than the dishes cooked by my mother."

The three of Lin Feng are currently in a restaurant, enjoying the food here.

"That dish was carefully cooked with the hearts and livers of colorful phoenixes. It is worth more than 2000 emerald stones. You have eaten dozens of emerald stones in just one bite. Of course it is delicious." Lin Feng took a sip of the fruit wine and said with a smile .

"You are not the same. The bottle of fruit wine in your hand is worth tens of thousands of emeralds. You probably drank tens of thousands of emeralds in one sip, which is more extravagant than me." The baby said while continuing to taste the colorful phoenix liver.

Lin Feng is now a rich man, a super rich man with tens of trillions of inkstones in his body, and his living standards have naturally improved a lot.

When Lin Feng and Delia first entered hell, the total value of a meal in a restaurant in Hongye City was only two to three thousand ink stones.But now Lin Feng and the others eat a dish worth more than 2000 emeralds, and a bottle of fruit wine is worth tens of thousands of emeralds.

This is the difference between the rich and the poor.

"Okay, I can't say enough about you." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled, "Hurry up and eat, we have to find a place to live after we eat, it's almost curfew time."

After the meal, Lin Feng spent another [-] million ink stones to purchase a courtyard in Green Willow City.

Lin Feng and the others didn't plan to stay in the Green Willow City for a few days before leaving. Instead, they planned to wait here until the baby broke through to the middle god and passed the life demon test before leaving.Based on this calculation, at least he would have to stay in this Green Willow City for more than ten years.So Lin Feng directly spent money to buy a courtyard instead of renting a hotel.

Night, slightly cool.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged in the courtyard, bathed in the bright moonlight.

Hell's moon is purple and looks a bit cold.

However, the moon in the Life God Realm is closer to the moon on the earth, and the pure white moonlight can barely illuminate the scenery in the courtyard.

The wind, blowing without direction, caressed Lin Feng's face.

"'Wind Space', 'Sound Wave', and 'Vocal Music' are so so, haha." Lin Feng sighed in his heart, "Wind, sound, wind sound, it turned out to be such a simple truth, and it has been difficult for me for hundreds of years. The knowledge of the previous life is useless." learned."

Just now, on such an ordinary night, Lin Feng finally understood the connection between the 'Space of Wind' and the 'Profound Meaning of Sound', and fully integrated them into one.And the 'space of wind' has long been integrated with the five mysteries of 'element of wind', 'wind travel', 'separation', 'fast' and 'slow'.In other words, at this moment, Lin Feng has already combined eight of the nine mysteries of the wind element law.

The more Lin Feng comprehends, the more he feels the rules are mysterious and simple, but he always thinks in complicated places and complicates simple problems.

For example, the fusion of the 'Space of Wind' and the 'Profound Meaning of Sound'.It's just a simple 'wind sound'.

The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the sound of the ear.This was often talked about in the past. I don't know how many times I have said and heard it, but it contains the true meaning of "space of wind" and "profound meaning of sound".

The wind blows, blows the space, forms sound waves, and makes vocal music, it's that simple.

"The last mysterious 'dimension' in the law of the wind element has already been integrated with the 'space of wind', and the rest only needs to be combined with the 'element of wind', 'shadow shadow', 'speed mystery' and ' It is possible that the sound mysteries' can be combined into a great success, but my wind element law will reach the great perfection state faster than the earth law."

Now, although Lin Feng's law of the earth also incorporates five kinds of mysteries, the remaining 'power of life' has not been fused with any of these five kinds of mysteries.Moreover, the Law of the Earth has three high-level mysteries, and the difficulty of merging this 'Life Force' with the other two high-level mysteries 'Earth Pulse' and 'Gravity Space' is much higher than that of lower-level mysteries.

The law of the wind element only has the high-level mystery of "Dimension", and the only medium mystery "Space of Wind" has also been integrated with "Dimension".The rest are low-level mysteries, and the difficulty of this fusion is naturally reduced a lot.

Therefore, Lin Feng should reach the state of Dzogchen faster in terms of the law of the wind element than the law of the earth.

"Only when you reach the state of Dzogchen, can you gain the power of will, from being controlled by the world to controlling a part of the world by yourself." Lin Feng thought in his heart, "It's just that although Dzogchen is the ultimate goal of countless god-level powerhouses, it is not My. The realm of Dzogchen is just a step in my life, the realm of being in control, or even beyond the existence of the controller, is my ultimate goal."

The goal of Lin Feng's soul when he first traveled to the Panlong World was to leave here one day, return to Earth, and reunite with his family.But with the passage of time and the growth of experience, Lin Feng's goal is also slowly changing.

Everyone has a pursuit, the pursuit of a beggar is to eat and wear clothes, the pursuit of the poor is to become rich, the pursuit of a soldier is to become a general, and Lin Feng's pursuit is to stand on the top of the universe, transcend the universe, and achieve control or even the layers above it.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and stood up.

It was still that night, the moonlight was still charming, but Lin Feng's state of mind changed subtly.

Lin Feng walked to the stone table, sat down, flipped his hands, and took out a jug of wine and a wine glass.

Pick up the jug and fill the glass.Lin Feng picked up the wine glass and looked at the bright moon in the sky, but found that he didn't have many sighs of "when will the bright moon shine on me?" Instead, he had an artistic conception of "raise the glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadows will form three people".

(End of this chapter)

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