Reborn Panlong

Chapter 7 Magic Test

Chapter 7 Magic Test
To the west of the Magnolia Warcraft Mountains, it is divided into the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance, and the kingdom headed by the Holy Alliance is the Kingdom of Finlay!
Finlay City, the capital of the 'Kingdom of Finlay'.

At the same time, it is also the 'holy capital' of the Holy Alliance, because the headquarters of the Holy See of Light is in the west city of Finlay City.

The entire Finlay City is mainly divided into two parts, the East City and the West City.The east city is managed by the Kingdom of Finlay, while the west city is managed by the Holy See of Light.Precisely because Finlay City is both the royal capital and the holy capital, the prosperity of Finlay City is second to none in the entire Magnolia.

Finlay City occupies an extremely vast area, and it accommodates more than a million residents. It is also ranked among the top five super cities in the entire Yulan.

In the evening, Lin Feng and Hillman entered Finlay City.

Walking on the "Champions Avenue", the main street in the east of Finlay City, Lin Feng only felt that his eyes were dazzled. The antique city wall houses were different from modern cities, but instead gave people a sense of grandeur.

When reading the original book, Lin Feng had a very deep image of the Champs Elysees Avenue in Finlay City. Now that he is really standing here, he feels in his heart that meeting is better than being famous.

And Beibei, who was hiding in Lin Feng's clothes, secretly peeked out. Like Lin Feng, Beibei was entering the city for the first time, and it was inevitable that he felt a bit like a countryman entering the city.

"Lin Feng, how about Finlay City? Finlay City is the largest city in our Holy Alliance." Hillman and Lin Feng walked along the street, seeing some soldiers passing by, or occasionally one or two magicians , sighed, "Lin Feng, powerful warriors and magicians are very common in Finlay City."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "It is recorded in the book that Finlay City is the political center, economic center, and art center of the Holy Alliance."

"This is a paradise for the rich and powerful." Hillman nodded and sighed.

On the bustling Avenue of the Champs, some luxurious carriages often passed by. Hillman took Lin Feng for a stroll on the main road of the city of Finlay, the Avenue of the Champs, and then directly found an ordinary hotel to live in.

There is a small restaurant next to the hotel, where Lin Feng and Hillman had dinner.

That night, in the hotel.

Lin Feng and Hillman lived in the same room. There were two beds in the room. As soon as he entered the room, the little shadow mouse "Bei Bei" jumped out of Lin Feng's chest and immediately screamed continuously around Lin Feng. stand up.

"I know you're hungry, let's eat." Lin Feng threw the roast duck he brought back from the restaurant on the ground aside, and Beibei immediately began to bite excitedly beside it.

"Lin Feng, go to bed early, and go to the magic test tomorrow morning." Hillman urged.

"Understood, Uncle Hillman." Lin Feng replied, then sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to meditate to exercise his mental strength.

Early the next morning, when the first ray of sunlight entered the room through the curtains, Lin Feng finally opened his eyes. At the same time, Delin Cowart also flew out of the Coiling Dragon Ring and looked at Lin Feng. , praised: "Lin Feng, I really didn't expect you to be able to reach the third-level magician before the magic talent test. It seems that your achievements will not only stop in the sanctuary in the future!"

Derlin Cowart was full of sighs. He was also considered to be very talented back then, otherwise he would not have cultivated to the sanctuary, but now comparing with Lin Feng, he realized that compared with him, he was not even as good as ordinary people.When he was his age, he had only just reached the level of a magician.

Hearing this, Lin Feng felt a little proud. Lin Feng in the book was only a first-level mage at this time, but he was already a third-level mage. He said with a humble face: "Grandpa Delin, this is all about teaching well."

Green Leaf Road in the East City of Finlay. Green Leaf Road is also one of several main roads in Finlay City. The buildings on both sides of the entire Green Leaf Road are mostly luxurious mansions, and some buildings belong to the Kingdom.One of the tallest buildings is the Church of the Holy See.

Among the six kingdoms of the Holy Alliance and the fifteen duchies, the Holy See of Light controls the entire alliance.

The Pope of Light has the highest status, and the Pope has the right to depose the king of a kingdom!So even in the eastern part of Finlay City, the tallest building is the church of the Holy See of Light.

This morning, many people gathered at the entrance of the church of the Holy See of Light. Most of the people here were nobles in noble clothes. The empty square in front of the church was almost occupied by carriages, and the nobles greeted each other.

Lin Feng and Hillman also came here at this time.

Seeing this crowd of people, even Lin Feng, who had expected it for a long time, was a little surprised. He didn't expect this world to be so enthusiastic about magic, but he also knew that among so many children waiting for the test, [-]% It's great to be a magician.

At this moment, there are two warriors wearing battle armor at the door of the church, preventing outsiders from entering.

After a while, a priest wearing a black robe walked out slowly, stopped at the door of the church, smiled and said loudly: "The magic test is starting now, and the recruiters of the major magic schools are also ready. Those who want to conduct a magic test, please follow me into the hall."

Under the guidance and management of the priest, all the people on the square entered the hall of the church in an orderly manner.

In the church hall.

Nuoda is a big hall, the floor is made of bright marble, and a huge crystal lantern is hung above the head. Hundreds of people entering the hall are not too crowded at all.

At the front of the hall, there was a row of chairs, and recruiters from various colleges were sitting on the chairs.In the very center is where the test takes place.

The black-robed priest smiled loudly and said: "The test site is the center. Those who take the test come one by one. Others are not allowed to enter the circle in the center. Those who are going to take the test, please line up. Parents and relatives come to the side."

"Lin Feng, this is the test fee. This is your ID card. Go quickly. By the way, the little shadow mouse is with me first. It will be more troublesome for the little shadow mouse to follow you during the test." Hillman said .

"Bebe, you stay with Uncle Hillman first, I'm going to test it." Lin Feng communicated with Beibei in soul, and Beibei moved in Lin Feng's arms reluctantly, but under Lin Feng's request again , the little Shadowmouse jumped directly into Hillman's clothes.

Lin Feng then took the ten gold coins and went to line up. He saw that there were teenagers who were seventeen or eighteen years old, and those who were young were only six or seven years old.The children lined up in two long lines, and the priests of the Holy See also charged for the test.

The central circle has a diameter of ten meters, and there are three adults inside, two for testing and one for recording.The tools for the test are a crystal ball, and the other is a hexagonal complex magic circle.


(End of this chapter)

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