Chapter 110
The folk men at the front of the transport team, after the commotion just now, ran back to their positions to start work again, and the yelling and the yelling of scalpers rang out again.

The peasants in the middle and the rear of the convoy were too far away from the front, so they had no idea what was going on ahead. Most of them were still pushing the grain cart dutifully, trying to push it out of the mud.

"Hurry up!"

"It's already at its maximum strength, I can't push it!"

"Don't focus on talking, let's push hard together!"

"Still can't move!"

A strong young man with his arms bare showed a dark complexion. Sweat flowed down his cheeks into his eyes, making his eyes dry!

He saw the grain cart in front of him stuck in the mud and couldn't get out for a long time. He must have been impatient, so he stepped forward and shouted in a hoarse voice like a dog barking: "You old and young What are you doing? Didn’t you eat yesterday? You look like a skinny starving ghost!”

From the voice of the old man, he could tell that he was a bull from the next town. This guy had a strong body and strong arms, but he was too irritable and reckless, so he was nicknamed "Bull". people remember.In fact, if he hadn't been too bad-tempered and liked to fight, he would have been picked up as a young man long ago!

The old man knew that he couldn't justify himself with such an idiot, so he simply didn't even look back, but pushed the grain truck even harder.

But the old man's son was still young and energetic, not to mention that the weather was hot now, and he was even more angry. He immediately turned around and shouted: "Stupid cow, what are you talking about!"

When Man Niu heard being called a stupid cow, he was furious: "Call me a stupid cow? I am a barbaric cow! If you call again, I will crush your arm!"

As he said that, Man Niu really stepped forward and grabbed the young man's arm, twisting his back, causing him to yelp in pain.Man Niu couldn't help laughing proudly, revealing a row of white teeth in his bloody mouth.

Seeing this, the old man yelled: "Oh, the people from Sanhe Town beat our people from Shuikou Town! Folks, come and help, come and help..."

At this time, unexpectedly, a tall and tall civilian man rushed over from behind Man Niu, and punched him firmly from behind.This punch was quite powerful, and the bull staggered a bit, but he couldn't stand firm after all, and fell down in the mud with a slap, his body and face were covered with muddy water.

"You people in Sanhe Town, what's so great, I'll let you dare to bully the people in Shuikou Town again! Everyone beat him to death with me!"

Everyone has been very dissatisfied with this bull for a long time. Now that someone is taking the lead, they naturally respond in groups, rushing forward to surround the bull.

Man Niu was also dumbfounded when he saw so many people coming all at once, and shouted: "The people from Shuikou Town want the people from Dasanhe Town, folks, please help!"

This is an era when clan values ​​are very strong. Even though the people of Sanhe Town are dissatisfied with the domineering bull on weekdays, they must not just sit back and watch him be bullied by outsiders.As a result, all the folks in the two towns began to gather.

Then, a big fight started like this.

Man Niu was the first to suffer. The people in Shuikou Town were going for him, but he was beaten and kicked by six or seven people, and finally fell down in the mud again. Footprints were printed on his dark skin and his head was broken made a mouthful.A peasant woman next to her had never seen such a tragic situation, and couldn't help but screamed loudly.

Then, everyone fought together.There were people rolling everywhere on the ground, some were knocked down, and some fell to the ground and fought together...

Oops, oops screams, one after another...

Then there are crackling, thumping, groaning, and the rumble of the grain truck being overturned...

Later, some of the people in Shuikou Town finally picked up wooden sticks first, chased and beat the people in Sanhe Town, and some of them were immediately beaten all over.

The fighting between villages and towns has been passed down from the formation of clans in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods to the civilized society in the 21st century, and has never been seen to be broken.Therefore, the people in Sanhe Town immediately reacted based on experience, unloaded the crossbars of the bullock carts, and began to fight back.

Group fights have finally entered the stage of fighting with weapons!

Then, with the occurrence of accidental beatings and accidental injuries, even more peasants from other villages and towns joined in the fight, not to mention the ground became stained with blood.The situation has gotten out of control.

But what are those food supervisors doing now?There is such a big commotion in the convoy, they should come out to stop it!

Suning, who led the grain transportation team, was actually stunned by the scene before him.He is a veteran, and he has been on the battlefield many times, but he has never seen such a scene - a group of farmers who are usually as docile as sheep, are now fighting their neighbors like an army in a bloody battle!
On the ground as far as his eyes could see, lay a young man with a blooming head.

His legs were straight, his body and face were covered with mud, his head was submerged in muddy water, the blood from the wound was stained red with muddy water, and his eyes were lifeless.It seems that he is saying goodbye to his happy life in this world...

--how so?What is going on?

In short, Su Ning was really stunned, and couldn't remember his responsibility at all. He should send someone to stop the commotion immediately!
The scale of the fighting was appalling, and it soon spread to the head of the grain transportation team, right in front of Liu Chan's eyes!Liu Chan was also shocked by the chaos in front of him.

His previous life, Yang Hansheng, lived in the southern countryside.Even in the 21st century China, the clan concept of the same surname is still very strong, and it is occasionally heard of fighting between villages, but I have never seen it with my own eyes.

He brushed the ground with Dong Yun, stood up from the stone at the same time, couldn't help shouting loudly: "What's going on?"

Zhao Feng hurried forward to report: "There should be an armed fight."

"Do you still need to say this? Of course I know! You immediately send someone to notify Suning and organize the troops to wait for my order. You also quickly organize the troops and follow me to stop the situation from deteriorating!"

Zhao Feng led the way and shouted loudly: "Everyone gather, gather, get on your horse..."

At this time, a ranger finally came to report to Liu Chan in a hurry: "My lord, Mrs. Shi Hui wants a villain to come and report. I am afraid that the cause of this fight between the peasants is unusual!" This person is the leader of those rangers. Zuo Fu.

"You mean, someone is agitating behind your back?"

"should be!"

Liu Chan's originally anxious face suddenly turned angry, and regardless of Zuo Fu's identity, he said angrily: "How did you do it? Since you know someone is doing something wrong, why don't you stop it first?!"

Zuo Fu was a little frightened by Liu Chan's anger, but he was actually very wronged in his heart.They are just here for the first time, others may have been plotting for a long time, how could they stop it all at once?

Dong Yun, who was on the side, could understand Zuo Fu's difficulties, and he had been an official for many years, and he was also very experienced in handling affairs, so he suggested: "My lord, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. We should stop this incident Fighting with weapons; secondly, the identities of those instigating people should be clarified, maybe they are spies from Cao Wei or Jiangdong!"

Liu Chan felt that Dong Yun's words were very reasonable, and he was obviously too anxious to be confused, so he told Zuo Fu: "Go and inform Shi Hui, and we must arrest all the perpetrators. I will interrogate myself later! Go ahead."


Zuo Fu immediately turned around and left, not bothering to hide his skills anymore. Between seven or eight ups and downs, he had already landed on the periphery of the food transport team, and quickly disappeared into chaos.

At this time, Zhao Feng had already organized the Baier Guards.Liu Chan got on his horse immediately, but said to Dong Yun: "You are a literati, it is useless to go, just stay here."

Without waiting for Dong Yun to argue, Liu Chan rode out on his horse and came to the white-eared guards and shouted: "Listen, you must obey my instructions later, and you are absolutely not allowed to kill anyone! Come with me!" "

As a result, more than two hundred knights rushed to the main road, where there were already 300 people from Suning on the side of the road to meet them.It's a good thing they didn't act without authorization, otherwise, it's hard to guarantee that they won't start a bloody suppression of those civilian husbands.

Now that the situation is really critical, how can there be time for him to go over and shout a few times indiscriminately, "Everyone stop fighting, everyone don't fight anymore..." or "Everyone calm down, everyone is a fellow countryman..." And do that Also useless at all.

Liu Chan suddenly pulled out his long sword, and ordered loudly and concisely: "All the imperial guards dismount, and go forward with the grain superintendent to suppress the riots. They are only allowed to beat people, not to hurt anyone!"

With a swipe of the ground, all the two hundred white-eared guards got off their horses, picked up the silver guns hanging on the saddle bridge, and rushed into the crowd at the same time with the Duliang Army as the rear team.

Those civilian husbands are just poor people, how can they be the opponents of the army, especially among these soldiers, there are two hundred white-eared guards!

For a time, wherever the army reached, it was like a strong wind blowing through a wheat field, and a large number of civilians were swept away.However, they were just knocked down, or their legs were swept down by silver guns, and the injuries were absolutely impossible to be serious.

But after all, the food transportation team lined up too long, and the sparse land stretched at least six or seven miles away.There were too many civilian husbands, and it was difficult for seven hundred soldiers to stop the situation in a short time. Liu Chan became anxious again.

At this time, Shi Hui happened to escort six civilian husbands out, presumably they were the perpetrators, and one of them was Ge Wu!When they saw Liu Chan not far away, they hurried forward to meet him.

Liu Chan's angry eyes swept over Ge Wu, but he ordered Shi Hui: "Give me all the smoke on your body!" His tone of voice was unquestionable.

Shi Hui was taken aback when he heard that, although he didn't know why the young master wanted her things, he took out a bag and handed it to Liu Chan, saying, "There are about forty of them in here!"


As he spoke, Liu Chan took two bodyguards with him and galloped towards the middle and tail of the grain transport team, where the fighting was still fierce.

When he reached the crowded place, Liu Chan grabbed a smoke bomb and threw it out. After a loud bang, a radius of several feet was surrounded by thick smoke.The civilian husband inside could no longer see clearly, so he had to temporarily stop fighting.

After spraying dozens of times in this way, the rear of the entire grain transportation team was almost completely shrouded in smoke as the smoke spread, like a long gray dragon jumping and crawling on the ground.The shouts of the peasants fighting with weapons finally became much smaller.

At this time, the smoke bombs in Liu Chan's bag were also exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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