The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 104 Shi Tao leads the way

Chapter 104 Shi Tao leads the way
When Liu Chan got out of the gate of the General's Mansion, it was almost evening, the sun's rays became much weaker, and the sky in the distance was no longer so bright, showing a grayish white color.

Liu Chan thought for a while, and now it was almost time to finish class at the National Academy of Medicine.Before boarding the carriage, he told Zhao Feng, who was following the guards, to walk from Fang District later, and remember to ask someone to buy some delicious pastries and send them to Shi Guangyuan on the way.

When Liu Chan's carriage came outside the Yiguoyuan, the coachman automatically stopped the carriage. This was a rule established by the Yiguoyuan when it was in Jingzhou.After Liu Chan got off the car, he asked the coachman to drive the carriage to the parking area, and then walked straight into the school with Zhao Feng.

The style of the National Hospital of Medicine today is not much different from that in Jingzhou before.It still does not have a school gate, the courtyard walls have been demolished, and anyone can come in and out freely, but there are guard posts every ten meters.

The roads inside are still not allowed to drive private cars, and an emergency lane is still marked; the medical students inside still require ordinary patients, no matter what their status is, to line up and wait for treatment without distinction...

These are the traditions of the National Academy of Medicine, and it is also the spirit that it must uphold forever.If one day these things disappear, then although the name of Yiguoyuan can continue to be called Yiguoyuan, it is no longer the Yiguoyuan that Liu Chan hoped for.

The plaque "National Hospital of Medicine" inscribed by Military Master Zhuge himself was embedded on a delicate dragon pillar and stood alone.On the top of the dragon pillar is a roof that shelters from wind and rain, shaped like a small pavilion, protecting this and that plaque.

But the current National Hospital of Medicine is actually different from that in Jingzhou.For example, its scale has now expanded a lot.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the National Medical College itself has trained a group of students, they often donate to their alma mater.As well as the fact that the hospital's own financial situation is extremely clean and transparent, if many rich merchants, celebrities and officials are willing to donate their money to help, Liu Chan may now have to worry about the lack of funds for the hospital.

Therefore, the operation of the National Academy of Medicine has become very stable now. Liu Chan, a member of the board of directors, is not in charge of things at ordinary times, and often authorizes Zhuge Qiao to handle things on his behalf.What he does most often every day is to chat with those teachers or students, or discuss some interesting topics.

Liu Chan naturally had his purpose in doing this.The students who were able to enter the National Academy of Medicine were originally talented people, but now they have been trained to have certain professional skills.By talking with Liu Chan, on the one hand, he can enhance mutual understanding, promote mutual feelings, and gain their support; on the other hand, he can also understand his ambition and ability, and prepare for himself to reserve enough officials in the future.

It was already the end of the afternoon class, and many students of the National Medical College were walking on the road, some were going back to the dormitory, and some were going home, looking happy and in a hurry.The branches and leaves of the trees on both sides of the road cast black shadows on the ground and on the students who passed by.

As Liu Chan walked, he smiled and greeted every student he met, no matter whether they were from humble backgrounds or the children of officials.

In fact, all students are equal in the National Academy of Medicine, and it is absolutely not allowed to rely on family background to bully classmates.Otherwise, the discipline committee composed of four teachers and three student representatives will immediately find you to attend the hearing.So far, thirteen practitioners have been heard, and ten of them have been expelled.

And when those students saw Liu Chan, they would stop and smile at him, then salute lightly, greet each other before leaving, it seems that Liu Chan did not enjoy any special treatment——

Liu Chan's current status in the National Academy of Medicine is quite complicated. He can be regarded as a student and the founder of the academy.The students salute him not because he is Liu Bei's son, but as a kind of respect for him as the founder and senior of the academy.

Finally, Liu Chan came to the hospital, which was composed of many independent small wooden buildings, but there were walls around it.The wooden buildings are built like the kind of shops facing the street in Fang District. The shop is located below, and people can live in the back and upstairs.

This is actually the place where many teachers of the National Academy of Medicine lived, and the construction of these wooden buildings was Liu Chan's idea.Because he has always believed that the small buildings in Fang District that are used for both commercial and residential purposes are actually the best shops for ordinary small businessmen to start and develop businesses. As long as you rent one, you can do business downstairs and live upstairs. Even housing is settled.

And very importantly, its appearance is also beautiful and practical, which is the essence of traditional Chinese architecture, and it would be a pity not to use it.

Liu Chan came to Shi Guangyuan's residence with ease, and Shi Guangyuan's servants greeted him when he opened the door.Liu Chan asked him, "Has Mr. Shi come back?"

The servant replied respectfully: "The master is in the study, please come in, my lord."

Liu Chan followed the servant to Shi Guangyuan's study on the second floor.The study room is quite big. In fact, it was the largest room at the beginning. There are two rows of bookshelves next to the wall, and there are some letters on them.

The windows were wide open, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone faintly on the trees outside, whose leaves almost touched the walls.Shi Guangyuan sat alone behind the table, with one foot slightly tilted, and one hand propping half of his head, his face looked very peaceful, completely different from the arrogant Confucian scholar he usually used to be.

Liu Chan coughed lightly, stepped forward to salute Mr. Shi.Only then did Shi Guangyuan come back to his senses from the sea of ​​books. It seemed that the person who came was Liu Chan, so he adjusted his posture and sat upright. He smiled slightly and said, "Why did you come to my house? This is really rare."

Liu Chan was not polite either, he sat down beside him, and said with a smile, "Sir, are you complaining about the students not coming to see you? But we meet outside every day, and the students really don't miss you at all."

Shi Guangyuan gave Liu Chan a blank look, and said with a straight face: "I heard that the battle in Hanzhong has fallen into a stalemate. How is Deng Shizai now?"

Liu Chan sighed: "Mr. Shi, you prefer Deng Ai, and senior brother Wang Meng falls in love with Zhuge Qiao. I am the only one who is not valued."

Shi Guangyuan knew that Liu Chan was playing tricks, and said with a smile: "If you are not valued by others, who else can be valued by young people in this world? Just tell me, the news about the Hanzhong War that is circulating outside is true. of?"

Liu Chan nodded and said, "It's true, the Yizhou Army has entered Yangping Pass."

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "In this case, it means that the final decision on the victory of the war is still in the hands of the Yizhou Army. Am I right?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "That's right. Didn't you already foresee the situation today?"

Shi Guangyuan sighed: "It's a pity that I can't see the results of my plan in person."

Liu Chan smiled and said, "Sir, don't regret it! Chan will bring you two gifts today."

"Oh...? What gift?"

Liu Chan then called Zhao Feng in, carrying a basket of food in his hand.Shi Guangyuan's face suddenly showed disappointment, and he said, "This is your gift? Wouldn't I send someone to buy it myself?"

Seeing that he had successfully tricked Shi Guangyuan, Liu Chan felt a little complacent, and said, "Don't be angry, sir, this second gift is serious."

Shi Guangyuan waved his hand and said: "You should take it out and have a look, don't delay my study time, sir."

Liu Chan smiled and said, "I brought you a big official hat today."

Shi Guangyuan hesitated: "Crown cap? Do you want me to accompany you to meet someone?"

Liu Chan smiled slightly, knowing that Shi Guangyuan had misunderstood, misheard "official hat" as "crown hat", and said, "It's an official who is an official."

Shi Guangyuan shook his head and said: "If I want to be an official, do I still need you to give it to me?" As soon as the words were spoken, the true nature of the madman was revealed again.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Sir, you are talented, so there are plenty of official positions to do. However, this time is different. I have already recommended you to Hanzhong to my father."

"Why did you choose me?"

"Isn't sir worried about the Hanzhong war? So, sir, I will be a good man to the end and go to the Hanzhong Prime Minister to do all the affairs before the war. Otherwise, Cao Cao is cunning, and the generals in Yizhou may not be opponents."

No, Shi Guangyuan waved his hand, and only gave Liu Chan two words: "No."

Liu Chan was a little anxious, this Shi Guangyuan was really difficult to serve, and he said: "Sir, you don't want to be an official, and my disciples naturally know. So this time, I only hired you temporarily, and after the event, I can dismiss you and return to the National Academy of Medicine. , and then you can get a lot of money. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

"This one……"

Liu Chan quickly said: "Don't you want to hear, sir, what is this big title given to you?"

Shi Guangyuan blurted out: "Let's hear it?"

"The Chief of the Hanzhong Frontline! Well, the Chief!"

After hearing this, Shi Guangyuan laughed and said, "What is the meaning of this chief steward? Why does it sound similar to the chief steward?"

But Liu Chan really nodded and said: "It's really similar to the big housekeeper, that is, he can take care of everything!"

Shi Guangyuan couldn't help but patted his head, and sighed: "It's a shame you came up with such an official title!"

Liu Chan smiled flatteringly: "Sir, you should go for that big reward! And you can also take a few more students out to learn more, you let them stay in the house all day This corner of Chengdu, what can be expected in the future?"

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said, "Let me think about it and give you an answer tomorrow."

"Don't, sir, you are a quick talker, why don't you give me an answer now? Otherwise, I will eat and live at your house today."

Shi Guangyuan waved his hand and said, "The food at my house is unpalatable, you'd better go."

Liu Chan was overjoyed, but Shi Guangyuan was stubborn. Doesn't this mean that he has agreed to go to Hanzhong?Liu Chan immediately stood up and thanked him: "Thank you sir for fulfilling the task! I will report to my father right now."

Shi Guangyuan stopped Liu Chan and asked, "If I go, how much will you pay?"

Liu Chan stretched out three fingers.

Shi Guangyuan muttered in a low voice: "Thirty gold, thirty gold is indeed a lot..."

Liu Chan had a good ear and heard it immediately, and said with a smile, "Sir, it's not thirty gold, it's three hundred gold!"

Shi Guangyuan's eyes widened immediately, and he asked, "How much did you say?"

"Three hundred gold!"

Shi Guangyuan was stunned for a moment, he thought that Liu Chan would just show affection to him.And he originally just wanted to go to Hanzhong to try his skills and see how much Cao Mengde, who swept the world, weighed. He didn't even think about how much money he would get.No, Liu Chan is so interesting, three hundred gold!It shocked his heart a little.

Then, Liu Chan turned around and said goodbye. This price was the highest price that Liu Chan had won for Shi Guangyuan, and Guan Yu was the highest one who got a reward of five hundred gold!

(End of this chapter)

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