Reborn Panlong

Chapter 43 Purple Blood Soft Sword

Chapter 43 Purple Blood Soft Sword
In the Misty Valley, over a hundred giant dragons are constantly circling, and they don't know why there is an explosion underground.

"what is that?"

I saw three huge strange figures appearing in the mid-air of the Misty Valley. Each huge monster was 30 meters high and nearly [-] meters long.It's like a lion magnified dozens of times.But these monsters are not lions, because these three monsters all have huge wings, and they also have six eyes.

Six eyes, with wings.The volume is as huge as the legendary Behemoth.

However, Behemoth is not as scary as these three monsters.

"Roar" the three monsters grew up and roared loudly.Immediately, the bloody mouth of each monster seemed to become a whirlpool, and the amazing swallowing power directly acted on each giant dragon.

Hundreds of giant dragons wanted to flee in horror, but this sucking power was too powerful. The strangest thing was that this sucking power only worked on these giant dragons, while the boulders on the ground didn't care at all. Affected.


Over a hundred giant dragons roared in anger and horror, but they were sucked powerlessly in the face of the terrifying sucking power.I saw a huge dragon falling into the bloody mouth of the six-eyed monster.

What frightens the dragons most is
The belly of this monster seems to be a bottomless pit. Although the size of the giant dragon is slightly smaller than this monster, it should still be enough to fill the monster's belly.But a giant dragon was sucked into the stomach.The monster continued to swallow.

one end, another end

The power of the three-headed monster's bloody mouth is too terrifying, and the eighth-level dragon has no power to resist at all.The giant dragons were sucked into the stomachs of the three giant monsters in this way.In just a moment, over a hundred giant dragons were devoured by these three monsters.

"It's so good." One of the monsters laughed loudly, "It's been so many years, I haven't had a good meal."

"I thought I was going to die in that ghostly place and never come out. Unfortunately, fourth and fifth." Another monster sighed softly.

The three monsters were silent.

Think of the days in that ghost place for thousands of years.They future.hopeless.Moment might have lost his life, if not for their father.The three of them were probably killed long ago.But even if there is a father, the weaker fourth and fifth children are dead.

"Father is here."

Seeing the flirtatious young man standing beside him, the three monsters immediately shrunk in size, and finally became the size of an ordinary lion.It's just that their hair is colorful, so beautiful and moving.Those two wings are also much more beautiful than the meat wings of the giant dragon.

It's just that those six eyes are slightly frightening.

"Father." The three monsters happily flew to the side of the strange young man. At this time, there was no blood on the young man's body, and the dark golden robe on his body was not dusty, and there was a smile on his face.

"It's very comfortable to eat." The Yaoyi youth said with a smile, "Oh, there are two eighth-level monsters here."

The bewitching young man looked towards the west of the Misty Valley, and at the same time, a four-color power shot towards the west at a high speed. After a while, two huge velociraptors were bound by the four-color energy, and they were tied up in the air.

The two velociraptors seemed to know that the end was coming, and they couldn't help moaning in a low voice, begging for mercy.

They are velociraptors, although they are in the same area as the eighth-level monsters with the fire dragon family and the green dragon family.But because of racial differences and the fact that they are all ground reptiles, this pair of Velociraptors are far apart from the Fire Dragons and Green Dragons.

The three monsters were all excitedly eating the giant dragons just now, and they didn't pay attention to the two velociraptors in the distance.

"Over a hundred giant dragons were eaten just like that." The hearts of the two velociraptors trembled.

The opponent's strength is too strong, and the three monsters that have become the size of ordinary animals can still speak.

"Do you want to escape?" The strange young man smiled and looked at the two velociraptors.

Although the two velociraptors are large in size, compared with them, the strange young man is only a little bit small, but the two velociraptors are trembling in their hearts, and they kept roaring in a low voice, speaking the language of the dragon clan: "My lord, we dare not, we will not!" dare."

The strange young man seemed to understand the language of the dragon clan, and nodded with a smile: "Very good, I just came to this plane, and I'm in a good mood, so I won't kill you. You should submit to me."

The restraints on the two velociraptors also disappeared, and the two eighth-level velociraptors fell heavily from the air and hit the ground. They looked at each other and immediately lay down on the ground in the most respectful posture.Head bowed low to show surrender.

The Dragon Clan is very proud, but they will still submit to the peerless powerhouse.

Facing this strange young man in front of them, the two velociraptors knew that one finger of the other would be enough to kill them.

"Yulan." The Yaoyi youth looked around with a smile on his face, "What a beautiful place, I believe this time I won't be as unlucky as I was 5000 years ago."

In the Warcraft Mountains.

Lin Feng returned to his normal human form, only wearing trousers and an undershirt.It's only the beginning of February, and the temperature is still extremely low.But Lin Feng was carefully looking at the purple soft sword in his hand.

"This is the Zixue soft sword. It's a good sword. It's worthy of being the purple blood demon's saber. It's really powerful." Lin Feng said to himself while stroking the Zixue soft sword.

Lin Feng's eyes noticed the two square characters on the hilt of the sword, "Is this the hell character? It's really obscure, and there are so many strokes."

Lin Feng carefully looked at the 'Purple Blood' soft sword in his hand, the 'Purple Blood' soft sword was as thin as a cicada's wing, precisely because it was too thin.Although the material is very special, the weight is still very small, only about five catties.A five-jin soft sword was no burden to Lin Feng at all.

The dragon's blood battle energy in the body was poured into it, and the 'Purple Blood' soft sword immediately became straight.

With a wave of his hand, "Whew!" The 'Purple Blood', as thin as a cicada's wings, easily passed a big tree that needed two or three people to surround it, and the big tree didn't even move.But Lin Feng knew very well that this big tree had been completely cut in half by 'Purple Blood'.

It's just that 'Purple Blood' is too fast and too sharp.As a result, the big tree did not move at all.

Lin Feng kicked the ground suddenly, leaped up, and then kicked the tree trunk in the air. Suddenly, the big tree began to tilt away, breaking several branches, and the big tree fell completely on the ground with a bang. on the ground.

Lin Feng looked at the cross-section of 'Purple Blood': "It's so smooth." There is no roughness in this cross-section.

"Hey, this sword is really as described in the original book. It's very sharp. Such a thick tree can be cut off with one blow. It's powerful, powerful."

"This sword is so powerful." Beibei, who was eating a pheasant, also stared at this section with wide eyes.

Lin Feng chuckled, then looked at the 'Purple Blood' soft sword in his hand, and said in his heart: "With this light and sharp weapon, I won't be afraid even if I face tens of thousands of people." Lin Feng immediately waved it. Soft sword in hand.

The whole person continued to drift in the woods agilely, waving the 'Purple Blood' in his hand easily.

As thin as a cicada's wing, the purple blood is almost free from air resistance when it is chopped out, and the speed reaches an astonishing level.The light weight also enables Lin Feng's strength to be converted into 'speed' to a greater extent.

Lin Feng tried to pour the magic power of the wind into it. Sure enough, the speed of the purple blood soft sword, which was already terrifying, went even further. At the same time, the trajectory of the 'purple blood' soft sword was erratic and terrifying, It is also sometimes straight and sometimes curved, which is unpredictable.

"With this purple blood, my combat power can at least be doubled, and I can fight even against mid-level or even high-level powerhouses in the sanctuary." Lin Feng sighed, "The magic weapon is really different. Fantastic."

At this time, Lin Feng, holding the purple blood, had a feeling of "with a sword in hand, I have it in the world".

"Lin Feng, what kind of sword is this, why is it so powerful?"

Thaddeus, who had been watching Lin Feng's sword dance, finally couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart. Although Lin Feng didn't point the sword at her, she could clearly feel the powerful and terrifying power from the sword. Breath, this breath made her soul tremble a little.

"This sword is called 'Purple Blood Soft Sword', and it is an artifact." Lin Feng explained with a light smile.

"Excalibur?" Thaddeus swallowed, and said incredulously, "Is God really so powerful? Even his sword can make me feel desperate."

Lin Feng chuckled: "Gods also have ranks and ranks, and the original owner of this sword was an extremely powerful god, and countless gods died under this sword. It comes with evil spirit."

Suddenly, Lin Feng looked at Thaddeus with a treacherous smile, and said, "Thaddeus, do you want to try the power of this sword?"

When Thaddeus heard this, he shook his huge head into a Brown drum.

Lin Feng put away the soft sword, clapped his hands and said: "Okay, just kidding, Thaddeus, can you make your body smaller, it is not convenient for you to go to the human world with such a big body."

(End of this chapter)

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