Chapter 44
Not long after Ernst Academy of Magic started, Hillman came to the Academy of Magic to look for Lin Feng.

At the entrance of the Ernst Academy of Magic, Hillman walked back and forth frowning, obviously full of thoughts.The management of Ernst Academy is still very strict, and he, a powerless outsider, is not qualified to directly enter the academy.

After a while, Yale and Renault, both in sky blue robes, walked over.

"Uncle Hillman, you have come to look for Lin Feng again." Yale said enthusiastically.

Hillman had also seen Lin Feng's three brothers before. When he saw Yale and Lei Nuo, he immediately walked over and asked, "Hello, why didn't Lin Feng go back to celebrate the New Year this time?"

Lei Nuo reacted quickly, and said with a smile: "Uncle Hillman, Lin Feng is dedicated to hard work, and he has reached the sixth-level magician before the test at the end of last year. Then he went to the Mountain of Warcraft again for a trial. Hi, He was too anxious to practice, and he didn't even take part in the end-of-year test. Instead, that Dixie reached the sixth-level magician in this test, and others said that Dixie surpassed Lin Feng."

As Lin Feng's good brother, Lei Nuo naturally knew that Lin Feng had already reached the realm of a ninth-level magister, but without Lin Feng's instruction, he did not dare to release this shocking news.If someone else finds out, it will be a big earthquake.

"The third child doesn't care about those nonsense. By the way, Uncle Hillman, Lin Feng went to the Warcraft Mountains in mid-April last year, and he probably will be back soon. Do you have any important matters? If so, please tell me. I will definitely tell him as soon as possible." Yale said politely.

Hillman pondered for a moment, squeezed out a smile and shook his head with a smile: "No, nothing important. It's just that Lin Feng used to go back to celebrate the New Year. He didn't come back this time. The family was worried about what happened to him, so they came to ask. Now that we know Lin Feng went to the Warcraft Mountains for a trial, and that's fine."

"Uncle Hillman, don't worry, when the third child comes back, I will definitely let him go back early so you can rest assured." Yale said immediately.

But Hillman shook his head and said: "No need, don't urge Lin Feng to come back, let him cultivate with peace of mind, and it won't be too late for him to come back when he has time. Anyway, we are in the countryside and there is nothing serious. Thank you both, I will start gone."

Yale and Renault watched Hillman leave.He smiled and turned around and left.

Suddenly, "Master Yale, Master Yale." An enthusiastic voice sounded from afar.

Yale and Renault turned their heads to look at the distance outside the college.There was a carriage parked there, and four knights in armor beside it.Yale frowned and asked in confusion: "Who is calling me? Oh. It's Ostony." Yale saw the face exposed from the carriage window.

Ostony was the first to jump out of the carriage, smiled modestly at Yale, and then served respectfully aside. At this time, the curtain of the carriage door was lifted, and a bald old man walked down slowly with a cane.

Yale and Renault looked at each other suspiciously.

"Who is this old guy? He's very handsome." Renault said in a low voice.

Yale shook his head and said in a low voice: "I don't know this old guy either, but from the look of Ostony, he should be a big shot. Ostony is the upper management of the Proux Hall. His status is still very high. .”

Accompanied by Ostony, the bald old man walked over with a smile.

"Hello, little Yale." The bald old man greeted Yale with a smile, "I met your father not long ago, and your father even praised you to me. Haha, Dawson has a son of a magician like you, and he is indeed something to be proud of."

Yale looked at the bald old man suspiciously.

And you said you knew your father?Is it close?
Ostony immediately said to the side: "Master Yale, this is the chief curator of our Proux Hall, you can call him Curator Maia."

"No, you just call me Uncle Mai Ya, and I have been friends with your father for decades." The bald old man said with a warm smile.

Yale was shocked.

Proulx Hall, this is an art sanctuary.There are branches in several super cities throughout Magnolia.Don't look at other places, just look at the Proux Guild Hall in Finlay City, the stone carvings in that hall, the combined value of all the stone carvings is an astonishing figure.

This is only secondary.

The important thing is the status. As the chief curator of an art sanctuary, the curator Maier makes friends with all the top figures in Yulan, and even many sanctuary masters have friendship with him.How can such a person be underestimated?

Moreover, the armed force of the Puruks Guild Hall itself is also very strong, otherwise how can we protect so many precious stone carvings?

"Uncle Maya." Yale said modestly.

The bald-headed director Maia looked at Lei Nuo next to him: "Who is this?"

"This is my good brother Renault." Yale immediately introduced, and Renault also politely said: "I have met Director Maia."

Curator Maier nodded slightly. From Renault's every move, he could feel that Renault had been well educated since he was a child.

"Uncle Maya, I don't know why you are here this time?" Yale asked.

Although it was an inquiry, Yale also had some guesses in his mind: "It's probably because of the 'love' of the stone sculpture of the third child." The last time before the holiday at Ernst College, because Lin Feng hadn't sent the stone sculpture over for a while .Ostony came over to inquire.

Ostony, who came to Lin Feng's dormitory, happened to see the stone sculpture in the dormitory.

Seeing this, Ostony was stunned.

Ostony, as a senior manager of the Proulx Hall, has a very vicious vision. He immediately recognized that this piece of work by Lin Feng is definitely the pinnacle of the stone carving world, and it is definitely qualified to be listed in the stone carving world. One of the 'Top Ten Stone Sculptures'.

The most important thing is that this piece of stone sculpture by Lin Feng is very large, and one piece is comparable to five other works.

Like oil painting, the price of stone carving is also related to its volume.After all, such a huge volume of work must have cost much more effort, and the five consecutive stone figures that seem to be real people have reached the realm of containing a unique soul.

Seeing the stone carvings is like seeing five real beauties.

Look at the whole magnolia.Stone carving masters are also extremely rare.And Lin Feng's stone carving work has already surpassed the average master, and is qualified to rank with the most pinnacle stone carving masters in history, such as Proulx, Hopkinson, and Hoover.

The "Master of Stone Sculpture" who is recognized today, his works are indeed very good, and they also have a unique charm that shocks the soul.

However, their works are still slightly inferior to figures like Proulx and Hopkinson who can be called 'masters'.Although it is only a small gap, it determines the difference in identity.

The history of stone carvings has been tens of thousands of years, and most of the stone carving works tens of thousands of years ago have been annihilated with the passage of time.Only a small number of special stone works can be handed down to the present.Therefore, nine of the "Top Ten Stone Carving Masters" are within 10 years.

And since the Yulan Empire was unified.From 001 of the Yulan calendar to now, there are only two Proulx and Hopkinson who can stand side by side with their predecessors.

And Hoover.That was the master 10 years ago, a work of the blood-eyed maned lion. The special material has allowed this work to be handed down and established Hoover's permanent reputation.

In the past 1 years, only two stone carving masters were born.Of course, Proulx is the most powerful one in the past and present, and three of his works are listed in the "Top Ten Stone Sculptures". "Top Ten Stone Carving Masters" Not everyone has works listed in the "Top Ten Stone Carving Masters".

This is only the artistic level of their stone carving works judged by later people.Similar to the top ten stone carvings.

A new master of stone carving is born.And it's just a 17-year-old boy!
What a frightening thing this is, which also made the chief curator of the Proulx Guild rush over from the Dark Alliance's Proulx Guild Hall.

"There's no rush. Let's find a private room in the hotel and have a quiet talk." Curator Maiya is not in a hurry.

Stone carving master?


Ostony's vision is good, but stone carving, an art with a long history, needs a very vicious vision to fully evaluate it.For example, the masterpieces of stone carving masters and the masterpieces of stone carving masters.All have reached the point of containing unique charm and soul.

How to identify this work as qualified to make a person a master of stone carving is an extremely profound knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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