Chapter 102 Alliance
After Liu Chan returned to Chengdu, to his surprise, he was not punished by Liu Bei.On the contrary, he calmed Liu Chan with kind words and kind words uncharacteristically. He just advised Liu Chan tenderly not to take risks alone like this again, and don't let his father worry about it anymore. He will take care of things in Hanzhong himself.

After Liu Bei's gentle offensive, Liu Chan had unknowingly been subdued by Liu Bei's art of controlling people, and he couldn't help feeling a little guilty in his heart.

Liu Chan thought for a while, he really didn't fully understand the lesson of the trip to Jiangdong.As the heir of a hegemon himself, how could he be so willful and indulgent?Some things can't be done by yourself.And the person he was most sorry for was not actually himself, but his father Liu Bei, and Zhao Feng and Ou Yechang who were almost killed!
—Alas, it seems that I am not only capricious, but simply self-willed!

Liu Chan thought.He couldn't help feeling a little hot on his face, so he saluted Liu Bei and left Liu Bei's study.

After Liu Chan returned, he immediately wrote a letter of self-criticism to Liu Bei, and then personally went to Zhao Feng's house to thank the couple, and brought many gifts, some for them, and some for Ou Yechang who was far away in Jiangdong.

In the end, the person Liu Chan wants to apologize and thank is naturally Military Master Zhuge—the elder who has been supporting him behind the scenes.

Things have reached this point, Liu Chan finally learned a lesson from it, and began to grow a lot.

A month later, Yizhou sent shocking news.

Liu Bei, who has always been calm, may have been influenced by Liu Chan's momentum. He actually ignored the situation in Jingzhou and the unstable situation in Yizhou. With Zhao Yun as the vanguard, he led the 1000 white-eared army with super combat effectiveness and the 4000 Yizhou army. Army, a total of 5000 people touched Yangping Pass.

Zhao Yun's army was indeed brave, and as soon as they arrived outside Yangping Pass, they stormed Yangping Pass with lightning speed.Within two days, they successively conquered the seven large villages established by the Hanzhong Army outside the pass, and rushed all the way to Yangping Pass.

Yangpingguan is located at the Jinniu crossing leading to Bashu in the west and the Chencang crossing leading to Qinlong in the north.With Dingjun Mountain and Tiandang Mountain in the north and south of the Hanjiang River, it is the west gateway of the Hanzhong Basin, and it is also the northern frontier of Bashu leading to Guanzhong.Therefore, capturing Yangping Pass is equivalent to opening a door to Hanzhong.

At the same time, Wei Yan, the rear army, led another army to carry out activities in Jiameng Pass.Because Jiameng Pass is the main road of Qin and Shu, at the confluence of Jialing River and Bailong River, you can go down Jialing River to Langzhong, an important town in Brazil, and then go up northeast to Hanchang County.

Bazhong can be said to be Zhang Lu's rear. In another time and space, after Cao Cao captured Hanzhong, Zhang Lu retreated there.Therefore, the existence of Wei Yan's army will inevitably put great pressure on Zhang Lu.

At the same time, Liu Feng and Meng Da who were stationed in Shangyong were also ready to move.They actively mobilized their troops and were ready to go up the Han River at any time to cooperate with the Zhao Wei coalition forces to besiege Hanzhong.However, the chances of this army making the trip are very small.Its main task is to put more pressure on Zhang Lujun.

The three armies in Yizhou launched operations from three different directions at the same time, which immediately caused chaos in Zhang Lu's camp.

At this time, Liu Chan wrote again, suggesting that Liu Bei should seize the opportunity and send an ultimatum to Zhang Lu at the right time, asking Zhang Lu to immediately form an alliance with Yizhou to resist Cao Jun together, and also to ask both sides Jointly sent troops to garrison Yangping Pass.Because as long as the Shu army enters Yangping Pass, Yangping Pass will belong to the Shu army in the future. This is a strategy that kills two birds with one stone!
Liu Bei didn't expect that Liu Chan's thoughts were connected with his father, and he wanted to get Yangping Pass even further!
In fact, Liu Bei was not confident that Zhao Yun could storm Yangping Pass and pacify Zhang Lu, but he still ordered Zhao Yun to launch a fierce attack in the early stage of the war.This is just because he wants to create a strong oppressive force on the other party and pave the way for the joint resistance of the two families in the future.

But Liu Bei's goal is actually just to let the Shu army and the Hanzhong army respond to each other, just like Wu's resistance to Cao back then, but Liu Chan even moved his mind on Yangping Pass.It's just that the status of Yangping Pass is so important, I don't know if it was feasible for the Shu army to station in the past.Therefore, Liu Bei immediately ordered someone to invite Zhuge's army division to come to discuss.

The final result of the discussion came out soon, and Kong Ming felt that the young master's suggestion might be worth a try. It would be the best if it succeeds, and there is nothing wrong with it if it fails.Since Kong Ming said so, Liu Bei naturally had no objections, so he handed over the matter to Kong Ming.

Zhang Lu also soon got the news of Cao Jun's expedition.

The power of Cao Jun's first attack on Hanzhong had already made Zhang Lu fearful of Cao Cao's troops.Had it not been for Zhuge Liang to fight in person, it would have been impossible for the surname Zhang to be in Hanzhong today!Therefore, when he heard that Cao Cao had really come to conquer Hanzhong himself, he was so frightened that he almost cried, so he quickly consulted with Cao Cao Yanpu and counselor Yang Song.

Yan Pu was Zhang Lu's most important adviser. Zhang Lu's strategy of attacking Liu Zhang in the past, and his recommendation of General Pang De to Zhang Lu when Cao Cao attacked in the future were all written by him.So this person is different from a greedy person like Yang Song, he can be regarded as a relatively upright person.After Zhang Lu surrendered to Cao Wei in the future, Yang Song, who had made great contributions, was killed, and Yan Pu, who did not agree to surrender, was instead named a lieutenant.

Yan Pu thought for a while and told Zhang Ludao: "Liu Bei and Cao Cao are both tigers and wolves. Whether they are fighting with Hanzhong or forming an alliance, isn't their ultimate goal to occupy the territory of Hanzhong? My lord can only send heavy troops to defend the passes. Both Liu Bei's army and Cao Cao's army came from afar, and their logistics and supplies are difficult. As long as they can hold on for a hundred days, the two armies will surely retreat without fighting."

Yan Pu's strategy of sticking to it alone should be the best strategy that can be adopted at present.In particular, Liu Bei's Yizhou is still unstable at this time, and logistics supplies are also very difficult. I am afraid that it will not take a hundred days, but it will not last for seven or eighty days.

But this is the strategy Yang Song is least willing to accept.Because this means that Hanzhong is not pleasing to both Yizhou and Cao Wei, and it means that he cannot receive any benefits from both sides.

Yang Song immediately retorted: "Yan Gongcao's words are wrong! Let's not talk about Liu Bei's generals Guan Zhang, who is famous in China. Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong alone can take down seven of our army's strongholds in two days! Yangping Pass is already in danger. And Cao Your Excellency is even more like a god, how do you want our army to stick to it for a hundred days? My lord, please think twice."

Originally, Zhang Lu had been moved by Yan Pu's suggestion, but now he heard Yang Song say this, and his heart became confused again.

Seeing that Zhang Lu was still hesitating, Yan Pu felt a great sense of resentment in his heart, and refuted Yang Song: "The terrain around Hanzhong is extremely dangerous, as long as we send heavy troops to guard it, even if we discard one or two passes, as long as we can delay The time for the opponent to march is enough!"

Yang Song sneered and said, "Is Yan Gongcao trying to take the people of Hanzhong to death? My lord has run Hanzhong for decades, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. How could this happy land be destroyed in the flames of war like this? This is the lord's last I don't want to see the result!"

Seeing that the two were arguing like this in front of him, Zhang Lu made himself unable to think even more, so he had to stop the quarrel between the two and let them go on their own.

The military division Zhuge deployed in Hanzhong, and soon learned of the negotiation between Zhang Lu, Yan Pu and Yang Song, and quickly sent a message back to Chengdu with a carrier pigeon.

Military Master Zhuge immediately instructed the secret agents, on the one hand, to make a big publicity in Hanzhong, how Cao Wei planned to kill the young Liu Cong after capturing Jingzhou, and how Liu Bei treated Liu Zhang with great benevolence and righteousness after capturing Yizhou. These two messages.

Kong Ming did this, of course, to let Zhang Lu know through the comparison of these two things that once he surrendered to Cao Cao, what awaited him would be a catastrophe, forcing him to take the initiative to move closer to Yizhou.

Then, Zhuge Junshi accepted Liu Chan's suggestion and used money offensive to disintegrate Hanzhong officials from within.So, he ordered the secret agents to promise Yang Song a heavy bribe, as long as he promised to speak for the Yizhou Army, he would agree to anything he wanted.

In fact, the reason why Military Master Zhuge and Liu Chan were willing to spend so much money on Yang Song was not only because of his great energy in Hanzhong, but also because they had already murdered this unrighteous Yang Song.Where does the dying man give the promise of infinity?
The secret workers immediately started active activities.After Zhang Lu heard about Liu Cong and Liu Zhang, his mentality changed drastically, and he gradually leaned towards forming an alliance with the Yizhou Army.

As expected, Yang Song received Liu Bei's promise of a thousand hectares of fertile farmland in Yizhou and two mansions not long after.

Therefore, Yang Song immediately came to Zhang Lu's residence, and worked hard to lobby for the Yizhou Army, saying: "How do you think about Cao Cao and Liu Bei, my lord?"

Zhang Lu thought for a while and said, "Cao Cao is the overlord of the world. Liu Bei is the hero of one side."

Yang Song shook his head, and said righteously: "No, my lord. Cao Cao is a traitor in the world and a thief who steals the country. Liu Bei, the uncle of the emperor today, is indeed a benevolent king."

In fact, Zhang Lu has always admired Cao Cao in his heart. Hearing Yang Song say this, he couldn't help but start to re-evaluate the two of them, Liu and Cao.His chest is so uncertain that it ends here.

Yang Song persuaded again: "The lord should know that when Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao in the north, he took his victorious army to Jingzhou in one fell swoop. Jiangdong was in chaos, and all the scholars and bureaucrats wanted to surrender. Du Lusu said to him: "Su can welcome Cao Cao, but the general cannot." Why? Su welcomes Cao today, and remembers my merits, so I will not lose my position. The general welcomes Cao, what should I do in the future?'”

Thoughts in Zhang Lu's mind were rolling again, but he still worried: "Liu Zhang's experience is vivid!" It seems that Liu Bei borrowed the opportunity of Sichuan to help Liu Zhang and took the opportunity to seize the opponent's territory.
"Could it be that the lord wants to repeat the mistakes of the ignorant boy Liu Congzhi back then? Thief Cao didn't even want to let go of a 14-year-old boy back then, let alone the lord in Hanzhong, where all the people belonged to him?"

How could Zhang Lu be ignorant of Liu Chan's affairs? His heart turned cold, and he couldn't help shivering: "You immediately send troops to inform General Zhao Yun to enter Yangping Pass and guard Yangping Pass together with Zhang Wei!"

Yang Song was overjoyed, because this meant that the alliance between Liu and Zhang had been established.After he went out, he immediately sent his confidantes to report to Yangping Pass.

At this time, more than forty days had passed since Zhao Yun led the army to attack Yangping Pass, and the food supply was almost out of supply.On the other hand, Cao Cao's army has entered the Sanfu area and will soon launch an offensive against Hanzhong. If the Hanzhong army holds out for a few more days, he will have to retreat.Therefore, the news that the Yizhou Army entered Yangping Pass on this day came at a very timely time.

When the news of Zhao Yun's entry into Yangping Pass reached Chengdu, Liu Chan was overjoyed.Only then did he know that Zhuge's military adviser told him that day that he would plan everything by himself, and he did not break his promise!Now that Zhao Yun is at Yangping Pass, and Wei Yan has quickly sent reinforcements, Hanzhong is safe!
Liu Chan felt inexplicably relieved: It seems that in this confrontation, my son gave up too early!Hahaha... Thanks to the strategic planning of the military division, the trend of history has finally been reversed!
(End of this chapter)

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