Reborn Panlong

Chapter 8 Admission

Chapter 8 Admission
Lin Feng knew the testing process of magic talent well. The bored Lin Feng watched hopeful teenagers or children walk up to the priest, and then came back with dejected faces. His heart was touched. Seeing these tests The facial expressions of the failed people reminded Lin Feng of the situation when he failed to apply for a mobile phone job. How similar was his facial expression to these people at that time!
Of course, Lin Feng was only touched, and he didn't have much sympathy for these test failures. After all, life and death depend on wealth and wealth, and magic talent cannot be forced.

As time went by, there were more and more people in the hall, because the magic test lasted for seven days, so most people were not in a hurry.When it was Lin Feng's turn, many people who participated in the test in the hall had lined up outside the hall.But after such a long time, there are only a poor five or six people who have really passed the magic talent test.

"Next." The bald old man said again.

Lin Feng calmed down and stepped into the middle, while Delin Cowart was still beside Lin Feng. In Delin Cowart's view, only the strong in the sanctuary could barely sense his existence. As for these ordinary magicians , it is impossible to feel it at all.

Lin Feng put his hand on the crystal ball.

Immediately, like the sun, the entire crystal ball suddenly became dazzling, with khaki and cyan rays intersecting each other, and occasionally there is even a very small trace of fiery red mixed in it.The dazzling light even caused the eyes of those who approached to squint.

Seeing this crystal ball as dazzling as the sun, everyone in the hall was stunned.Delin Cowart, who had been standing beside Lin Feng, was also stunned. According to his guess, the seven colors should complement each other. How could there be only two kinds of khaki and cyan?But immediately, when Derlin Cowart saw the look in Lin Feng's eyes, he suppressed the doubts in his heart as if he had realized something.

The bald old man tremblingly looked at the paper in his hand, it was clearly written, Lin Feng was only eight years old.

"Age is eight years old, elemental affinity, earth element, wind element are super! Fire element is medium." The bald old man felt his heart beating violently.The elemental affinity of ordinary magicians is medium, and it is very rare to wait a little bit, and it is even rarer to be super-level.

In fact, according to Lin Feng's elemental affinity, it should be more than super, but because there is no classification of super super, it is judged as super.


The whole hall exclaimed for a while, the elemental affinity turned out to be super, and it was dual-element, which was too terrifying.

After testing element affinity, it's time to test mental power!

"Please come to the magic circle." The bald old man also rarely used a 'please' to Lin Feng.

Even many nobles around looked at Lin Feng differently.The elemental affinity is super, which means that it can be used to refine mana in a short time, and the rest of the time can be used to exercise mental power.Future achievements are limitless.

Lin Feng stepped into the magic circle.

I saw the warm white light of the magic circle light up, and then a pressure directly acted on my soul.

Light magic deterrence.

"It's really weak. Compared with the 'Longwei' of the black dragon half a year ago, it's more than one level worse." Lin Feng still had time to think about other things.According to his real abilities, it would be a piece of cake for him to get a super-level mental power, but Lin Feng didn't want to do this. He just needs a super-level elemental affinity. There is no need to get a double super like Delia's brother Dixie.

As time passed, the magic circle became brighter and brighter, and the level of deterrence became stronger and stronger. The people in the entire church hall held their breath, and everyone saw this scene clearly.That boy in ordinary clothes must be a powerful magician in the future.

Lin Feng thought about it for a while, and felt that if he fell down now, he should be able to get a superior result in mental strength.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng pretended to be unable to bear it, and suddenly knelt down on one knee, propping his hands on the ground.

Everyone looked at the bald old man.

The bald old man blushed and said loudly: "The mental strength is twenty times that of people of the same age, which is superior. The mental strength is superior, and the elemental affinity is superior."

Boom, as soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lin Feng differently from before. They had all kinds of emotions of envy, jealousy and hatred, but only the previous contempt was missing.

"Who knows that young man? Which family?" The nobles below all started talking in low voices.

"His name is Lin Feng." Some recruiters knew Lin Feng's identity from the testers nearby.

Next, Lin Feng really experienced the feeling of being a star, the feeling of being robbed by others is really good, and he feels that he is a fragrant bun. He has never experienced this feeling in his previous life.

"Lin Feng, we, Ernst College, sincerely invite you to become a member of our college." There was a voice in the distance, and the whole hall fell silent.Even the bald old man stopped talking.

Lin Feng turned his head to look.

I saw a middle-aged man in a white robe approaching, and said with a smile, "Super affinity for elements, superior spiritual power, and super dual-line. Lin Feng, you are very welcome at Ernst College. I don't know if you Would you like to join our Ernst Academy?"

Hillman next to him was also stunned for a long time, and immediately ran to Lin Feng's side. At this moment, Hillman's hands trembled slightly with excitement.

Ernst Academy?
What does it mean to enter the entire Magnolia First Academy of Magic 'Ernst Academy'?
Even an ordinary member of the Ernst Academy can easily become an earl in a kingdom once he graduates from the academy.Excellent students, even the Four Great Empires will solemnly invite them.

Moreover, there is a magnolia in Nuo University, but Ernst College only recruits 100 people every year!

100 people a year, what is the probability?
All students who enter the Ernst Academy can be called geniuses!
"Lin Feng, promise him." Hillman was extremely excited at this moment.

Lin Feng didn't feel any excitement in his heart. It was a certainty that he would enter the Ernst Academy.When I entered Ernst College, I just wanted to see how the little lady Delia looked, and at the same time, I went to meet the brothers in the 1987 dormitory.Learning magic is just incidental.

"Sir, I am proud to be a member of the Ernst Academy." Lin Feng said politely.

The middle-aged man in the white robe was amazed at Lin Feng's calmness, and still smiled and said: "Lin Feng, I will report all your identity information to the academy, and then you only need to bring your identity certificate and take another test after entering the academy , you can officially become a member of the academy.”

It is useless to impersonate, because after going to the academy, you still have to test again.

"The college is divided into two semesters a year. The school starts on February [-]th of the first year. You only need to arrive at the college before February [-]th. This is a certificate, which is a proof of admission." The middle-aged man in white robe said from his arms Take out a red letter.

In fact, after the middle-aged man in white robe knew the result of Lin Feng's test, he filled in Lin Feng's name on the admission letter.Because the white-robed middle-aged man firmly believed in Ernst Academy's invitation, no one would refuse it!

"Thank you." Lin Feng took the red letter.

(End of this chapter)

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