Reborn Panlong

Chapter 86 Mrs. Wade

Chapter 86 Mrs. Wade
As time passed, Holmer got a little impatient waiting.

"Mrs. Wade, if they don't come here, I'll go directly." Huoermo said directly, "Send me some people, at least let these people recognize the two siblings."

Mrs. Wade also agreed with this idea: "Well, I will trouble you to make another trip, sir."

"This time, I must let them taste my strength." Huoermo said in a low voice, with murderous intent in his eyes.

They bought a carriage in Hongsha City. The old servant Lambert drove the carriage, while Jenny and Keane stayed in the carriage.As for Lin Feng, he was riding a black clouded leopard 'Heilu'.

Hei Lu is two meters tall, his body is wide enough, and his hair is silky enough.

Lin Feng rode the black-striped clouded leopard without feeling the vibration at all, which was much more comfortable than riding a horse or a carriage.Moreover, even if the black-striped clouded leopard runs on the mountain, it may be as if it is walking on flat ground.

"Brother Feng, what time is it?" Keane popped his head out of the carriage and asked.

Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at him: "Don't worry, it's only five o'clock, and we'll arrive at Chi'er County City by six o'clock." The black-spotted clouded leopard that Lin Feng sat on was indeed terrifying.

The other passers-by on the way saw Lin Feng and his group had already moved aside to make way for them.

"Drive, drive."

At this time, a convoy also appeared from behind the hunchbacked old man.

"Go away, old guy." A knight yelled loudly, and the hunchbacked old man immediately picked up the rein of the horse, and the horse also walked towards the side of the road.


When the horse was about ten meters away from Lin Feng's group, the hunchbacked old man tilted and fell off the horse.

"Grandpa fell down." Keane, who saw this scene through the window, immediately opened the door curtain.

But as the hunchbacked old man fell off the horse, a light blue air flow diffused from the hunchbacked old man. This light blue color was extremely 'light', so light that it was hard to detect without paying attention.

Of course, this kind of imperceptibility is for ordinary people, and experts like Lin Feng are obviously not included in this category.

In fact, Lin Feng had noticed Holmer a long time ago, so he was naturally prepared.

I saw Lin Feng waved his hand casually, using the control of the wind by the wind magician, he immediately controlled the surrounding wind to blow in the opposite direction, and the original poisonous gas flow immediately blew towards the east again.But at this moment, the convoy between Lin Feng's side and the hunchbacked old man 'Holmer' was dead in the blink of an eye.

"Drive, drive." Huoer Mo was flexible at this moment, turned over and got on the horse directly.Then he ran towards the east at a rapid speed.

"Hei Lu." Lin Feng said coldly.


The speed of the black-striped clouded leopard is terrifying, much faster than the average horse.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed over hundreds of meters, and rushed to the front of Huoermo, leaving a series of afterimages on the way.

Seeing Lin Feng suddenly appearing in front of him, Huoermo panicked.

"Brother, I also receive money from others. As long as you let me go, just tell me how much gold you want." Although Huoermo is over 300 years old, he still doesn't want to die.

What a joke, Lin Feng robbed all of King Finlay's property, billions of gold coins, how could he care about the money given by the little Holmer, besides, Lin Feng is not a person who loves money like his life.

Lin Feng didn't bother to talk to this person at all.

"Hei Lu, get rid of him."

Lin Feng jumped down, turned around and walked towards the carriage.As for the black-striped clouded leopard, it showed its fangs, and then swooped directly towards Huoermo.

Before Holmer could speak, he was smashed to pieces by the black clouded leopard.

Desolate wilderness.

Dozens of people in the convoy fell to the ground, and the black blood looked even more sinister.And Huoer Mo was directly caught by Hei Lu to pieces.The siblings Jenny and Keane who watched this scene were really shocked.

"Brother Feng." Keane exclaimed, and Jenny's face turned pale.

Lin Feng was about to speak out, but the old servant Lambert in the carriage looked at the dead Holmer in shock: "It's him, the most dangerous killer in Chier County, Holmer, the one who proclaimed himself a pharmacist Old monster."

"Holmer? Grandpa Lambert, who are you talking about?" Keane looked at Lambert.

Lambert took a deep breath and explained: "Master, Miss, that Holmer is a very dangerous person in Chier County. I saw it when I was with your mother and second wife in Chier County. This Holmer. Lord Earl Wade talked about this Holmer to your mother at that time. This Holmer is an old monster who is very good at using poison. Although he is only a sixth-level fighter, he once killed a Ninth-level powerhouse."

Jenny and Keane knew it well.

Lin Feng didn't make a sound, he just listened quietly to the side.

"This Holmer values ​​money very much. This time he made a move, it should be the eldest lady who invited him." Lambert's face was very solemn, "This time the eldest lady is really determined to kill you."

"Brother Feng is here, what are you afraid of!" Keen was full of confidence, and Gianni also looked at Lin Feng confidently.

"Okay, let's set off immediately and arrive at Chi'er County City earlier." Lin Feng said directly, and immediately Lin Feng and the others sped towards Chi'er County City, leaving a cloud of smoke and dust on the desolate road.

Chi'er County City, this is a city with 30 to [-] people, the dark red city wall stretches to the distance, but in terms of structure, Chi'er County City tends to be gorgeous.

Keane lifted the curtain of the carriage door and looked at the gorgeous and majestic city in front of him. He was so ambitious that his eyes lit up: "From now on, I will be the master of this county."

City gate.

"Black Panther?" The city gate guard stared at Lin Feng's mount from afar, and immediately ordered the guards nearby, "Go and report to the city lord's wife that the person she mentioned is coming."


The guard immediately ran towards the hotel that was very close to the city gate, and rushed straight up to the second floor.At this moment, there was a soldier guarding the stairway on the second floor, and the soldier saw that the person who came was the guard of the city gate and let him go.

"Countess." The guard knelt down on one knee respectfully.

Mrs. Weed, who was quietly sitting on the chair, turned to look at him: "What's the matter?"

"Countess, the strong man riding the black leopard monster you mentioned has appeared, and behind him is a carriage."

"What?" Mrs. Wade didn't respond yet.Her two older brothers exclaimed.

Mrs. Wade frowned: "You go down first."

"Yes." The guard stepped back respectfully.

At this moment Mrs. Wade's two brothers were alarmed.Her eldest brother quickly said: "Sister, they actually made it to Chi'er County City alive. Could it be that old fellow Huoer Mo failed?"

"Hard to say."

Mrs. Wade frowned, "Perhaps, the rural siblings and the strong black panther didn't come here from Hongsha City to the landlord, or they may have deliberately detoured. Huoermo and others were in vain. "

Her two older brothers nodded involuntarily.

"Then where are we now?" The two elder brothers looked at Mrs. Wade.

"Go down and welcome." Mrs. Weed had a smile on her face. "My two poor children have suffered for so many years. They are finally back. Can I not welcome you as an old lady?"

After speaking, Mrs. Wade walked downstairs.

Just walked out the door of the hotel.Mrs. Wade saw the burly man riding the handsome black panther and carrying the epee, and also saw the Lambert she was familiar with.

"Oh, Lambert, long time no see." Mrs. Weed immediately shouted loudly.

Lin Feng, Jenny, Keen, and Lambert all turned their heads to look over. Lambert was startled, and then respectfully said, "I've seen Mrs. Madam."

Mrs. Wade smiled cordially: "These two children should be Jenny and Keane. Jenny is more beautiful than before, and she looks more like her mother, and Keane is not the same kid as before. , and even more handsome."

Jenny and Keane still recognize Mrs. Wade.

Although nearly eight years have passed, Mrs. Wade's appearance has not changed much, except that there is a little crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.

"I've met my aunt." Jenny and Keane saluted.

"Okay, okay. You don't need to be so restrained." Mrs. Wade said with a smile, and then looked at Lin Feng, "I don't know who this is?"

"That's Brother Lin Feng." Keane answered first.

Although Jenny and Keane knew Lin Feng's name, they preferred to call him 'Brother Feng' because it made them feel more intimate.

"Lin Feng?" Mrs. Wade lifted her eyelids and said with a smile, "Oh, it's Mr. Lin Feng. It must be Mr. Feng who escorted them all the way to Chier County City. I will definitely thank Jenny and the other siblings on behalf of them. Yours, Mr. Feng. Let’s go, everyone go back to the castle first. Tonight, I will hold a grand banquet for my two poor children.”

"Lin Feng? He can't be the genius magician and stone carving master of the Holy Alliance, right? Probably not, judging by his warrior attire, he should be a powerful fighter." Mrs. Wade heard Keene's introduction to Lin Feng, A trace of doubt flashed in my heart.

In fact, Lin Feng's name has long spread throughout the entire Magnolia because of the second magic genius and the youngest stone carving master in the history of Magnolia.Mrs. Wade, as the actual ruler of Chi'er County City, has naturally heard of it.

The castle of the lord of the city is in a square shape, and the guards are extremely strict.

"What a useless old fellow." After Mrs. Weed reprimanded the knight who summoned the messenger, she became even more angry in her heart.

Holmer is a move that Mrs. Wade values ​​very much.

But now that Holmer failed, Mrs. Wade also felt upset.

"With that Lin Feng around, it would be very difficult for me to kill Keen." Mrs. Weed was very distressed, "Using poison, ordinary poison masters can't evade the detection methods at all. And hiring a killer, how many people can deal with it?" This Lin Feng?"

Mrs. Weed's eyes gradually became sharper.

"It seems that there is only one way." The worry in Mrs. Weed's eyes disappeared, and some of them were only confident and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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