The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 111 Healing the Civil Husband

Chapter 111 Healing the Civil Husband
Liu Chan shook the empty bag, exhaled lightly, then stared at the smoke belt with a pair of big eyes, and his chest heaved rapidly due to tension.

Although it is in the wild here, there is no wind now, and the ninja's smoke belt is not so easy to dissipate.So Liu Chan couldn't see his achievements for a while, so he felt extremely nervous.

However, in fact, there was almost no sound of fighting and shouting in the smoke, and then people rushed out of it one after another.

Liu Chan couldn't help turning his head and asked a guard behind him, "Do you think my method is useful?"

The guard said with deep reverence on his face, "Master, I admire your intelligence and wisdom! I am afraid that only you can come up with such a clever plan in such a critical situation. I think it will definitely work. , son, don’t be anxious.”

The guard's praise made Liu Chan feel a little proud, then nodded and continued to look at the mist.

At this time, Shi Hui had already rode a horse to Liu Chan's side with Dong Yun.Dong Yun arched his hands, finally couldn't help laughing on his serious face, and praised with great admiration: "My lord, your trick is really clever! Yun really convinced you this time!"

A smug smile suddenly appeared on Liu Chan's face. It was rare for this Dong Yun to praise others, and then he returned the empty bag in his hand to Shi Hui, saying: "If it works, you will make the first contribution. At that time, my son will ask General Zhao to reward you heavily!"

A slight smile flashed on Shi Hui's delicate face, and said: "As long as you can help young master, that's fine. However, from my subordinate's point of view, there is no sign of a fight in the smoke."

Sure enough, about half a quarter of an hour later, there was an unexpected gust of wind in the field, and the smoke belt rolled up, like a giant dragon turning over, its figure gradually became loose, and finally turned into a burst of transparent mist, making people feel like they were in the mountains. In the morning mist.

Liu Chan vaguely saw that there were many people running around inside, but they had stopped fighting.Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that the smoke was really useful.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that when the police suppressed riots in the 21st century, smoke bombs and tear gas were the first choice and necessary equipment.If it doesn't work, then it should be high-pressure water guns and rubber bullets!Unexpectedly, I unexpectedly coincided with the practice of later generations by accident.

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing a few times, waved his right hand and said: "Everyone go back!" Then, he turned his horse's head and ran towards the leader of the grain transportation team. There is still a lot of business that needs to be judged by him personally. !
When Liu Chan reached the end of the road, he saw that the Baier Guards and the Food Superintendent had also brought the situation under control, and no one was fighting anymore.It's just that there's no smoke here, so I can see more clearly—there are injured people everywhere, some fell to the ground and moaned, some clutched their wounds, some had bruised noses and swollen faces, the situation looked really miserable!

Liu Chan immediately became angry again, diluting his sympathy for these folk husbands, and sighed, why have these folk husbands been so easily incited since ancient times?He then gave an order to a guard behind him to go to the rear of his convoy to send an order, so that the doctors accompanying the team came to treat these peasants immediately on horseback.

Then, Liu Chan said to another guard: "Go and inform Zhao Feng that there is no need to gather the team, and let them do their best to help the civilian husband heal his injuries!"

Shi Hui is not only a ninja, but now he is also a successful pharmacologist. He also said, "My lord, my subordinates are going to help too!"

Liu Chan nodded, Shi Hui and the guard immediately got off their horses and rushed to the main road.

At this time, Liu Chan thought of a problem. After these civilian husbands gave first aid, they would probably need a lot of medicine for treatment!
Alas, Liu Chan sighed secretly, it must be impossible for these grains to be transported to Yangping Pass on time this time.If this incident was really planned by the spies of the enemy country, then they really did a great job!But even so, these people are still their own people after all, and it is obviously contrary to benevolence and justice not to rescue them because of their mistakes.

Liu Chan looked around and saw that there was only one Dong Yun left.He waved to the rangers in the distance, and several people stepped forward to obey.

Liu Chan said: "You send a few people to find Suning for me!"

In a short while, I saw Suning excitedly leading a few soldiers and escorting two dark-skinned strong men. I don't know what the identities of these two people are.

When Suning saw Liu Chan, his face immediately showed great admiration.Things that hundreds of them can't handle, a young man can get it done in just a quarter of an hour, what a genius!

He stepped forward and knelt down and said, "Shangguan's intelligence has convinced the subordinates! This riot can be calmed down so quickly, it's all thanks to the Shangguan!"

Liu Chan knew that Suning was flattering again, so he stopped talking nonsense on this issue, so he pointed to the two strong men not far away and asked, "Why did you arrest those two civilian husbands?"

"The riot this time was caused by the fight between these two people!"

Liu Chan nodded and asked him to stand up, and said, "The two people will be handed over to my son. Let me ask you, are there medicinal materials in the convoy?"

"Yes. Why did Shangguan ask this?"

"My doctor will arrive soon, and I will inevitably need some medicine. Of course, I can only take some from the convoy first."

Su Ning's heart trembled. The riots this time may have caused him to bear a serious crime. Now, if one more charge is added: unauthorized use of military supplies, it will definitely be a capital crime among capital crimes!
Su Ning's complexion immediately became uglier than that of a dead person, and he knelt down again with a plop, and said in a crying voice: "Shangguan, why don't you spare the life of the lower official? Using military resources without authorization is a capital crime! "

Liu Chan thought about it carefully, he thought too simply just now, the serious crime of misuse of military funds is definitely not something that a small village head like Suning can afford.But he was also very contradictory, and he couldn't ignore the injuries of those civilian husbands.

At this time, Dong Yun stepped forward and said, "Didn't the convoy behind us also bring a large amount of medicinal materials to the Yizhou army? I think so, Suning, you first lead people to pull out the vehicles carrying medicinal materials. As much as you use up next, we will make up for you later.”

When Liu Chan heard the words, he called out Dashan directly, and Dong Yun would handle the matter!But Suning is still a little hesitant, because this is the risk of decapitation!
"This, this..."

Liu Chan simply couldn't help but wanted to whip this guy again, but after all, he was not the type to do things on his own will, and he didn't do that, he shouted: "Why don't you do it soon?!"

Su Ning was very aggrieved: "If, if you can't make up later, what should I do?"

Liu Chan really felt a bit of a headache, the guy with feelings was afraid that he would blackmail him!

This is the time for Dong Yun to act—he is much calmer than Liu Chan, and he comforted Suning with kind words: "Mr. Su, you don't have to worry about this. My son's motorcade is just a few miles away. You can Send someone to check. And we will give you a written note now, what do you think? In this way, even if we renege on the bill later, you can take the written note to appeal to General Zhao."

When Su Ning heard this, his face turned cloudy, and he said, "It's good to dare, it's good to dare!"

Dong Yun got down from his horse and said, "We don't have pens and paper here. You and I can find some. I'll just write a note for my son." So Dong Yun gave Liu Chan a light salute, and took the Suning went to find a pen and paper.

After the episode passed, Liu Chan just remembered that there were two groups of people beside him, and he needed to go to the trial by himself!He also got off his horse, raised his whip and waved to Suning's men, and they escorted the two strong men up and forced them to kneel down on the mud.

Liu Chan's eyes swept over the two of them again, and asked the detainee, "Can you tell the origin of the names of these two people."

The Chief Shi reported respectfully and respectfully: "Back to Shangguan, the one on the left is called Man Niu, from Sanhe Town. The one on the right is called Tieniu, from Shuikou Town."

Liu Chan secretly laughed, it turned out that these two cows provoked the disturbance today.Just when he opened his mouth to ask questions, Man Niu suddenly yelled: "You kid is so awesome, who are you?!"

The rangers who came up to obey orders just now saw that this person dared to question the young master, and he was swearing, so they immediately stepped forward to teach this guy, but they were called by Liu Chan.

Liu Chan said to Man Niu: "My fellow, you..."

I don't want to, Man Niu may be used to being arrogant, Liu Chan was interrupted by him before he finished speaking: "The porcupine dog is your fellow!

Dolphins, that is, pigs and dogs!Liu Chan didn't really want to hold these two cows accountable, after all, they were probably being used by others.However, this barbarian was so rude, Liu Chan was really angry now, turned his head and shouted at the leader of the rangers, Zuo Fu: "This man is really hateful, go and give me ten slaps!"

Zuo Fu had always been displeased with Man Niu, but now that he had the opportunity, he would not let it go, so he stepped forward and gave Man Niu ten mouths.Zuo Fu is a generation with high martial arts skills, the strength in his hands is naturally very strong, just a few hits made the bull's nose bruised and his face swollen, gold stars appeared in front of his eyes, he was dizzy for a while, almost passed out, how could he curse at others.

The miserable appearance of the wild bull frightened the iron bull beside him.He didn't expect that the tall and thin guy with the sword had such powerful ten mouths, it was really terrifying!

Only then did Liu Chan relieve his anger a little, and asked the Tieniu again, "What else do you have to say?"

Tie Niu was afraid of being beaten by Zuo Fu, so he said quickly: "The villain has nothing to say."

Liu Chan wanted to laugh a little, what does it mean to have nothing to say, didn't you just say it?He asked why the two of them were fighting.Tieniu told the story of the future.

Liu Chan shook his head and said, "Aren't the people in Sanhe Town and Shuikou Town the people of my big man? Why do you bother to fight like this?"

Tie Niu blurted out: "The people of Sanhe Town are from Sanhe Town, and the people of Shuikou Town are from Shuikou Town."

It was only then that Liu Chan knew that it was not without deep-seated internal causes that these civilian husbands were fighting so much today!His clan concept is too deep, and his identification with the clan has far surpassed his identification with the country.

This iron bull is as stupid as that barbarian bull, so Liu Chan won't waste his time explaining anything to him.Then, he remembered that although the trapped camp had increased manpower, the scale had not exceeded a hundred so far, so he asked, "How strong are you two?"

"It's huge!"

Liu Chan smiled wryly, "How many bags can one hundred catties of grain carry?"

"Five bags? No, six bags are fine!"

"Then you don't need to farm in the future. I will let you serve as a soldier and eat the emperor's rations. Are you willing?"

"What is eating imperial food?"

"It's just that I'm only responsible for fighting the war. I'll give you food every day and give you money every month!"

Liu Chan explained it plainly, and Tieniu understood it immediately, and said with a smile: "That's good, there are such good things in this world! I, Tieniu, did it with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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