The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 103 Convincing Liu Bei

Chapter 103 Convincing Liu Bei
Time passed, and many days passed.

There was a lot of trouble in the Yamen of General Zuo's Mansion in Chengdu this day.Because of the successful alliance between Liu and Zhang, the news that Zhao Yun's army was stationed at Yangping Pass had spread to Chengdu, causing quite a stir in the entire officialdom.

At this time, Liu Chan was wearing a white robe, which made his figure even more slender.But the indifference on his usual face is gone now, and his expression is slightly nervous, as if something important is about to happen
In fact, I don't know why, every time before Liu Chan speaks to Liu Bei, he always feels inexplicably nervous.This is probably because Liu Chan often subconsciously thinks about the incident when Liu Bei almost threw him to death on Changbanpo.

Liu Chan's eyes blinked, and in front of him was a closed door, with a slightly black door panel, showing that it was quite old.Liu Chan listened intently, the room was very quiet, as if no one was there.

Liu Chan then straightened his clothes and adjusted his state before knocking on the door of Liu Bei's study.

Liu Bei was sitting behind his desk, frowning slightly, with a look of concentrating on his thoughts, maybe he was thinking about how to deal with Hanzhong land next.

Liu Chan stepped forward and said, "Meet my father."

Liu Bei raised his head to look at Liu Chan, his frown suddenly unfolded, and he seemed to be in a better mood.He asked kindly: "Father, I haven't seen you for a few days. What have you been up to lately? Why do you have time to see Father today?" Then he motioned Liu Chan to sit down and talk.

Liu Chan knew that Liu Bei was very busy with Yizhou, Jingzhou, and Hanzhong recently, so he didn't want to disturb him for too long.So he didn't go to sit down, but stood up and replied: "My child is still busy in the hospital recently."

Liu Bei nodded. Although many things in the hospital made him feel unhappy, after all, he had trained many capable talents for him.Especially those doctors, they really helped a lot on the battlefield, so he turned a blind eye to them now, as if he didn't know.

Liu Chan said again: "I have an idea and hope that my father will allow it. Now that we have formed an alliance with Zhang Lu, and Yangping Pass has gradually been controlled by the fourth uncle Zhao Yun, it should be time to send people to Hanzhong to prepare to talk to Zhang Lu. negotiated."

Liu Bei was a little strange, what are you negotiating with?The last time Jian Yong passed by, everyone avoided him!Liu Chan smiled slightly, reassuring Liu Bei that Zhang Lu will definitely meet him now that things are different now.

Liu Bei was shocked, knowing that Liu Chan was going to take risks in person again. As the child's father, he certainly couldn't agree. This child really can't stop for a few days!He then asked: "Cao's army has not yet reached Yangping Pass, and the situation in Hanzhong is still unclear. We don't need to rush to act."

Liu Chan secretly sighed in his heart, his father really refused to act lightly.He then said: "Cao Jun has a large number of people, known as hundreds of thousands of people, and their arrogance is extremely arrogant, but they have a fatal weakness. Father can send wise men who are willing to understand strategy to coordinate all military affairs and future negotiations. "


Liu Chan then said the words he had prepared for a long time, "Father Rong, Cao Wei's army marched thousands of miles away, and now they are anxious not to go to Yangping Pass. The soldiers have already grown tired of war and are deeply homesick. Cao Jun is now showing signs of lack of food. As long as Fourth Uncle can hold on to Yangping Pass, I am not afraid that Cao Jun will not take the initiative to retreat!"

What Liu Chan said was well-founded, Liu Bei couldn't help but nodded, but the hesitation on his face still didn't fade away.

So Liu Chan took out a list from his pocket and handed it over.Liu Bei took it over and took a look. It was full of the names of the main officials of all counties and counties in Hanzhong, and the first one was Yang Song.

Liu Bei frowned and asked, "These are..."

"Father, I need you to give me at least five thousand gold and five million yuan! Hanzhong officials are mostly interested in profit. As long as the money is spread, at least 500% of the people on the list will become ours. If Zhang Lu wants to stand up at that time, it will be impossible!"

The land of Hanzhong can be taken from Zhang Lu without bloodshed. Is there really such a cheap thing in the world?Liu Bei couldn't help feeling a little tempted.

But now that his foundation is getting bigger and bigger, Liu Bei is also paying more and more attention to the safety of Liu Chan, the heir.So Liu Bei said: "The money is not a problem, just take care of your safety for the sake of your father. This matter can be left to others."

Seeing Liu Bei's worried expression, Liu Chan couldn't help but feel a little moved. He secretly sighed that his father is really old now, and his will is not as strong as when he started his business, and he is not as daring as before.

Only then did Liu Bei ask: "Then who do you mean by the wise man? Kong Ming's words, that's impossible. It's impossible for him to leave Xichuan now."

Liu Chan nodded. In fact, he had already chosen the candidate, and said, "If that's the case, then there is a suitable candidate here. You can hire Mr. Shi Guangyuan for help. Mr. is talented and more suitable than other officials in Yizhou. Much more."

Liu Bei didn't understand the meaning of Liu Chan's words, so he asked, "My son, what do you mean by 'employment'?"

Liu Chan smiled, trying to make himself look more relaxed, and explained: "Mr. Shi's best to stay in the School of Economics to help Yizhou cultivate more talents, after all, we can't be confined to the land of Jingyi and Yizhou in the future. At that time, it is impossible for the talents who govern the ground to rely solely on the officials who have surrendered from the enemy, right?"

Liu Bei nodded, feeling both surprised and delighted, this kid A Dou thinks farther than himself!

Liu Chan added: "So the so-called 'hiring' is actually like the meaning of a business hiring people. So this time Mr. Shi came out to help, you have to pay him a high salary, and of course give him a title for the time being." That's all right. Then, after Mr. Shi has settled the matter, he can return the duties to his father."

Of course, Liu Chan did this for his own deep meaning, and it was nothing more than to keep the National Academy of Medicine and the government at an appropriate distance, and to maintain the hard-won autonomy.

Liu Bei really couldn't figure out what was going on in his son's head, he could think of such a thing, wouldn't it be good to just let him become an official?

But Liu Bei said: "If Shi Guangyuan succeeds in resisting Cao Cao, he will have made a great contribution. If he is dismissed afterwards, it will not be rewarded for his meritorious service. I am afraid that the hearts of the people in the world will be chilled."

Liu Chan explained: "If my father has such concerns, then he can write a document and officially announce it to Mr. Shi. It must be stated in the document that Mr. Shi is not willing to become an official, but he has the heart to share the worries of the king, so he temporarily grants it to Mr. Shi. The authority will be withdrawn after the event. After the people in the world know, they will naturally not misunderstand the meaning of the father. Before that, Mr. Shi, let the child speak for the father."

Liu Bei nodded and thought that the reason why Liu Chan said this may have other meanings. If he can't handle it alone, he might act without authorization.So in order to restrain Liu Chan, the treacherous and cunning Liu Bei immediately handed over the matter to Liu Chan to handle it.

Liu Chan is still too tender compared to Liu Bei.How could he have imagined that Liu Bei did this to keep him in Chengdu?So, after coming out of Hanzhong Palace, he excitedly went straight to the National Hospital to inform Shi Guangyuan.

Along the way, Liu Chan quickly drew up the goals to be achieved today: one is to invite Shi Guangyuan to come out of the mountain, and the other is to apply for a transfer from Mr. Zhang Fangping, allocating [-] doctors and [-] accounting students to follow Shi Guangyuan to the north of Hanzhong .

There is naturally a reason why Liu Chan asked Shi Guangyuan to bring so many doctors.Due to the existence of the "Five Dou Rice Religion" in Hanzhong, the people do not know medical skills and only use talisman water to treat diseases. There must be many patients whose illnesses are delayed.Therefore, these doctors were the ones who conquered the hearts of Yizhou in the past.

And those [-] accounting students were of course used to seize Hanzhong and immediately enter various prefectures and counties to check the materials in the treasury.Look at how thoughtful Liu Chan is!

(End of this chapter)

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