The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 113 The Prisoner's Dilemma

Chapter 113 The Prisoner's Dilemma ([-])

Ge Wu and the other five people thought that Zuo Fu wanted to kill those three people by doing this, and then threatened the remaining two people to speak up.As a result, the performance of the five people was different again.

Ge Wu and Huang Lianlian were in the most complicated mood.

On the one hand, they were glad that they were not one of the three people who were dragged away; on the other hand, they were also terrified, because if they really didn't speak up next, the other party might really kill themselves of.As a result, the psychology of the two became rather contradictory, hovering between confessing and not confessing.

As for the three people who were dragged away, they obviously didn't want to die, so some of them struggled and shouted injustice, but no one seemed to think that they would not be punished after they should confess.Therefore, Liu Chan naturally didn't bother to pay any attention to it, so he let them be dragged away smoothly.

At this time, Liu Chan's eyes turned to Ge Wu and Huang Lian.His gaze was a little lazy at first, but now it became extremely severe, and the expression on his face became a little ferocious, and he said viciously: "It is impossible for my son to give you any more chances to go back on your word!"

His unquestionable tone was as cold as if Ge Wu and Huang Lian had already sentenced Ling Chi to death!
There was a bang in the heads of Ge Wu and Huang Lian, and they became completely blank.They originally thought that since the young man in front of him spoke again, he would definitely give them a chance to reconsider. They didn't expect him to say such decisive words!

Ge Wu and Huang Lian's faces were so pale that they were uglier than dead people, and their bodies also trembled violently, almost falling down on the muddy ground.

When the two rangers saw this, it was naturally impossible for them to fall down in front of the young master, so they stepped forward and grabbed their shoulders at the same time, so they did not fall to the ground.

A sneer of contempt appeared on the corner of Liu Chan's mouth, and he nodded to Zuo Fu.After Zuo Fu bowed and obeyed, with a wave of his right hand, two rangers stepped forward and escorted Huang Lian, and turned into the Fengshui forest!

Soon, there was a shrill scream in the woods, startling a group of birds that were resting in the middle of the forest.

They flapped their wings and took off, then moved obliquely towards the south, as if passing a smooth curve in the air, and then gradually flew far away, leaving only a string of black spots the size of flies in the sky.

At this time, under the scorching sun, a slight wind finally blew up, and the green leaves of Fengshui forest swayed slightly.But the soft rustling sound they made was completely submerged in Huanglian's screams.

After Liu Chan heard the screams, a smile appeared on his originally calm face again, a ferocious smile——while he was laughing, he looked at Ge Wu's pale face rather viciously, as if it was a It seemed like a kind of enjoyment that made him proud!
Ge Wu didn't dare to look at Liu Chan anymore, he couldn't bear Liu Chan's smile, so he secretly looked towards Fengshui Lin from the corner of his eyes.He seemed to be looking forward to having a pair of clairvoyant eyes, able to see through the dense jungle, and see what kind of torture Huanglian was suffering!
At this time, Dong Yun also came back, seeing Ge Wu in front of him, and hearing the miserable cries from the distant woods, he couldn't help frowning.

He walked up to Liu Chan, and asked in a low voice with a hint of reproach: "My lord, what are you doing?" He obviously disagreed with Liu Chan's practice of extorting confessions by torture.

As soon as Liu Chan saw Dong Yun's expression, he already guessed what was in his heart.He pulled Dong Yun over, asked him to sit beside him, and whispered a few words into his ear.After Dong Yun finished listening, the frown that was originally slightly frowned was untied, and a trace of relief appeared on his serious face, and then he nodded as if he had agreed with Liu Chan's approach.

After a while, Huang Lian's screams gradually became weaker.Everything between heaven and earth seems to have returned to peace.Liu Chan's ears heard the wonderful rustling sound when the majestic wind passed through the Fengshui forest, it was like the sound of heaven.

Liu Chan straightened his back, and said to Ge Wu, "Ge Wu, do you know what my son whispered in Zuo Fu's ear just now?"

Ge Wu had already been frightened to the point of collapse, but the sliver of loyalty to his master that remained in his heart supported his refusal to confess easily.Therefore, Ge Wu just shook his head in horror, without saying a word.

Seeing this, Liu Chan thought to himself that Ge Wu's mentality was indeed quite strong. After hearing Huang Lian's sound that was worse than the sound of slaughtering a pig just now, most people must have collapsed to the point where they could no longer collapse.

Liu Chan continued: "Just now, my son gave Zuo Fu two suggestions. If he wants to get that Huanglian to confess, there are two possible ways. The first is the fastest: torture to extract a confession, and make Huanglian succumb from the body; the second If Huang Lian is still stubborn in the end, then Zuo Fu can use this young master to give him a power: pardon. Zuo Fu should have started discussing with Huang Lian now, if Huang Lian is willing to confess, then his guilt can be mitigated , and even a pardon. What do you think of these two methods?"

Hearing this, Ge Wu raised his lowered head all of a sudden.He looked at Liu Chan excitedly, and said in a trembling voice, "My lord...this method is very good. But..."

Before Ge Wu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liu Chan.Liu Chan said smugly: "I just asked you to answer whether it was good or not, and I didn't give you the right to say 'no'!"

Ge Wu was obviously not used to Liu Chan's domineering way of talking. He just looked at the young man in front of him in horror. He really didn't know how he could treat others so harshly at such a young age.How did he know that Liu Chan is actually a very talkative person, and the reason why he is doing this now is naturally his reason.

Liu Chan added: "My son has always been a fair person. Since I asked Zuo Fu to give Huang Lian a chance to make money, I will naturally give you the same chance. Are you willing to accept it?"

Ge Wu's body trembled, his heart was obviously touched by Liu Chan's words, but he still couldn't get rid of it.

Liu Chan decided to add another fire, and said: "However, there is a prerequisite for this fair opportunity. That is, only one of the two of you can be free-the one who confessed first! If If two people report on each other at the same time or if they don't confess, both of them will enter the death row camp and become a member of the death squad in the army. That is also a narrow escape. So, you have to think clearly, if you insist now, once Huang Lian confesses, Then the worst person is you. You can't be so stupid, can you?"

Liu Chan's harsh conditions immediately caused Ge Wu's heart to stir again. He could hardly stand the temptation of freedom anymore, and wanted to confess immediately.

At this time, Liu Chan pointed to the woods and said with a smile, "Look, Zuo Fu's people have come out, it seems that there is about to confess!"

Ge Wu turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw a ranger walking towards this side quickly.Ge Wu panicked. Decapitation and freedom are completely different things. Ge Wu immediately shouted: "My lord, I am willing to recruit. Don't kill my head..."

An evil smile appeared on Liu Chan's face and said: "It's too late, since you have confessed later than Huang Lian, then there is only a dead end waiting for you." He didn't give Ge Wu a chance at all.

Ge Wu suddenly burst into tears, trying to break free from the hand on his shoulder and go to beg Liu Chan.But of course the ranger behind him couldn't let him get close to Liu Chan, that would be an absolute dereliction of duty.

Therefore, the ranger slapped Ge Wu's back heart without hesitation. Maybe he used his internal force or really used a lot of force. After Ge Wu let out a miserable cry, he spit out a mouthful of blood from his chest, which was mixed into the yellow muddy water , I was speechless for a long time.

At this time, the ranger who came out of Fengshui Forest came to Liu Chan and reported: "My lord, Huanglian has decided to confess."

Liu Chan nodded, and told the ranger to go back and tell Zuo Fu that the interrogation must be more detailed, and then report the results quickly.

Maybe a person is always wise before he is about to die. Ge Wu cheered up again and shouted: "My lord, since Huang Lian is just preparing to confess, it means that he has not finished confessing now. Then the villain has also recruited now. The big deal is that we will enter together." Death row camp!"

Both Liu Chan and Dong Yun had slightly stunned expressions on their faces at the same time, as if they hadn't expected Ge Wu to say such a thing.Liu Chan waved his hand and asked the ranger to go back to Fengshui Forest, and looked at Ge Wudao again: "My son always keeps his word, now that I let you take advantage of the loophole, I will give you a chance to confess."

Ge Wu was overjoyed, the painful look on his face suddenly disappeared, and he wanted to kowtow to Liu Chan to thank him, but unfortunately his body was held tightly by the ranger behind him, and he couldn't move at all.Therefore, he had no choice but to thank Liu Chan.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "If you talk nonsense like this again, Huang Lian has already confessed!"

Ge Wu really shut up immediately.Then, Liu Chan asked him if he was a spy, where he came from, and who was his master.

No, Ge Wu's answer was definitely beyond Liu Chan's expectation.Ge Wu replied: "The villain is indeed a spy sent by Cao Wei to sabotage the delivery of grain and grass for the Yizhou army. My master is Master Sima Zhongda in Hanoi, and the villain is a guest of Sima's family."

Liu Chan couldn't help but exclaimed.Isn't Sima Zhongda Sima Yi!It was rumored that Master Sima had secretly raised [-] dead men, but now they are really using them!

Liu Chan immediately asked: "It is said that the Sima family had three thousand dead men, is that true?"

"Three thousand is probably not enough, but it must be more than one thousand. It is said that the Sima family has two manors specially for us diners to live in. Some of them don't look like us. They must be the dead men that the adults said gone."

Seeing that Ge Wu's answer was quite specific, Liu Chan nodded and asked, "Then you are operating in Yizhou, there must be someone who is responsible for the prime minister's affairs? Where is he now?"

Ge Wu nodded and said: "I'm a humble person, so I don't know much about this matter, but it is said that there is such a person, who may be in the area of ​​Fu County, or may be drinking with people in Mianzhu County."

Liu Chan frowned. Fu County is south of Zitong, and it is also an important hub of Chuanzhong Road.And Mianzhu was behind him, and it happened that that damned Chen Zhi was still lingering there to eat, drink and have fun, so he went back and cleaned him up first!
Liu Chan then asked, "Are you sure you don't know who that person is?"

"My lord, how can a villain hide it when he is at this point?"

Liu Chan nodded, a satisfied smile finally appeared on his face, and after asking some questions, he was escorted off.

Only then did Liu Chan turn his head and smiled at Dong Yun who was watching the play, "Isn't my son a clever move?"

Dong Yun couldn't help but gave a thumbs up and praised: "High, it is indeed high! But young master, what is your method called?"

Liu Chan said quite proudly: "The prisoner's dilemma."

"Prisoner's Dilemma? What do you mean?"

In fact, the "prisoner's dilemma" here is just a classic practical application of Liu Chan's game theory in economics.And this theory has to wait until the emergence of computers in the [-]st century before it can get a preliminary demonstration, and then it is not until the genius John Nash is born that he can get the classic proof of mathematics.

Therefore, Liu Chan naturally won't explain in detail now, but just said: "My son just isolated those two people and made them suspect each other's thoughts."

Dong Yun let out a sigh, then lowered his head and began to meditate.

At this time, Zuo Fu also came back.Sure enough, Coptidis also confessed, and the confessions of the two are similar, which seems to be credible.

However, one point that needs to be clarified is that Zuo Fu did not actually torture Huanglian.He just let a ranger who is good at ventriloquism learn the voice of Coptis chinensis in the woods and let out a scream, the purpose is to defeat Ge Wu's psychological defense line in one fell swoop.Then, under the pressure of Liu Chan's words, Ge Wu could only confess obediently in the end!
(End of this chapter)

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