The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1110 The Big Picture Concept

Chapter 1110 The Big Picture Concept
After Yigenda's men and horses rushed over, the dust was still floating, and everyone on Xiong Ping's side was ashamed, and some even coughed because of it.

Xiong Ping had actually calmed down a little at this time.

He immediately thought that he had to meet Gai Meng for this matter.

Therefore, Xiong Ping immediately asked the captain of the guard to send an order, and everyone went back with him immediately.

But Xiong Ping and the others didn't go far, and they saw Gai Meng and Zhi Yuanduo leading all the cavalry marching rapidly, as if they were chasing Igenda's men.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiong Ping understood what was going on, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This time, Xiong Ping was uncharacteristically, ordering all the guards to stand by the side of the road, giving Xiong Ping and Zhi Yuan many troops a way to rush over quickly.

Gai Meng soon got a report that Xiong Ping's men were waiting not far ahead.

A look of shame suddenly appeared on Gai Meng's face, he turned his head and said to Zhi Yuanduo who was galloping beside him, "General Zhi Yuanduo, I will go to see Xiong Ping first, he must be very angry right now. This cavalry team is now entrusted to you to command."

All these incidents were caused by that bastard Igenda.And he, Zhi Yuanduo, was Ijian Da's uncle, and his nephew had an accident, so of course his uncle had to take care of the aftermath.

Zhiyuan nodded and said, "Yes! Please apologize to General Xiong Ping on my behalf."

Zhi Yuanduo is old and has too many life experiences, so of course he can handle his relationship with Gai Meng and others more properly.

Gai Meng nodded, then slowed down with his guards, gradually separated from the main force and came to the front of Xiong Ping's men.Gai Meng got off his horse alone, while all his guards were still riding on their horses.

It can be seen that Gai Meng is in a hurry now, and he has no plans to talk to Xiong Ping for a long time, and he should soon go to catch up with his troops.

Gai Meng stepped forward and cupped his hands towards Xiong Ping. Seeing Xiong Ping's expression was very ugly, he asked, "General Xiong, are you okay now?"

Xiong Ping said coldly: "Of course I'm fine, and I'm still very fine!"

Gai Meng forced a smile, and said: "The matter has developed to such a point that there is no way to recover it. Even if there is a way to recover it, we simply don't have that much time now to go back to Murong Sui again. The explanation has cleared up the misunderstanding between the two parties. It's all the fault of that kid Igenda!"

Xiong Ping said angrily: "Since I know that Yijianda's actions will cause irreparable consequences, why let him attack!"

Gai Meng smiled wryly and said: "We didn't ask him to attack, but he attacked again without authorization. However, what are you going to do now? Do you want to go back to Araki Town and have a good rest?"

Xiong Ping snorted coldly and said, "Why go back and rest?"

Gai Meng said: "I see that you are very emotional now. Instead of staying here and getting angry, you might as well go back and rest, and you can also report so many things that happened in Lifeng Valley to General Ma Dai by the way."

Xiong Ping looked at Gai Meng, and said: "I am indeed very angry with Yijianda, but I am not a person who has no sense of responsibility and no sense of responsibility. You have brought out all my troops, right?"

This is a matter of course.Gai Meng is the leader of the cavalry, of course he has the power to pull them all out.

Gai Meng nodded, and suddenly said seriously: "Yes. But, what are you going to do? You must not take people to chase Igenda for revenge!"

Gai sighed fiercely and said, "Give me all my troops now."

Ge Meng was startled and said, "Are you playing for real? You don't want your head, do you?"

Xiong Ping waved his hand and said, "Who said I'm going to seek revenge from Yijianda? Judging from the current situation, the army of the Linghu tribe has completely become an enemy with us. Therefore, Murong Sui will definitely fall to Bald Fa Shoutian will continue to be the most solid ally of Bald Shoutian. We must completely defeat Murong Sui's men while they are still in the Lifeng Valley, and let him suffer as much as he can. What a loss. Otherwise, once he goes back to join forces with Bald Shoutian, the threat to our army will increase."

Gai Meng absolutely never thought that he would say such a thing at such a time, which immediately made Gai Meng stunned with surprise.But at the same time, Ge Meng couldn't help but admire Xiong Ping's view of the big picture and his unique calmness.

At this time, Gai Meng once again felt that the reason why Xiong Ping was able to successfully kill the enemy's generals one after another on the battlefield was definitely not just luck.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Gai Meng's face, he stretched out his hand and patted Xiong Ping's arm vigorously, and said with a smile: "I really have you! Yes, you can catch up with the cavalry with me now, and I will take all your All the troops will be exchanged for you to take command."

Xiong Ping nodded and said: "Okay. But as before, the vanguard will still be handed over to my troops. Since we seem to be unable to rescue the soldiers captured by the Xianbei this time, I must at least help They killed a few Xianbei people for revenge!"

Gai Meng said emotionally: "Get on the horse and follow me!"

The two stepped on their respective horses at the same time, and rushed forward desperately with the two guards.Around them, there are still countless cavalry members advancing.

After Gai Meng got his troops, he immediately ordered the army to speed up, and soon surpassed Zhiyuan's troops, and opened a little distance from their troops.

It should be said that the speed of the troops with more Zhiyuan is definitely faster than that of Xiong Ping.But Zhi Yuanduo obviously ordered his men to slow down a little on purpose to pass Xiong Ping's men.Obviously, this is a small compensation given to Xiong Ping by Zhiyuanduo instead of Yijianda.

After Xiong Ping's men rushed a certain distance, they saw the battlefield ahead, and Yigenda's men had already started fighting with Murong Sui's men.

After Murong Sui and his guards left Xiong Ping, they immediately ran towards the rear.But immediately after, Yigenda's men also caught up.

Although Murong Sui had already prepared for such a dangerous situation in advance, but Yigenda's men chased him too fast.In the end, Murong Sui had to order his guards to turn around and meet them, while he himself continued to flee with ten men.

Just when Yijianda's men were about to wipe out Murong Sui's three hundred guards, Murong Fang's reinforcements had already arrived, and the battle between the two sides started again.

(End of this chapter)

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