The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 112 The Prisoner's Dilemma

Chapter 112 The Prisoner's Dilemma ([-])

At this time, Liu Chan felt that the disposal of those rioters should have come to an end by now.After all, it is impossible for you to arrest and punish so many civil servants one by one, right?Even if he has the resources now, he doesn't have the time!
However, it is absolutely impossible for Liu Chan to appease those who killed people, but the trial work must be handed over to the local government officials, which is definitely a huge workload.

Therefore, Liu Chan should deal with those few people who instigated the riot next.However, he had to figure out their identities first.

Liu Chan asked the rangers to escort all the eight "spies" to Fengshui Forest. He felt a little tired now and needed to rest while interrogating.

After Liu Chan sat down on the original rock, the eight people were bound and escorted over, and forced to kneel on the ground.

Liu Chan's eyes swept over the eight people at a time. The eight people had different looks, and the clothes on their bodies were also different, but they were all coarse clothes.Most of these people looked hungry. It was really hard to believe that such people could be spies sent by the enemy country!
Liu Chan's eyes fell on Ge Wu at last, he raised his finger to Ge Wu, and asked coldly: "Ge Wu, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon! Are you guilty?"

Ge Wu argued: "The little one doesn't know. Except for the previous conflict with the head of the village, the young one didn't participate in the fight. Where does the blame come from?"

Liu Chan glanced over the other seven people again, and asked, "Are you willing to confess?"

The seven people immediately lowered their heads and remained silent.

Liu Chan looked at Zuo Fu who had been standing beside him, and asked him, "Have you found any evidence from them?"

"No, none of these people carried anything with them."

Then, Zuo Fu pointed to a guy of medium stature and told Liu Chan that before the riot, that person had contact with Man Niu and Tieniu respectively, and the two might have been instigated by this person to cause trouble
Liu Chan felt that this seemed to be a breakthrough point, so he asked the person to report his name and origin. It turned out that this person was called Huanglian, from Xinyi Town.

Liu Chan asked again: "Don't you wonder why I captured you so quickly? In fact, I have long suspected Ge Wu's identity. After he went back to work, I secretly sent someone to closely monitor him. So after the riot happened, all those who had secret contact with him were immediately arrested, that is, you are now."

When those people heard the words, many people lowered their heads even more, and Ge Wu's face turned pale all of a sudden.However, these people's psychological quality is good, and no one has admitted to it until this time.

So Liu Chan called the Tieniu over and asked, "Tieniu, you are my man now. When I ask you, you must answer truthfully, otherwise I will not give you food or money." flower!"

Tieniu laughed and said, "Okay, young master, whatever you ask, I will answer honestly! Don't let Tieniu go hungry."

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "Look around among these people, is there someone who has said bad things about the bull to you?"

Liu Chan said this very skillfully, he didn't rashly point to someone and ask Tieniu if he knew him, which is not far from the police's method of questioning witnesses in later generations.

Tie Niu looked and looked at the eight people with his big eyes, then pointed to Huang Lian and said, "That's the guy, he said that Man Niu always bullies us in Sanhe Town, I, Tie Niu, must be afraid of him! Young master, why do you think I, Tie Niu, would be afraid of that bull, so I went up and punched the bull in the back!"

Liu Chan nodded, telling Tieniu not to say any more, and asked Huang Lian, "You are neither from Sanhe Town nor Shuikou Town, why did you participate in the dispute? If you are not a spy, who would believe it?!"

Huang Lian shouted: "The villain is really a good citizen. At that time, the villain was just talking casually. My lord has learned from it!"

Liu Chan sighed and said: "I originally wanted to give you a chance to confess yourself. Maybe I can forgive you for some of your crimes. In this case, then I have no choice but to do so. Don't ask me to forgive you when the time comes. Pass you!"

Liu Chan sent people to find people from Suning and Xinyi Town to identify Huanglian.But what was surprising was that Suning actually said that there were no people from Xinyi Town in their convoy.Then I asked many fellow villagers, and they all said that there is no Xinyi Town in their place!

Huang Lian's false identity was immediately exposed, his face turned ashen, and his body trembled violently out of fear!He never imagined that because of an inconspicuous negligence, he brought disaster to himself and his colleagues.

Liu Chan proudly asked the remaining seven people: "Did you confess yourself, or do you need me to continue looking for someone to come and identify you?"

Some of the seven people showed angry expressions, while others were panic-stricken, and the expressions really varied.

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly: "For my master, for my great Wei's world, I have nothing to fear when I die!"

Immediately, the fear on the faces of the three disappeared, and at the same time, Dayi responded solemnly: "That's right, we have received the great kindness of the master, so we have no fear of death!" But only Ge Wu, Huang Lian and the other two still bowed their heads and remained silent.

Liu Chan was overjoyed in his heart, secretly thought, it's wonderful!Just now, my son was still worried that he would not be able to find out their origins, so he wanted to use torture to extract confessions.However, this obviously loses my identity, and it will also leave me with a bad reputation, which is really not worth the candle.No, these stupid cows recruited themselves, so the next step will be easy.

As the saying goes, "it is not people who make status, but status makes people!" This sentence does not lose its validity when applied to Liu Chan today.His direction and route of dealing with affairs have been greatly different from before, and he has completely become a competent son.

No, just when Liu Chan was thinking, a few screams suddenly sounded in his ears, which woke Liu Chan up.

Zuo Fu shouted: "No, kill yourself by biting your tongue! Act quickly!"

Liu Chan only felt a wind around him, and several people passed by at high speed.

Liu Chan looked intently, and there were three people lying on the ground, their bodies were twitching non-stop, blood was pouring out of their mouths, and they were about to bite their tongues to kill themselves.It's a pity that even with Mr. Hua Tuo by his side, it is impossible to revive them due to the backward technical conditions, and they died soon.

However, the three rangers finally restrained the fourth death seeker, the two held him down, and Zuo Fu forcefully opened his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue.

Liu Chan's heart trembled. Although these people are not good people, they all have a passion and a heart of loyalty. Such people can be regarded as warriors.

Liu Chan immediately said to Zuo Fu: "Take a piece of cloth and cover his mouth!"

With Liu Chan's instruction, Zuo Fu didn't care about the quality of his clothes, so he reached out and tore off the hem of his robe, and stuffed it into the man's mouth, and the man finally couldn't kill himself by biting his tongue anymore.

The two rangers who restrained the man's hands and feet only let him go, but they couldn't help admiring his integrity like Liu Chan in their hearts!
Liu Chan sighed, ordered a few rangers to move the three corpses away first, and said to the remaining five people: "Since you didn't die just now, I don't have time to spend with you now. So, I have to Let you suffer some flesh and blood!"

Liu Chan waved to Zuo Fu, signaling him to come over and wait for orders.After Zuo Fu passed by, Liu Chan whispered some instructions to Zuo Fu.

Zuo Fu nodded after listening, and turned to look at the five people kneeling on the ground, with a cruel smile on his face, like a cunning wolf looking at a group of fat prey.

Zuo Fu looked at those five people and made them feel a little scared. They guessed in their hearts, wondering what kind of means Zuo Fu would use to deal with them next.

Zuo Fu straightened up, saluted Liu Chan slightly, and then called all his men over, and assigned three rangers to drag the three "spies" away, but only Ge Wu and Huang Lian were left on the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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