The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1109 Forcibly Intercepting

Chapter 1109 Forcibly Intercepting
Xiong Ping saw Murong Sui quickly get on his horse, and the people he brought over also got on their horses one after another.When Murong Suilin arrived, he couldn't help looking at Xiong Ping angrily.

It was this angry look at each other that made Xiong Ping really realize that the negotiation between him and Murong Sui had really broken down.

Moreover, it also had an extremely bad influence afterwards.If the talks between the two parties collapse, it should be said that it is a normal thing, but the two parties cannot reach an agreement, and the two parties have not found a balance that is acceptable to both parties for the benefits they want.

But this time the talks collapsed, but on the other hand, he had to add his own side's breach of trust and dispatch of troops.This is an extremely serious situation. Even from Murong Sui's standpoint, on the one hand, he would think that he was deceived by the Shu Han army;Since ancient times, how many kings captured by the enemy will end well?
What's more, the Xianbei people are still a half-civilized nation.The battle between their tribes is extremely fierce, and they have never been soft on the slaughter of their own tribes.Since ancient times, from the Huns to the Xianbei people today, once they conquered a tribe, they must kill all the men among them who are taller than the wheel!

And such a cruel incident, the Murong clan had experienced it in the hands of Ke Bineng, and Murong Sui must still remember it fresh.

If such a person experienced being treated like this by the Shu Han army again, the anger in Murong Sui's heart was absolutely indescribable.

Therefore, Xiong Ping knew that after today's incident, the Shu Han army and the Murong clan had become deadly enemies.The door to peaceful negotiations between the two parties is completely sealed, unless the two parties finally separate life and death.

At this time, Xiong Ping's guard captain had rushed over and asked loudly: "General Xiong, what's going on? Why did Murong Sui suddenly run away? What should we do here?"

Xiong Ping said angrily: "Today's negotiations have completely broken down, and there is no more exchange of prisoners. From now on, we will completely become sworn enemies with Murong Sui. Those soldiers we captured will probably be killed by Murong Sui." I can't live in my hands!"

The captain of the guard suddenly trembled when he heard it, and asked in horror: "Then what should we do next? Do we need to ask the subordinate officer to lead the troops on hand to stop Murong Sui immediately? As long as Murong Sui can be If it is captured in one fell swoop, the army of the Linghu tribe should not be able to continue fighting with my army."

Xiong Ping was already very angry in his heart, but now when he heard the words of the captain of the guard, he actually had the same thoughts, but he wanted to make himself a treacherous person again, and the anger in his heart suddenly burned even more intensely.

Xiong Ping couldn't help but yelled at the captain of the guard: "You bastard, even you have such a fluke plan! Get out of here!" Xiong Ping didn't explain so much about his captain of the guard. Now I really don't have the mood and time to explain to him clearly.

Xiong Ping was angry and aggrieved, and stared at the direction where Igenda's men and horses were rushing towards with his big eyes.It was hard for him to believe that such an act of breach of trust would be at the behest of Gai Meng or Meng Xi.

Therefore, Xiong Ping was very sure in his heart at this time, it should have been caused by that guy Igenda.

Sure enough, at the moment when he just finished thinking, the figure of the Yigenda people appeared in front of Xiong Ping.

Seeing this, Xiong Ping suddenly waved his big hand at the captain of the guard, and all the troops got on their horses.

Seeing Xiong Ping's extremely ferocious expression, the captain of the guard was taken aback immediately, quickly grabbed Xiong Ping's arm, and asked, "General Xiong, what are you going to do?"

Xiong Ping shook off the guard captain's hand and said, "Get on the horse!"

The captain of the guard had no choice but to follow Xiong Ping to the side of the horse, and then ordered all the guards to mount their horses.

Immediately, Xiong Ping led his guards, stepped forward and set up a formation, blocking the way of Igenda's men and horses.Being able to make Xiong Ping make such a move is enough to see how angry he is now, and wants to forcibly intercept it for theory.

Yijianda saw Xiong Ping's guards blocking his way from a distance, and frowned, probably already understanding what was going on.

Yijianda curled his lips, and muttered in a low voice: "This Xiong Ping must be so angry today! This bastard, this time, I should also experience the feeling that I was played by you during the battle across the river last time!"

Yijianda's guard captain immediately rushed to Yijianda's side, rode side by side, and asked loudly: "General, General Xiong Ping is in front of him. He must be very angry now. What should we do?"

Yijian Da sneered, and said arrogantly: "What else can we do? They only have 300 people. Order our troops to forcefully rush to both sides, don't stop talking nonsense to them, otherwise Murong will run away with that kid .”

The captain of the guard was stunned when he heard it, and was very worried about the consequences of Yijianda's actions. He was afraid that the relationship with General Xiong Ping would completely deteriorate.

The guard captain had no choice but to persuade: "General, why don't you stop the army first? There is still time to explain to General Xiong Ping."

Yigenda waved his horsewhip and said, "No need, we'll wait until the matter is over."

Then, the next scene that left Xiong Ping dumbfounded happened.

Under Yijianda's order, the people in Yijianda's headquarters were divided into two groups.

One rushed from the left flank of Xiong Ping's men, and the other rushed towards the right flank of Xiong Ping's guards.Moreover, when they got closer, they didn't intend to slow down at all, and it was obvious that they were going to rush over by force.

Xiong Ping was so angry that his face turned purple.

Seeing that there was no time to ask Xiong Ping for instructions, the captain of the guard immediately ordered the troops on both wings of his guard to gather in the center.Otherwise, is it really going to cause a battle between the two troops?

At that time, the seriousness of the matter is no longer something anyone can bear, even Xiong Ping and Yijianda, and they will definitely be punished most severely by His Majesty the Emperor and the Da Sima Mansion. You'll lose your head because of this.

It should be said that the guard captain's handling method is very correct, at least avoiding the escalation of the incident is good for everyone and himself.

At the same time, Yijianda was also very happy with Xiong Ping's "knowledge", otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to explain to Ma Dai and even Jiangling City in the future, and he might even be tried.

Therefore, Yijianda couldn't help but whistled towards Xiong Ping, and led the troops to roar past Xiong Ping's flanks.

The soaring smoke and dust immediately submerged Xiong Ping's guards who were surrounded in the middle, as if they disappeared in a churning brown-yellow cloud.

Inside the cloud and mist came Xiong Ping's terrifying roar.

(End of this chapter)

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