Chapter 107
The time came to the third day, and after careful preparations by Liu Chan and Dong Yun, it was finally time to travel.

Liu Chan was sent off by Liu Bei, led a long train team, and set out on the road under the protection of two hundred white-eared guards, dozens of rangers sent by Han Long, and thousands of elite soldiers.

But their luck does not seem to be good.Within one or two hundred miles, the rare good weather of the previous two days suddenly disappeared, and the sky began to rain heavily from time to time.These are supposed to be showers, though, that come and go as quickly as they come.

However, the road along the way has become muddy, and the speed of the convoy has been greatly affected.

But at noon, the dark clouds dissipated, and the scorching sun in the sky made people's skin ache, and the ground was almost smoldering!In the grass beside the road, the water vapor is constantly transpiring, and only the distant scene can be seen shaking constantly.

On this day, Liu Chan's team came to a place about twenty or thirty miles north of Mianzhu.The horse's hoof stepped on the muddy mud, although it would not slip, it made an annoying thumping sound.

At this time, a guard who was exploring the road ahead galloped back, reined in Liu Chan's horse seven or eight feet in front of his horse, and reported: "My lord, turn right on the road ahead and you will be Chuanzhong Avenue. But the road is blocked now, please come here." Take a break."

Liu Chan had walked this road once when he went north from Chengdu, so he was quite familiar with the road.But now that the sun was scorching, he couldn't stand the high temperature. He wanted to rush to the town to rest as soon as possible, so he asked, "Could it be that the road ahead was washed away by the flood?"

"Master Hui, that's not the case. There is an extremely long motorcade ahead blocking the road."

Liu Chan nodded, as if he understood.The team must have been affected by the heavy rain in the morning, and they were struggling on the muddy road.

"What kind of convoy?"

"According to the investigation, they are the Yizhou grain transportation team, and they are transporting grain and grass for the Yangpingguan battlefield. Now the road is muddy, and many vehicles are stuck in puddles and cannot move, and they are congested in front of them."

Liu Chan naturally knew the importance of grain and grass transportation to the war. Now if the grain transportation team did not arrive after the deadline, it would be bad, so he wanted to go over to see what happened.He waved his hand to let the guard go aside to rest first, and said to Dong Yun: "Xiu Zhao, let's go to the front to see what is going on with this food transport team."

Dong Yun's face was covered with sweat, and his fair face was reddened by the sun, like a blush on a woman's face.Although he felt that the journey was difficult, he still kept his spirits up, nodded and said: "Good sir, I ordered someone to find you a place where you can enjoy the cool and rest. The weather is really weird, it rains for a while, and it's so hot for a while. !"

Liu Chan saw that although Dong Yun was a bit dull, he was actually very careful in doing things, so he just smiled, lightly urged his mount, and trotted forward.

When Liu Chan climbed a small slope and looked down, it was a 400-meter-long hillside, and there was a long caravan underneath, struggling to climb to the top of the slope in the mud, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

Those grain carts were almost all pulled by oxen, and there were bags of things piled up on them, which should be the grain and grass of the Yizhou Army. They looked like snails, dragging huge snail shells with difficulty.

There were people everywhere in front of and behind the car, including young men, women, and gray-haired old people. Some armed soldiers were also mixed in the crowd, obviously the army escorting the grain car.

The peasants who transported the grain were all wearing some blue homespun shirts with many patches of various colors on them, which looked almost dazzling.Based on this, Liu Chan judged that it was already the slack season, and they should be ordinary civilians who were conscripted to serve.

However, working in such hot and humid weather, people will naturally not be in a good mood.Therefore, in addition to the sound of the whip being raised and lowered, and the low mooing of the cattle because of exertion, there were a lot of men shouting and cursing in the convoy.It's not too lively.

Liu Chan raised his horsewhip and pointed down, smiled at Dong Yun and Zhao Feng and his wife: "The weather is so hot, they are quite motivated! Tell me, how long will my fourth uncle be able to use the food after it is delivered?"

Dong Yun thought for a while and said, "Looking at the number of them, I can't guess it. However, according to our Hu Cao's report, General Zhao's food and grass are only delivered once a month, presumably those are for one month's use." Because the Hanzhong Army still bears most of the food and grass expenses.”

Liu Chan nodded—it was right to bring Dong Yun by his side, and said, "Shall we go down and look at those grain trucks?"

Dong Yun was obviously unwilling. Although he could persist now, he still couldn't resist the scorching sun after all.He pointed to a feng shui forest not far from the side of the road downhill, and said, "My lord, it's okay to see nature, but let's go to that forest first to rest for a while?"

Liu Chan looked along Dong Yun's hand, and there was indeed a small forest in the west, which grew lush and green, casting a shadow under the scorching sun, but it was a shady place.

However, it is quite lively there now, and many folks are hiding in the shade of the trees to escape the heat.The soldiers supervising food must have been unable to control them, and there is nothing they can do about them.

Liu Chan turned around and found Dong Yun was very tired, he thought to himself, Xiu Zhao's body was still weak, if he got heatstroke or fell ill halfway, it would be really bad.Therefore, Liu Chan agreed: "Okay, everyone go to that forest."

Liu Chan immediately urged his mount to walk ahead, and walked slowly down the slope.Naturally, they can't run wildly now. If the two hundred riders run together, their momentum cannot be underestimated. At that time, the convoys down the slope will be scared and run around?So go slowly.

When the mount walked more than ten steps away, Liu Chan and others were discovered by the food supervisor below.They immediately took up their weapons, rushed to the front of the grain transportation team, and put the convoy on alert, looking nervous.

This army is quite conscientious, its responsiveness is not bad, and its organizational ability is also good. Liu Chan is quite satisfied with these three points.

But he was dissatisfied with the chief general of the grain supervising army, because he didn't send scouts forward, and they didn't realize they were coming until they got close.Is it possible to be so negligent because this is the territory of the Yizhou Army?However, it's better to wait for the convoy to go uphill before mentioning him.

Liu Chan raised his right hand, and the two hundred riders behind him stopped at the same time, turned his head and said to Zhao Feng: "Zhao Feng, you send someone over there to identify yourself, just let us turn around the Fengshui forest from the side, and you don't need to reveal my identity." identity."

As his bodyguard, Zhao Feng naturally knew what to do.The young master didn't want to reveal his identity, maybe he didn't want to be grandstanding, but it was indeed correct to do so, so as not to expose his whereabouts on the road and bring danger.He said: "Young Master, just to be on the safe side, let me negotiate in person?"

Liu Chan saw that Zhao Feng was still protecting himself so cautiously, so he didn't say anything, just nodded.

Zhao Feng's mount ran down the slope.After a while, the food supervisors dispersed, apparently the negotiations were successful.

Zhao Feng came back and reported to Liu Chan: "My lord, they already know that we are not enemies, so they can go forward."

Liu Chan nodded and led everyone down the slope.

The white-eared guards' white horses, white armors, and silver guns of the same standard were shining silver in the sunlight, which was extremely eye-catching, even covering up the demeanor of Liu Chan and Dong Yun, who were walking at the forefront of the team.

The folk men at the front of the convoy, who had never seen such a majestic cavalry, all temporarily stopped what they were doing, and watched curiously as they turned their horses and walked towards Fengshui forest.

Suddenly, there was a burst of extremely rude and angry shouts in the convoy: "What the hell are you doing? Don't push the cart? Hurry up and move...!" It was obvious that the food supervisor was urging the civilian husband.

Liu Chan turned his head and looked over.It turned out to be a stubble-faced sergeant, who came riding a black horse from a distance, and found that the peasants were standing still, so he shouted and cursed loudly.

Liu Chan didn't care about this. Rude soldiers are everywhere, and it's common for them to speak foul language.

No, the bearded man seemed to feel that the yelling was not enough, he raised the whip in his hand and beat the whip, and dropped it on the peasants around him.There was no way those peasants could dodge, seven or eight of them were whipped all at once, and screamed in pain.

The bearded man scolded himself: "You idiots, General Zhao has set a deadline. If you delay the delivery of food, you will be dealt with by military law! If the chief of the village loses his head because of this, I will ask you to be my back."

The bearded man scolded and beat them, and the peasants had no choice but to run in all directions, and several of them slipped and fell into the mud because their feet slipped.

At this time, a young man must have been young and energetic, so he couldn't bear the tyranny of the bearded man at first, and shouted: "Why do you beat people for no reason? Why are you so overbearing!"

The bearded man immediately urged his mount to go over, stared at the young man with wide eyes, and shouted: "So what if I hit you, I will hit you! You bastards, don't hurry up!" The bearded man said, raising his hand again The whip fell on the young man.

The young man was already prepared this time, when he saw the bearded man's whip fall, he immediately jumped to the side, his movements were actually quite nimble.

Seeing this, the bearded man drew out his long sword and said angrily, "How dare a dog kill something!" He urged his mount to approach the young man, raising his sword to kill him.

The young man was driven to a dead end. Perhaps it was the desire to survive that gave him courage. He suddenly raised his arms and shouted: "The Yizhou army is tyrannical, and they don't treat us civilian husbands as human beings. If this is the case, sooner or later, it will be death. Just give it to me." Have a good time!" As he said that, he actually straightened his neck, wanting to stretch his neck and kill him!
But the young man's words were extremely provocative.These civilian husbands were forcibly recruited to serve in corvee, and they were already dissatisfied.It is not their fault that the road is difficult today, but they still have to be beaten because of it. All their dissatisfaction burst out and they all joined in.

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Some people with violent temperaments even used various equipment, probably wanting to have a fight with the officers and soldiers.

The bearded man didn't expect that the incident would cause such a big disturbance, so he quickly reined in his horse and shouted loudly, "What are you trying to do? Rebellion?" Everyone was arrested.If they dare to resist, they will be shot to death!

Immediately, there were forty or fifty soldiers of the Food Supervision Army in the surrounding area, armed with weapons, and surrounded the shouting peasants with a murderous look.

——To actually issue an order to kill an unarmed civilian husband?This bearded man is simply murderous!The fourth uncle claims to love the common people and is proud of the gentry, how could there be such an officer under his command?

As Liu Chan thought about it, he immediately shouted to the bearded man: "Stop! What are you doing?!"

(End of this chapter)

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