Reborn Panlong

Chapter 87 Fiance

Chapter 87 Fiance

In the huge living room of the castle, the huge ceiling glass lamp reflects charming light under the illumination of candlelight.All the nobles from Chierjun City gathered here.

"I heard that Earl Wade's son is back. I don't know how Mrs. Wade will deal with it this time."

"Who knows? But for sure, Mrs. Weed will not give up her power."

"Mrs. Wade is too ruthless. She is also unlucky. Her precious son died in the belly of a woman. It's really ridiculous." The nobles talked in low voices.

Among the nobles in Chier County, who doesn't know that Mrs. Weide is a domineering and strong woman?It's just that they live in Chi'er County City, and at most they murmur secretly, but they dare not offend Mrs. Wade openly.

"Mrs. Wade is here."

The nobles who were discussing immediately stopped talking, and turned their heads to look at Mrs. Wade who came down the stairs. Mrs. Wade's clothes were still so luxurious, and her posture was still so arrogant.

Mrs. Wade enjoyed everyone's attention, and walked down the stairs with her head held high slightly.

"Everyone." Mrs. Wade said with a smile, "Today is a happy day. Then my two poor children have suffered for eight years. Today they are finally back."

At this time, two people suddenly walked out of the stairs.

A boy in a black gentleman's attire and a blonde woman in a white dress came out together.Many nobles' eyes lit up.

Although Jenny's clothes are simple and simple, they match her appearance and figure, coupled with her gentle and pure temperament.But it made everyone's heart tremble.Many young aristocratic men decided to inquire after a while.message from this woman.

"Jenny, Keane, come here." Mrs. Wade greeted warmly.

Jenny and Keane also went down the stairs and stood beside Mrs. Wade.Mrs. Wade enthusiastically introduced: "This is Jenny, you see, what a beautiful girl. And this handsome young man is Keen." Mrs. Wade sighed: "Jenny, Keen They finally got through that period of suffering, but their mother, my good sister, "Mrs. Wade's eyes were a little red, as if she was about to cry.

"Eldest madam, if the second madam knows that you care about her so much, she will be very touched." An old voice sounded, and Lambert and Lin Feng came out from the side.

Mrs. Weed glanced at Lambert.

Lambert was the most loyal servant of the second lady back then. Even if the second lady was in trouble, Lambert still followed the second lady without complaint or regret.

Jenny and Keane were very upset.

They knew that the reason for their mother's death and their eight years of suffering were all caused by the aunt in front of them.Gianni still knows how to endure, but Keane, who is only 14 years old, sarcastically said: "Ma'am, why haven't you visited us in the past eight years? We have always missed you, Ma'am."

Mrs. Wade's face remained unchanged, and she sighed and said: "I have been busy with various things in Chi'er County City these years, and I have never had time. Every time I think about this matter, I feel that I owe you too much."

Lin Feng smiled and said directly: "Mrs. Wade, Earl Wade has passed away, and Keen is his heir. This time Keen came back to inherit the position of city lord. I don't know when Mrs. Wade is going to Let Keane take over the position of the city lord?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole living room fell silent.

All the nobles in the field understood that the main event had arrived.

At the same time, those nobles all looked at Lin Feng suspiciously. They didn't understand where the stunned head came out, and they asked him so directly.

"Mr. Lin Feng." Mrs. Wade said coldly, "You protected Keen and Jenny to Chier County City. As their aunt, I am very grateful to you. But let Keen succeed the city owner. It's not easy for you, an outsider, to interfere with our family's internal affairs."

Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, he turned his head and looked at Keen with a smile, because he remembered that Keen's next sentence in the original book was very powerful.

Sure enough, Keane immediately retorted: "Who said Brother Feng is from an outsider?"

"What is it if you are not an outsider?" Mrs. Wade's expression was very indifferent.

Keen was startled, looked at Lin Feng, raised his head and said, "Brother Feng is, but my sister's fiancé, why is he an outsider?"

"Fiance?" Mrs. Weed was puzzled.

Jane is stunned.

Only Lin Feng secretly smiled in his heart, he was waiting for this sentence.

Jenny blushed.

"How?" Keen raised his head proudly, "My future brother-in-law is qualified to say this, aunt, my father is dead, and my eldest brother is also dead. I am now the first heir."

Mrs. Weed was silent.

Everyone on the field looked at Mrs. Wade. It was logical for Keane to inherit the position of city lord, and it was protected by the laws of the empire.They were eager to see what Mrs. Weed would do.

"Haha, Keen, why are you in a hurry." Mrs. Wade said with a smile, "Your father is dead, and now you are your father's only son, so you are naturally the first heir. The position of city lord must belong to you, no one Take it from you."

"Thank you so much, ma'am." Keen said with a smile, "When will I take over the position of the city lord?" Madam Wade said with a smile: "No hurry, you are not yet an adult, Keen, so, wait and see In two years, after you pass the coming-of-age day, you can take over the position of the city lord."

"Two years later?" Keane stared.

But Mrs. Wade smiled: "Kean, good boy, you are not yet an adult, and you are not yet capable enough to manage a city. Don't worry, after two years, you will definitely become the lord of Chi'er County City." .

After two years before succeeding as city lord?In two years, what won't happen?How could Kean endure two years under Mrs. Weed's breath?
"I think I'm capable." Keane said firmly.

Mrs. Wade straightened her face and said, "Kean, calm down, you are just a child now. The lord of Chi'er County manages millions of imperial people, and you still can't afford this burden."

At this moment, Jenny who was next to Keane said aloud, "Ma'am, the imperial law never said that you must become an adult to inherit the position of city lord."

Mrs. Weed looked at Jenny.

Jenny looked at Mrs. Weed without giving in, and the two women of different ages just looked at each other.

"Yes." Mrs. Wade said with a smile, "It is true that the laws of the empire do not expressly stipulate that you must become an adult before you can inherit the position of city lord. But"

Mrs. Wade said sadly, "After your father passed away some time ago, after the clan heard the news here, your elder brother was supposed to inherit the position of the city lord, but, my poor child..."

"When it was learned that Keen was only 14 years old, the people of the clan issued an order. This Chi'er County City is one of the most important counties in our Northwest Province, and it is adjacent to the provincial capital 'Basil'. Chi'er County City The management of the city is very important, and the clan ordered that Keen must become an adult before he can take over the position of the city lord."


Keane and Jenny were startled.

Hearing that this was the suzerain's order, Jenny and Keane were also a little confused.As members of the Jax clan, Jenny and Keane know the meaning of clan.

"Ma'am, did the clan really issue such an order?" Jenny stared at Mrs. Weed.

Mrs. Wade frowned, and looked at Jenny: "Jenny, do you think I will pass on the clan's order? Well, before Keane succeeds the city lord, I will preside over all the affairs of the county for the time being."

"I am the future city lord, and I have the power to decide who will be the acting city lord." Keane shouted dissatisfied.

Mrs. Weed looked at Kean coldly.

And Lin Feng, who had been silent by the side, finally spoke out: "Mrs. Wade, your so-called clan should not have ordered you to act as the acting city lord, right?"

Mrs. Weed froze.

No matter how daring she was, she would not dare to make up the order of the clan indiscriminately.

Both Jenny and Keane belong to the Jax family, and the Jax family is one of the most powerful families in the entire O'Brien Empire.

The Northwest Province, one of the seven provinces of the entire O'Brien Empire, is controlled by the Jax family.

Jenny and Keane's father, Wade Jax, is only a collateral child of the Jax family.If it wasn't for the Jax family, how could a cowardly guy like Weed Jax be the lord of a county?

Wade is dead now.

From the perspective of the Jaques family, the Chier County City must still be taken care of by members of the Jaques family.

Mrs. Wade, although married to Wade, after all, Mrs. Wade is not the blood of the Jax family. It is unlikely that the Jax family will let Mrs. Wade take the position of acting city lord.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for those old antiques of the clan..." Mrs. Wade hated in her heart.

No matter how powerful she is, Mrs. Wade cannot compare with the Jax clan.In a word, I am afraid that this noble lady will go to the street to beg tomorrow.

"I am not an adult, but my older sister is. I will send someone to the provincial capital 'Basil'. I believe that the elders of the clan will make my older sister the acting castellan, not you!"

Keane said proudly.

Jenny, Keane, and Mrs. Weed's conflicts cannot be concealed at all.

In just a few words, it was fully expressed at this banquet.After all, the mothers of Jenny and Keane were actually persecuted to death by Mrs. Weed.Jenny and Keane were assassinated along the way.

"Okay, okay, if you have the ability, you can invite the clan. I really want to see if the clan will hand over the responsibility of acting as the city lord to a local girl." Mrs. Wade raised her chin and said proudly.

Keane's face was also full of stubbornness.

A 14-year-old boy is at the most rebellious period. The more arrogant this Mrs. Weed is, the more he wants to resist Keane.Keane also believed that the clan would definitely stand by his side, after all he was a child of the Jax family.

In fact, Lin Feng had thought of killing Mrs. Weed directly at the banquet, so that not only could this annoying woman be dealt with, but also the nobles in Chi'er County could be deterred.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lin Feng still gave up.After all, Keane has just arrived in Chi'er County, and the family's letter of appointment has not yet come down, so his position is not stable.Moreover, Mrs. Weed has many accomplices in the city of Chier County. If Mrs. Weed is killed directly, it will not only become a stigma, but it may also cause a backlash from Mrs. Weed's supporters.The loss outweighs the gain!
This is Chapter 1!
(End of this chapter)

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