The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 108 Disciplining Officers

Chapter 108 Disciplining Officers
Then, Liu Chan remembered some rumors he had heard before.

In fact, it is considered a normal scope of work for officers and soldiers to beat them instead of urging them to serve.And the people of the Celestial Dynasty have always been submissive, even if they are beaten, they don't know how to fight back.

As for those bystanders, I am afraid that they will not only gloat over their misfortune, but also treat it as a kind of entertainment, and they will never think that the person who will be beaten next may be himself.Then, what should he do?Will you regret that you did not unite with others to fight against this unequal treatment?

The bearded man immediately stopped and looked towards Liu Chan, and found a group of majestic cavalry standing in front of him, and there were many sword-bearers in variegated clothes in the distance—they were the rangers of Han Long's family.At the head was a handsome young man with a frosty face, glaring at him.

The bearded man was a little stunned. The young man seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw him.After he snorted, he asked Liu Chan in a rough voice, "Who are you, young master? Why do you think you look familiar?"

Naturally, Liu Chan would not pay attention to the bearded man, let alone talk to him, because he has that authority and power!Liu Chan waved his right hand and shouted: "Come here, take this person down!"

The two white-eared guards immediately dismounted and ran towards the bearded man.The bearded man was slightly taken aback by Liu Chan's sudden move.But he was a battle-hardened veteran, and he reacted very quickly. He immediately thought of resisting, raised his long sword to guard, and prevented the two white-eared guards from getting close.

But the bearded man might be the opponent of the two white-eared guards.

I saw two people holding long swords, standing one on the left and one on the right, forming an angle with the bearded man, blocking his escape route before making a move.After all, the bearded man is a man who has experienced battles for a long time, but he is not timid in a one-on-two fight, and immediately swung his sword to block.

With a bang, the sword of the bearded man collided with the sword of one of the guards, and a brilliant spark ignited.He originally wanted to shake the opponent away with the first strike, and then take the opportunity to take down another guard.Unexpectedly, the strength of the opponent's sword was actually very strong. He felt that his wrist sank, and his sword was knocked out!

The bearded man backed up three steps in succession before stabilizing his figure, he was terrified, he never thought that the opponent's little knights were so powerful!

But time has not allowed the bearded man to be in a daze anymore, because another guard's sword move has already followed.The bearded man had no choice but to raise his sword in a hurry to fight, but at this moment, his confidence in winning had already been lost.

So, the two guards joined forces for three moves next, and they beat the bearded man screaming again and again, and finally fell to the ground like a dog crawling!It is simply a loss of fame for a lifetime. ? ?

The bearded man was crushed and beaten by two guards in this way, and he fell into the mud, his hands and feet were restrained, of course he felt extremely angry in his heart.

Although he knew that the origins of these knights in front of him must be extremely difficult, but suddenly he became emboldened and shouted loudly to the food supervisors who were at a loss: "Come on, you fucking stand aside!" What are you looking at? Why don’t you hurry up and save me?! Kill these two guys quickly!”

When the food governor heard the bearded man calling for help, he woke up from his astonishment. The forty or fifty soldiers nearby first took up their weapons and rushed forward to surround the two guards.

Due to the large number of people on the other side, the two guards naturally did not dare to entangle with the bearded man any more, so they had to let him go, and then stood back to back on guard.

The bearded man just got up from the ground, and the armor, beard and hair on his body had already been dyed yellow by the muddy water.He reached out to wipe off the dirt on his face, and a soldier brought back the long sword he had dropped, and asked, "Tun Chief, what should these two do?"

He spoke a little timidly, and after he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Liu Chan, making it clear that he was bearded loudly, and the other party seemed not to be provoked.

The bearded man turned his head and looked towards Liu Chan, only to find that there was no movement on Liu Chan's side.

In fact, Liu Chan didn't stay still, he just wanted to see what action this bold bearded man would take against his two guards next—if the measures were right, he might consider giving him a lighter punishment, if he still If you mess around, when the time comes...

Although the bearded man was puzzled, but thinking of the humiliation he had suffered, he spit out a mouthful of saliva, but the color was yellow. It was obvious that muddy water had entered his mouth just now, and he said angrily: "First arrest these two people and talk to me first." !"

Liu Chan knew that this bearded man had been overwhelmed by anger, and there was no cure for it. It seemed that he couldn't forgive him for this.Liu Chan immediately raised his whip and shouted: "You dare?! Those two are my bodyguards. If you dare to touch a hair on them, I will cut a sword on each of you!"

Liu Chan's yelling was very powerful. Those soldiers who wanted to make a move didn't dare to move anymore. They just stood still and looked at me and I looked at you.

The bearded man was a little reluctant, and stood up and said: "Young master, you interfered with the affairs of our food supervisor privately. If you delay the time because of this, how can you afford it?!"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "Of course I can afford it! You still haven't put down the weapon in your hand!"

"What if I don't? Who are you, to give orders to me like this!"

Liu Chan sneered again, but didn't answer the bearded man's words at all, just waved the whip with his right hand.Zhao Feng immediately dismounted with more than 20 knights, walked up to the bearded man, and took out a token of Da Sima in his hand!
When the bearded man saw the token, his big eyes suddenly opened wide, and his face became very ugly.Because he knew that these people in front of him must have come from Yizhou, and they might also be special envoys sent by Liu Bei!
Such a person, even if General Zhao met him, he would be treated with three points of courtesy.For such a small village head like myself, he was so presumptuous just now, and the other party wanted to kill him, I'm afraid it was just a matter of one sentence!

With a bang, the long sword that had just returned to the bearded man's hand fell into the mud again, splashing a splash of muddy water.The bearded man didn't care about the mud on the ground, he knelt down and worshiped: "The lower official, Suning, pays homage to the upper official! The lower official didn't know the identity of the upper official just now, so I offended you so much, please also invite Haihan."

Liu Chan turned his head to Dong Yun and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, this man looks like a reckless man, but he speaks politely, and he really knows how to adapt to the wind!"

Dong Yun was expressionless, and he didn't express any opinion on it, he was really serious.

However, Sun Ning's face was flushed red, and he knew that the young man in front of him might really hate himself, so he bowed and said: "Shangguan, the road is congested now, and I will immediately organize people to let these civilians move the road. Get out of the way for you!"

It doesn't matter if Suning doesn't speak, but as soon as these words came out, Liu Chan's face tensed up, obviously furious in his heart.He originally thought that this Suning was just irritable and snobbish at best, but now hearing what he said, he is clearly a villain who is good at flattering!If such a person is not severely punished, it is difficult to guarantee that he will act mischievously again next time.

Liu Chan shouted: "Listen to me, you are not qualified to intervene in my affairs!"

Su Ning was speechless by Liu Chan's words, so he lowered his head tremblingly and looked at the muddy water on the ground!
Liu Chan took a deep breath, pointed at the peasants, and said loudly: "Since you are an officer, you should know that the grain you eat every day and the money you receive every month are all from those soldiers. That is to say, they feed you, they are your food and clothing parents! Are you like this, scolding and beating your parents? Could it be that your loyalty, filial piety and shame have been punished by dogs? have you eaten?!"

As soon as Liu Chan's words came out, there was a commotion among the folks. Obviously because Liu Chan's words had touched their hearts, they started talking about it, and the result was clapping and applauding.And Suning was too ashamed to lift his head.

Liu Chan yelled again: "Say, where is your general leading the army? Go and receive the fifty lashes yourself!"

Fifty lashes is a very severe punishment. After this punishment, I am afraid that he will have to lie in bed for half a year without being disabled.Su Ning said with a pale face: "My school captain is now in Fu County. Please forgive the lower official once, and I will never dare again!"

Liu Chan frowned. He has always enforced the law strictly. It is absolutely impossible to forgive this guy. He asked, "Who is your school lieutenant? What are you doing in Fu County? Why isn't he in the team?"

Su Ning murmured, "My school lieutenant's name is Chen Zhi, and he is the grandson of Mr. Shi Xujing's brother, the governor of Yizhou. He, he is staying at the Mianzhu county magistrate's place for a banquet..."

"What? Going to the banquet? General Zhao is fighting bloody battles with Cao Wei's army ahead, but he left all this food and grass to go to the banquet? No wonder I didn't meet one of your scouts all the way here!"

Liu Chan was furious in his heart, but he didn't know that the current Mianzhu county magistrate was the famous Ma Di Ma Youchang, Ma Liang's younger brother.Otherwise, he must not know how to deal with the other party now.

Immediately, Liu Chan couldn't help raising his horsewhip, and lashed towards Suning.Where did Suning dare to dodge, with a bang, a deep red bloodstain appeared on his face, and a trace of blood seeped out!

Dong Yun had never seen Liu Chan lose his composure like this before, and knew that he was really angry now, so he hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: "My lord, don't get angry, this man is just a small village chief, I'm afraid he is arrogant and indulgent in his daily life. I'm used to it, so there's no need to be angry with such a person."

Dong Yun's words were useful, and Liu Chan calmed down a little.In fact, he is no longer angry with Suning, but that Chen Zhi, who has neglected his duty, is really hateful and pissed him off.Then he suddenly remembered that this Chen Zhi was a high official in the late Shu Han Dynasty in history: he served as a servant to guard the order of the minister, and he was added to the general of the town army.This person and Huang Hao worked hand in hand, causing the Shu Han to almost perish.

He immediately had the intention of killing Chen Zhi, so why do you care about Xu Jing's family!
He shouted to Suning: "Get up! Now I will hand over this grain transportation team to you to lead, and you must behave well for me next time, and you are not allowed to whip the civilian husband. When you arrive at General Zhao, go and receive it for me yourself." Those fifty whips!"

Su Ning was stunned when he heard it. Could it be that he was promoted like this?He asked in a panic: "Then, where is Captain Chen..."

Liu Chan said viciously: "That guy is fired now, and he won't survive tomorrow!"

Su Ning was frightened by Liu Chan's murderous look, and he wanted to say that Chen Zhi couldn't move.Seeing Liu Chan looking like he was going to kill someone now, how could he dare to say anything, he quickly got up and ran into the convoy to organize the manpower, ready to move on.

At this time, Liu Chan raised his horsewhip, pointed at the young man who had just been beaten, and said, "You, it's you, come forward."

(End of this chapter)

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