The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 105 State affairs and family affairs

Chapter 105 State affairs and family affairs
Shi Guangyuan took Zhuge Qiao to Hanzhong in the end, which was the result of Liu Chan's strong request-since Deng Ai was active under Zhao Yun, of course Zhuge Qiao should be allowed to go there to practice.

However, the battle situation in Hanzhong has changed a lot.After Shi Guangyuan arrived in Hanzhong, he did not personally go to the front to command the battle, but stationed in Nanzheng to remotely command the front battle.Because it is enough to have the famous general Zhao Yun in front, Shi Guangyuan focuses on dealing with the corresponding integration of Yizhou Army and Hanzhong Army.

However, Cao thief is really powerful.In the end, Zhao Yun was dragged down by Zhang Wei, and Cao Jun destroyed six of the seven villages outside Yangping Pass overnight. In desperation, he had to retreat into Yangping Pass, and finally formed a stalemate with Cao Jun for more than [-] days.

However, this situation is actually not a bad thing.The overjoyed and cowardly Zhang Wei finally became honest, and was transferred back to Nanzheng by Zhang Lu, and all the affairs of Yangping Pass were under the control of Zhao Yun.

Therefore, Shi Guangyuan's best strategy at this time: waiting for work with ease, waiting for Cao's army to run out of food and automatically retreating, has finally entered the actual operation stage.

Because of the message delivered by the carrier pigeon, the military division Zhuge soon learned of the above news, and sent someone to notify Liu Chan.

After Liu Chan's careful consideration, the time for the final victory and defeat in the Hanzhong battle should not be far away.Both Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao were quite active, especially Deng Ai's performance was amazing.If I don't get involved, I really can't justify it.

More importantly, after the Cao army retreated, it was time for the Yizhou army to capture Hanzhong. This was a huge plan, and Liu Chan naturally would not let go of the opportunity to perform.

So Liu Chan went to Liu Bei's general's mansion again.But the servants said that Liu Bei was taking a walk with his stepmother Wu in the garden.

Liu Chan secretly sighed in his heart: Liu Bei, you are really in a good mood. Now that the battle situation in Hanzhong has become like that, are you completely at ease with Zhao Yun?Or is it because of the current beauty that you don't care about it at all?When my mother was alive, did you ever walk with her so tenderly?
Liu Chan felt a little lost immediately, but he still forced himself to come to the back garden to find Liu Bei, because he had an extremely important matter to discuss with Liu Bei face to face.

It is already summer at this time. Although the spring of blooming flowers has passed, in fact, there are still many kinds of flowers that bloom in summer.

Liu Chan was unwilling, or even wanted to avoid it, but the fragrance of the flowers still forcibly penetrated into his nostrils, making his nose feel a little itchy.Although he is not allergic to floral fragrances, sometimes it is difficult to adapt to too strong fragrances.

Especially when he saw Mrs. Wu dressed in brocade clothes made of Sichuan brocade, supporting Liu Bei, and walking "happily" together in the garden with an exaggerated and flattering smile on her face, Liu Chan couldn't help but feel a feeling, The strange thought of picking up a shovel and eradicating all the plants and flowers in the garden.

But Liu Chan is Liu Chan after all, and his constant experience has made his mind mature and stable.He quickly adjusted his mentality, coughed lightly, walked over, and saluted: "My son pays homage to father and madam."

It was rare for Liu Bei to see Liu Chan come to the garden, and he was happy at first.He also wanted to say that now the family of three is all here, and it happens that we all take a walk and enjoy the flowers together.No, Liu Chan called Wu's "Madam" as soon as he opened his mouth.

Liu Bei frowned immediately.He looked at Wu Shi, her face was so delicate and perfect, but the fly in the ointment was that she looked very disappointed now.

Of course Liu Bei knew that Wu Cheng must have felt lost because Liu Chan called her "Madam".He said displeasedly to Liu Chan: "Did Shi Guangyuan teach you to be so ignorant of etiquette? What madam, this is your mother!"

Liu Chan was not angry when he heard the words.But he couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart: In Liu Chan's short life of more than ten years, he has changed mothers three times now.This Liu Bei changing women is really like changing clothes.

——Okay, now my young master has something to ask of you, so I shouldn't listen to your words.Mother?If I just call out a sentence, no one will die!Let's see how I deal with this vixen in the future!
Thinking this way in Liu Chan's heart, he already reluctantly called Wu Cheng a mother.

Wu Cheng seemed to be happy, and a smile appeared on his originally disappointed expression, and he asked Liu Chan enthusiastically, "Son, we haven't seen each other for a while, how are you lately?"

Liu Chan just replied lukewarmly: "It's okay, don't bother you." Then he didn't pay much attention to Mrs. Wu, and asked Liu Bei to move forward to speak.It seems that what Liu Chan is going to say to Liu Bei next is not going to be heard by Wu Cheng.

Liu Bei looked at Liu Chan and asked, "What's the matter now that you can't talk about here?"

Naturally, Liu Chan would not let go, and said, "This is a major military event!"

As expected of a person with a lively mind, Wu Cheng immediately realized that Liu Chan didn't want to be a woman and listen to their discussions on political affairs.

Before Liu Bei answered Liu Chan, she took the initiative to say: "Husband, my son, since you have political affairs to discuss, it is inconvenient for me, a woman, to listen by the side. You go to the pavilion next to me first. Now I'm going to make some tea for you."

As Wu Cheng said, she stretched out her green and jade-white hand, which looked so smooth in the sun that it seemed to be reflecting light, and pointed to a small pavilion in the nearby lotus pond.

Looking from a distance, the lotus in the lotus pond grows luxuriantly, and the big leaves are like standing green umbrellas.Between the leaves are flower buds, or half-bloomed lotus flowers.It's just that they filled the whole lotus pond to the brim, and the duckweed underneath could no longer be seen.

Liu Bei nodded, and Wu Cheng turned around to go, but along the way, her face suddenly became gloomy like dark clouds before a thunderstorm in the afternoon!

Maybe Liu Chan is right—his premonition has always been good, this Wu Cheng will never have any kindness towards him, but just pretending to be kind to him in front of Liu Bei.

Liu Bei and Liu Chan, father and son, went to the pavilion and sat down.

Only then did Liu Bei ask: "What kind of important military and national affairs do you have to talk about at this time?"

"Of course it's about Hanzhong. Army Master Zhuge should have reported the situation to his father, right?"

Liu Bei nodded, and said: "Although the new defeat of the Yizhou and Hanzhong coalition forces is true, with Zilong and Shi Guangyuan, there should be no problem in defending Yangping Pass. Then there is no need for Hanzhong to worry too much."

Liu Chan secretly praised Liu Bei as a person with unique eyesight.Although he handed over all the affairs of General Zuo's government office to Zhuge Junjun and Zhonglang General Dong He, he absolutely knew everything that should be known.

Liu Chan nodded and said: "The battle in Hanzhong is really not too much to doubt. Now that Cao Jun has sent troops for a long time, the soldiers have begun to feel homesick; secondly, the road to transport grain from Guanzhong to Hanzhong is difficult, and Cao Jun may soon be short of food. It's a crisis. I think my father can order General Ma Mengqi to lead an army to continue northward and cut off Cao Jun's food road."

Liu Bei nodded and said, "This method is very good. It can indeed force Cao's army to retreat faster. My son, you have never learned the art of war in vain!"

Liu Chan smiled, but there was no complacent look on his face, and he said, "Besides, I also want to go north to Hanzhong for a visit, please father's permission."

Of course Liu Bei didn't want Liu Chan to leave Chengdu, so he asked, "Why is that? There are only Zilong and Shi Guangyuan in Hanzhong."

"Father, now that our army has been newly defeated and we have to face the attack of hundreds of thousands of Cao troops, morale must be a problem. My son wants to use the name of Lao Jun to go to Hanzhong to boost morale; secondly, the 500 million that I gave Mr. Shi last time , Now it's almost spent, and the boy needs to bring him some more. It's just that all of these need father's permission."

Liu Bei thought for a while, finally sighed, and said: "You always think so thoughtfully and meticulously, which is indeed much better than being a father. Well, if you want to go, go. You can discuss with the military adviser about travel matters. Just fine."

Liu Chan immediately got up to thank him, and then hurriedly left to find Army Master Zhuge.Leaving Liu Bei alone seemed a little lonely.Liu Bei couldn't help sighing again.

At this time, Wu Cheng had already arrived not far away, just in time to see Liu Chan's leaving figure - eager, proud and seemed to be full of confidence.Wu Cheng was furious, and overturned the tea in the hand of the maid next to her.

(End of this chapter)

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