Chapter 106
Liu Chan went directly to discuss with Zhuge military division, but was told that the military division was dealing with business at this time and needed to wait a while.

Liu Chan knew in his heart that the military commander would not see him right now, he must be meeting important people or dealing with some important affairs, so he waited patiently in the reception room.

About half an hour later, I saw Military Master Zhuge coming out accompanied by an official in green clothes and a hat.

Liu Chan saw that this person was thin and sickly, at most in his early fifties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a two-character mustache. He turned out to be Dong and Dong Youzai, generals in charge of the army.

The two of them were probably discussing some important matter inside just now, so Military Master Zhuge had no time to meet Liu Chan.

Liu Chan got up and went forward to bow to the two of them.When Dong He saw that it was the young master Liu Chan, he quickly returned the gift.Then, the three of them sat down and chatted some gossip.Dong He knew that Liu Chan must have something to do when he came to find Military Adviser Zhuge, so he left with a sense of humor.

Only then did Liu Chan say: "Unexpectedly, after seeing you for a few days, Mr. Zhong Lang looks thinner again. Is it because he is too busy with the affairs he handles?"

Military Master Zhuge nodded and said: "Although I and I are jointly managing the Yamen of Zuo General Da Sima in Nuo Da, the manpower is insufficient and the affairs are extremely complicated. Dong Youzai knows that he is a son, and he is extremely strict, so The speed of processing things is naturally slow, and it is impossible for him not to be tired."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Well, when Chan turns his head, he will go to the National Hospital of Medicine to invite Mr. Hua Tuo, and to Dong's Mansion to diagnose Mr. Zhonglang's health. Don't damage your body because of overwork. Take care of your body too."

Military Master Zhuge saw that Liu Chan cared about him so much, so he nodded. He couldn't help being moved, and said, "Liang is still very young, so there is no problem with his body."

"Oh, by the way, military advisor, I came here today to discuss something with you. Just now my father agreed to let me go north to Hanzhong."

Military Master Zhuge's eyes flashed, he seemed a little surprised, and asked, "Master, why do you want to go north to Hanzhong at this time?"

Liu Chan smiled, and repeated the reasons he and Liu Bei had said.Military Master Zhuge nodded and said: "Young Master's idea is indeed very meticulous, but it is necessary to bring more people to ensure safety. Liang then doubled the number of white-eared guards for Young Master, and brought more elite soldiers. , so that Liang Fang can rest assured that Young Master will go north."

But Liu Chan didn't refuse. Now that the army is in chaos, it is better to have more people.He thanked Zhuge Junshi, and then told Zhuge Liang that now Deng Ai was serving under Zhao Yun, Zhuge Qiao was also taken away by Shi Guangyuan, and there were no available people around him now.

Military Master Zhuge naturally understood that Liu Chan had come to borrow someone from him, and asked, "What kind of people do you need to go north with you, my lord?"

In fact, Liu Chan had already made up his mind, and said: "I'm afraid Chan will not have the chance to go to the battlefield this time, so there is no need to send me a brave general. I only need careful people who can help me deal with the affairs on the way. That's it."

Military Master Zhuge thought for a while, and said, "If it's Guo Youzhi's words, would you like it, my lord?"

Among the younger generation in Yizhou, Guo Youzhi was absolutely top-notch in terms of temperament and talent, so Zhuge Junshi later listed him alongside Fei Yi and Dong Yun in "The List of Former Teachers".

But Guo Youzhi, whom Liu Chan often saw, was so kind to others, much more kind than Zhuge Qiao.Therefore, it can also be seen that this person's character is actually very weak, and he is not very capable of doing things.

Liu Chan felt that if he took such a person along the way, it might not be much different from bringing a follower, right?

Liu Chan then said bluntly: "Military Master, although Guo Youzhi has talent and learning, he is not enough to do things. I am afraid that he will not help me with things, but I will help him with things."

Military Master Zhuge almost laughed out loud when he heard the words, and asked, "The young master already has a suitable candidate in his heart?" Kong Ming was really perceptive, and he could see through Liu Chan's mind at a glance.

Liu Chan smiled and said, "I think Fei Yi and Fei Wenwei are pretty good."

Military Master Zhuge said in his heart: "Fei Yi is not only a good person, but he will be a person who can make peace in the country and rule the country in martial arts in the future. He is simply very good! It's a pity that the young master came a bit late, I have already arranged for him. important job."

Kong Ming said: "This Fei Yi is a good candidate, but unfortunately he has an important job to do now, I'm afraid he won't be able to get away."

Seeing that Zhuge's military master seemed unwilling to give someone to Liu Chan, Liu Chan knew that it was true that Kong Ming valued Fei Yi in history.At that time Kong Ming's Southern Expedition and Meng Huo's class teacher returned to the court, and all the officials lined the road to welcome him, but he only let Fei Yi board his car and enter the city together, which shows how much he valued Fei Yi.

Liu Chan had no choice but to ask: "Then military commander, you can recommend me another candidate." But he was muttering teasingly in his heart, even if Fei Yi refused to give it, then if my master asks you for a big man like Yang Yi Just, will you turn your face immediately?hehe……

Military Master Zhuge lowered his head and thought for a while before he said, "Dong Yun, Dong Xiuzhao, the son of Dong He, the general in charge of the army, how do you feel, my lord?"

In fact, Liu Chan felt a little funny in his heart, it seemed that he couldn't do without Fei Yi and Dong Yun, the two future princes.

In fact, both Dong Yun and Fei Yi are much older than Liu Chan, and they have long been famous in Yizhou.Liu Chan had contact with Fei Yi from time to time, but had less contact with Dong Yun.That's because Fei Yi is very cheerful, humorous, and writes excellent articles, so the two of them could chat.

As for Dong Yun, his style of doing things is really similar to his father Dong He-Dong He is strict, and Dong Yun is very upright.Originally, ten sentences could be used to express the matter more euphemistically, but when it came to Dong Yun's mouth, it was often such a simple and direct sentence, which could directly make people choke to death on the spot.

Of course, most of these are Liu Chandao's hearsay.As the son of Yizhou, no matter how upright Dong Yun is, he will be more tactful when speaking in front of Liu Chan.

Even though this Dong Yun seemed really difficult to get along with, Liu Chan knew that there seemed to be no more suitable candidate than Dong Yun.He then asked: "Then let Dong Yun go with me. The trip will take place in two days, is that okay?"

Military Master Zhuge nodded and said, "Let's leave it to Dong Xiuzhao at this time, he will definitely handle it properly."

Liu Chan nodded. Of course, there was no need to doubt Dong Yun's ability, so he got up to bid farewell to Army Master Zhuge.After walking out of the living room, Liu Chan came to Hucao, where Dong Yun is now working.

I saw that Dong Yun was concentrating on handling official business at this time, with a large number of letters piled up on the desk, and several colleagues beside him were also busy.Dong Yun looks almost like his father Dong He, especially his thick beauty and big eyes, but his body is stronger than Dong He's.

Liu Chan coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention.When everyone saw that the young master Liu Chan was coming, they quickly got up and saluted.

Liu Chan knew the names of these people, so he greeted them one by one, and then said to Dong Yun: "Dong Jishi, come out with me, I have something to tell you here."

After the two came outside the courtyard, Dong Yun asked respectfully: "My lord, please speak."

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said: "Xiu Zhao, there is no one around now, you don't have to be so formal in front of me." Only then did Liu Chan realize that Dong Yun's figure was half a head taller than him.

Dong Yun said calmly: "The lower officials dare not."

"If you continue to be restrained like this, how will you get along with me in the next period of time?"

When Liu Chan said such a sentence suddenly, Dong Yun was taken aback when he heard it, and asked, "What do you mean, my lord?"

Liu Chan then told him that Army Master Zhuge had agreed to let him go north to Hanzhong with him, and he was in charge of all the affairs along the way.

Dong Yun was a little surprised and asked: "Nowadays Hanzhong is in chaos, why does the young master go north?"

Liu Chan smiled rather mysteriously, but did not answer right away.He held on to Dong Yun's hand, and the two sat down on a pair of stone chairs next to them, and then explained the reason, while discussing with Dong Yun.

The two talked for more than half an hour without knowing it.Maybe it's because of Liu Chan's superb communication skills, or maybe it's because Dong Yun has let go, and the relationship between the two quickly became harmonious.

Liu Chan couldn't help sighing in his heart, who said Dong Yun was difficult to get along with, but did he still have such a good chat in front of my son?

After the chat, Liu Chan asked Dong Yun to hand over the work at hand to his colleagues, and to prepare everything for entering Hanzhong tomorrow.

Only then did Dong Yun stand up and salute Liu Chan, then turned and ran away. It seemed that he was quite excited because of this trip.

(End of this chapter)

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