Chapter 109
Seeing that Suning was being punished, the young man wanted to leave with everyone, but he was stopped by the aggressive nobleman.

He felt a little frightened in his heart, lowered his head and asked in a low voice: "Small, why is the little general looking for the villain?" His voice trembled slightly.

Liu Chan looked at the man. The clothes on his body were not much different from those of ordinary civilians. He had a broad forehead. Now he lowered his head and couldn't see the expression on his face clearly.But from Liu Chan's eyes, the skin on his neck looked fairer and tenderer, and he probably wasn't someone who worked in the fields all year round.

Liu Chan put away his anger and asked the young man, "Give me your name, where are you from?"

The young man made a standard bow to Liu Chan, which seemed to be the case, and said a little nervously: "The villain, Ge Wu, is from Mianzhu."

"Are you a scholar?"

"No, the villain's family is poor, how can he afford to go to school? He grows up so big that he can't even read the characters. He's just a poor farmer."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Although you are illiterate, you are very good. You showed courage just now! Now that you see me, why do you become so shy?"

"This, this..."

Liu Chan waved his hand and smiled slightly: "Okay, you don't need to say it. Although I appreciate your courage, you also need to know that the way you incited the civilians just now is no different from rebellion, and Suning has no shortage of people who want to kill you." reason!"

The young man was obviously frightened by Liu Chan's words. He thought he had escaped a catastrophe, but he didn't want to die in the end. His legs felt a little chaffed, and he thought to himself, now, in order to survive, not to mention the mud under his feet, it's just a row of nails , I'm afraid I have to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Not wanting to, Liu Chan said again: "However, because the situation has not expanded, I will forgive you today. You can remember that in the future, you must stick to your duty and don't do anything reckless."

Seeing that Liu Chan was willing to let him go, Ge Wu was overjoyed and saluted Liu Chan again, repeatedly promising that he would abide by the rules in the future.Seeing this, the civilian husbands cheered again.

Liu Chan took a small piece of gold from Zhao Feng, handed it over and said, "Ge Wu, come forward, I like you, I will reward you with a piece of gold!"

Ge Wu didn't expect that not only was he not punished, but he was rewarded. There is such a good thing in this world!He happily walked forward, stretched out his hand to respectfully take the piece of gold, and then went happily.

Only then did Liu Chan turn his horse's head and lead the men and horses towards Fengshui Forest.But within a few steps, he suddenly whispered a few words to Shi Hui.Shi Hui nodded, took off his weapon and hung it on the horse, jumped off the horse with two rangers in a flash, and fell into the weeds by the roadside.

It was summer at this time, and it was the time when the weeds grew the most luxuriantly, completely covering the figures of the three of them, no one could see their actions at all!But why did Liu Chan want them to act so secretly?
After Liu Chan's men and horses passed by, Shi Hui and the other three came out of the grass and quickly mixed in with the peasants.

When Liu Chan came to the Fengshui forest, those civilians who were lazy to rest had gathered in front of the forest. There were about five or sixty people, and they all looked curiously at the majestic soldiers in front of them.The weather is too hot now, Liu Chan does have some sympathy for these lazy guys, so he doesn't drive them back to work.

Liu Chan ordered everyone to dismount and rest, and then sat down on a rock with Dong Yun.Liu Chan took out a water bottle, took a sip himself, and handed it to Dong Yun.Dong Yun was indeed thirsty too, and after thanking him, he started drinking.

Liu Chan opened his clothes to let his body cool off, and asked, "Xiu Zhao, what do you think of that Ge Wu just now?"

Dong Yun is indeed a strict person, fanning the wind with his wide sleeves, he thought for a while and said: "Although what happened to that man is understandable, in fact, the young master shouldn't let it go like that, let alone He should be rewarded. Otherwise, in the future, such troublemakers will probably emerge endlessly."

Liu Chan nodded, but smiled without saying a word, as if Dong Yun's answer was not what he wanted.Then, Liu Chan ordered Zhao Feng to find someone among those lazy folk husbands, and he wanted to chat with them, so as to understand the people's livelihood in Yizhou.

Zhao Feng soon brought back an old man with pale beard and hair.The old man must have worked hard all year round, so his back was a little hunched, and there were many wrinkles on his weather-beaten face.

The old man had seen Liu Chan punish Suning just now, and knew that Liu Chan was the biggest official here, so he stepped forward and gave Liu Chan a deep bow, and said, "Old man, especially the third, pay homage to the junior official!"

Although the other party was only a commoner, he was an elder after all. Liu Chan and Dong Yun stood up from the stone, saluted the old man back, and then asked Zhao Feng to move a stone for You Laosan to sit on.

Only then did Liu Chan ask, "Where do you always come from?"

"I am from Shuikou Village, Shuikou Town, Mianzhu County."

At this time, it happened that Zhao Feng brought some food for Liu Chan. Liu Chan and Dong Yun were indeed a little hungry, so they invited You Laosan to eat together.

While eating, Liu Chan kept asking, "Is your village big?"

Youngest You chewed the dry food, and felt that it was similar to the pancakes at home, but the taste was much better. He said, "Our village is not small, there are at least a hundred families."

"I'm afraid there are four or five hundred people."

"There must be." You Laosan nodded and asked: "Young officials, the old man sees that you are all majestic, where did you come from?"

"From Chengdu."

"Oh, the old man often hears that Liu Shijun lives in Chengdu now. In fact, the people now live and work in peace and contentment. It would be better if there is no war."

Liu Chan secretly sighed, in today's world, where is there not to fight!He smiled bitterly and asked, "How are your villagers doing?"

You Lao San took the water from Dong Yun, took a sip and said, "Let's make do with it, there is still food to eat, as long as you don't starve to death!"

"Then are you satisfied with your life now?"

"How can you be satisfied with all of them! Some are satisfied, and some are not satisfied."

"How does it feel to be in corvée?"

"We poor people are used to it. As long as you are still alive, you have to serve corvee. As long as you are not arrested to fight, you are lucky!"

"But you have to buy the vehicles for transporting food yourself. Does it feel like a heavy burden?"

When Liu Chan said this, You Laosan got excited and said, "That's right! Fortunately, it's not the time for spring sowing, otherwise all the cattle in the family will be pulled out, so how can we plow the fields? Next year the crops will be harvested." But there will be no harvest, so how can we survive!"

Liu Chan and Dong Yun nodded sympathetically, and continued to listen to You Laosan.

"Actually, those food inspectors are quite disgusting. The old man finally went to borrow a car from someone else's house, but he insisted on saying it was unqualified. I tried my best and said to them: 'Officer, please take a good look. This The guy even delivered food to the generals who were fighting three months ago!' But no, they just didn’t change their words. Later, the old man, I gave them a little money each, and it worked!"

When Liu Chan heard this, he knew that this was important information, and a trace of anger suddenly appeared on his face.The mistakes he most taboos officials make are low-level behaviors such as corruption and forced bribery. Such behaviors not only corrupt the discipline, but also the most destabilizing behaviors.Over the past dynasties, how many dynasties have died because of this!

Under the rule of Kong Ming, corruption among officials in Yizhou rarely happened at first, but now it seems to be making a comeback again!It seems that the allure of money is indeed infinite, as long as those officials have the opportunity to take advantage of it, they will definitely take the risk alone!
Liu Chan asked: "Are there many such phenomena? When did it start?"

"A lot! Why not a lot! Oh, what a crime!"

Seeing that Liu Chan seemed to be about to explode, Dong Yun was afraid that he would frighten You Laosan, so he quickly reached out to touch Liu Chan's hand, signaling him not to explode.

Liu Chan nodded to Dong Yun, trying to make his face milder, but in his heart he was cursing the magistrate of Mianzhu for his incompetence in governance.

At this time, You Laosan's chatterbox also opened up, and he talked about the things in the village with relish, how they plowed the land, how they sowed the seeds, and how his daughter-in-law was lazy...

After Liu Chan was reborn in this era, it was the first time he chatted with others like this, and what You Lao San said was very interesting. He and Dong Yun listened to it with gusto.

About another quarter of an hour later, a ranger came back.Only then did Liu Chan ask Dong Yun to take You Laosan down, and gave him some money and food.

The ranger came forward and reported in a low voice: "My lord, after that Ge Wu went back, he had contact with seven or eight people. Looking at his behavior, words and deeds, there is indeed quite a mystery. I'm afraid it is not as simple as ordinary civilians."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Where is Shi Hui? What is she doing now?"

"Returning to Young Master, she is monitoring Ge Wu now. Another person is monitoring the person who used to have secret contact with Ge Wu."

"Go and tell Shi Hui, don't reveal your identity, and report immediately if there is any situation. If you don't have enough manpower, your companions will accompany you there."

The ranger immediately agreed, then turned around and brought those resting rangers over.

Liu Chan muttered in his heart, Ge Wu, I want to see who you are?Not only is his neck fair, his hands don't even have a callus, but he dares to say that he is a poor peasant!Now there are not enough spies in Soochow, so only Cao Wei's people are left... Do you think that my son's gold is so easy to give to others!
But Liu Chan knows that from now on, he has already participated in the war against Cao Wei!Now, it's just another spy war against Cao Wei.

In fact, Liu Bei and Zhao Yun were lucky, and there was a son Liu Chan behind him who silently helped them deal with the aftermath!

(End of this chapter)

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