Chapter 101
Two months later, Jian Yong came back from Hanzhong.Sure enough, as Liu Chan knew, he didn't achieve any results at all.

In fact, Zhang Lu's temperament is completely different from Liu Zhang's, and he doesn't like Jian Yong, who is careless and crazy. After a long delay, Jian Yong followed Yang Song's path before seeing Zhang Lu.But now Zhang Lu is still dreaming of being his Hanling King!How could it be so easy to submit to Liu Bei?
Liu Chan knew that now he had to go to Hanzhong in person, but he knew that his behavior was a bit reckless in the last trip to Jiangdong. Of course, he couldn't act almost without a plan like the last time.

Liu Chan immediately asked Deng Ai to discuss with Zhuge Qiao.

Of course, the two still opposed Liu Chan's going to Hanzhong, and their attitude was even tougher than when they were in Jingzhou last time.Liu Chan was also very persistent, and promised that he would be more cautious this time.

But no matter how Liu Chan tried to persuade him, Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai, especially Zhuge Qiao, were already terrified after experiencing the incident in Jiangdong.As a result, everyone's opinions eventually reached a stalemate.

The three of them hid in Liu Chan's study for three days and argued.For fear of making too much noise, they not only closed all the doors and windows, but also asked Zhao Feng to lead someone to handle it himself. Without the young master's order, no one was allowed to approach the courtyard of the study room. It was not prudent.

Later, Zhuge and Qiao couldn't convince Liu Chan, and the young master's eloquence was never average, so when it came to this, they could only follow the young master.Who made them Liu Chan's attendants?It is very rare for the Lord to be able to talk with them on an equal footing for three consecutive days, so they have already decided in their hearts that even if they fight to the death this time, they will probably follow the young master to the north!

Therefore, after several days of non-discussion, the three of them formulated a detailed action plan:

Liu Chan first sent people to inform the Sun family to quickly pick up the goods, and asked Zhao Feng to lead people to arrest those spies sent by Kong Ming to monitor their whereabouts.Zhuge Qiao then wrote a letter to Liu Bei and Zhuge Junshi each, explaining clearly his whereabouts, so as to save them from looking around like headless chickens.

In a short while, Zhao Feng caught five spies.Liu Chan asked his servant to lock all five spies into the firewood room, and let them take the two letters back to the military adviser tomorrow.

After doing this, all the horses changed to ordinary people's attire.

Zhuge Qiao is dressed in white and looks extremely elegant.Both Deng Ai and Zhao Feng were dressed in blue shirts, looking extremely mature.Liu Chan himself was dressed in black, and the rest of his subordinates were dressed in gray homespun clothes, looking like a group of harmless servants.Who would have imagined that all of these people were experienced soldiers?
Then they secretly came to Sun's warehouse, and the goods were almost packed.In fact, the Sun family's batch of southern goods should have arrived a long time ago, but because it is the dry season of the Yangtze River, it is difficult for large ships to pass the Three Gorges, so it took a lot of time. Fortunately, they finally arrived in Chengdu three days ago.

The leader of the group sent by the Sun family to carry the goods was a middle-aged man surnamed Hu, who was very burly. He was very surprised to see so many people joining the caravan halfway, thinking that there was something priceless hidden in the goods. Treasure, otherwise why do we need to increase so many people to protect it?
He also saw that Liu Chan and the others were young, but they were all extraordinary, and treated them with great respect.However, the treatment of the 24 burly men trapped in the camp was completely different. Lao Hu bluntly yelled at them to help move the goods.

Gao Ye and others couldn't help being furious that they dared to let Tangtang fall into the camp to do the work of portering husbands, and they immediately went over and surrounded Lao Hu.Seeing this, Liu Chan yelled at them: "What are you doing? Why don't you just follow the old nonsense?"

Seeing that Liu Chan was angry, Gao Ye had no choice but to obediently go to work despite the resentment in his heart.However, they were all as strong as an ox, and one person could hold up to three porters, which made Lao Hu dumbfounded.

Thanks to the help of the trapped camp, the convoy set off soon.

Since ancient times, there are only two roads to go from Chengdu to Hanzhong.One is Jinniu Road, also known as Jiange Road, and the other is Rice Cang Road.But it would be too troublesome to turn to the waterway in the middle of the rice warehouse road, so they can only take the Jinniu road this time.This road is the one that the legendary king of Shu was deceived by the state of Qin and sent his warriors to transport the stone cattle, which eventually led to the annexation of the state of Shu by the state of Qin.

If they take this road, they will pass through the two cities of Luo and Fu, then pass through Zitong, and go north through Jianmen Mountain, which is Tianxian Jiange. It meets Chencang Road in the north of Laozhaohua, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province today, and then passes through Jiameng. Guan and Bashan, and finally pass through Yangping Pass to enter the Hanzhong Basin.Therefore, don't look at the straight-line distance between Chengdu and Hanzhong, but in fact, you have to turn around in the Qinba Mountains along the way, and the road is very difficult.

But when the convoy passed the border of Guanghan and was about to reach the vicinity of Luofengpo, a group of white people suddenly appeared in front of them and blocked their way.

Those people lined up in a neat line, each holding a gleaming silver spear in his hand, that kind of momentum was really terrifying.

At this time, the convoy has not yet entered the Qinba Mountains, the opponent's team should not be robbers, not to mention how can there be such a majestic robber in this world?
After Liu Chan and others got out of the carriage, they realized that the army on the opposite side was actually an all-white-eared army!Liu Chan was shocked, these people were not by Liu Bei's side to protect the safety of Chengdu, why did they all come here?

Then I saw the men and horses in front of the White Ear Army spread out to the two sides, and a healthy white horse came from behind, and a general with silver helmet and silver armor sat on it, his appearance was incomparably handsome.

Seeing this person appear, Liu Chan couldn't help exclaiming: "Fourth Uncle, why did he appear here?"

Then, Liu Chan immediately realized that something was wrong. Zhao Yun must have been ordered by Zhuge's army master, and he had already been waiting here to intercept him!Unexpectedly, the plan carefully prepared by the three of them would be so childish in front of Zhuge military division.Liu Chan had no choice but to take Zhuge Qiao, Deng Ai and Zhao Feng and ran over, bowed to Zhao Yun and said, "Fourth Uncle, why are you here?"

Zhao Yun got down from his horse, but his face was not as peaceful as before. He scanned the four of them with serious eyes, as sharp as if he wanted to pierce people's hearts.

Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai had never seen such power before, they were so frightened that their feet almost limp, but fortunately, Liu Chan and Zhao Feng secretly reached out to support them.

Zhao Yun's gaze finally fell on Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng quickly lowered his head, shouting in his heart that this is really bad, and he will definitely be punished by his master again.

Finally, Zhao Yun took a deep breath, as if trying to ease his mood, and said to Liu Chan, "My lord, you have gone too far this time! Do you know how anxious my lord is now because of your leaving this time?"

Liu Chan's heart was shocked. Could it be that old guy Liu Bei is still anxious about his son?He raised his head and looked at Zhao Yun suspiciously.

When Zhao Yun looked at Liu Chan's watery eyes, his heart suddenly trembled inexplicably.Such eyes, he really seemed to have known each other, and then he remembered the incident when he cut the river to save Adou, when Liu Chan parted with Mrs. Sun, that was the look in his eyes.

Zhao Yun couldn't help but soften his heart.There are definitely tens of thousands of poor people in this world, but a child as young as the young master, although he has a noble status, has lost three mothers in a row since he was a child. How can anyone understand his feelings?
This is probably the cause of the emotional gap between him and the lord, and he has to rely on himself to get all the results he needs, right?

Zhao Yun sighed, his face softened, he stretched out his hand to stroke Liu Chan's head, and said, "My lord, let's go back to Chengdu. My lord is waiting for you to go home?"

Going home... I don't know how long this word has not surfaced in Liu Chan's mind.When he was in Chengdu, he would sometimes deliberately go to Han Long's house for breakfast, isn't it just because of the word "home"?
Seeing Liu Chan in a daze, Zhao Yun took Liu Chan's hand, turned to Zhao Feng and Deng Ai and shouted, "You two are not allowed to ride horses, run back to Chengdu for me!" Then he sent Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao to the carriage, Lao Hu, who was stunned, led his caravan to get out of here.

On the way back to Chengdu, Liu Chan opened the curtain of the car from time to time and looked in the direction of Chengdu. It turned out that there was a father waiting for him to go home.But going back this time also means that Liu Bei may eventually lose the hundreds of thousands of residents in Hanzhong, and it also means that after he succeeds to the throne in the future, Kong Ming will face the crisis of poor logistics every time he goes to the Northern Expedition.

Liu Chan suddenly realized that his second wave of confrontation with fate seemed to end in his failure again.The first time he failed, he lost Sun Shangxiang, but this time, he seemed to lose even the little bit of destiny that he could win.

Liu Chan was a little frustrated, but he was even more unwilling, and he had already started to calculate in his heart.Because his third confrontation with fate has already started, and the battlefield is in Jingzhou!Brother Wu Pu staying in Jiangdong is the first pawn he arranged!
(End of this chapter)

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