Chapter 1111

After the men from the Linghu Tribe fought with Yijian Da's men for a while, Gai Meng's men rushed forward.

When Murong Sui saw the dust billowing up from behind, he knew that the Shu Han army's follow-up would not have caught up.

Murong Sui is a very smart person.Although he was extremely angry towards the Shu Han army in his heart, his temperament had already been honed to be quite resolute, so he could forcefully suppress the anger in his heart.

Therefore, when Murong Sui saw that the enemy's army was still approaching, he immediately realized that this war with the Shu Han army should not continue any longer.Otherwise, judging from the current situation of the enemy and us, the one who will lose the war can only be our own side.

Therefore, Murong Sui immediately sent an order to Murong Fang to send some troops to stay and fight against Igenda's troops, and to stop the follow-up troops of the Shu Han army.Most of the rest of the troops will follow Murong Sui to quickly withdraw from this Lifeng Valley.

Murong Sui knew that he had completely broken with the Shu Han army now.So at the same time, an order was sent down to kill all the captives that Murong Fang had already assembled and were going to exchange with the Shu Han army on the spot.

Moreover, it is impossible for Murong Sui's army to take these hundreds of prisoners with them when they retreat. This is definitely an unnecessary burden and will only delay the movement speed of the troops.

Soon, in the rear of Murong Sui's army, the Xianbei who guarded the captives were ordered to kill the captives.They drew their weapons one after another and rushed into the crowd of captured soldiers of the Shu Han army.

The poor prisoners were not only unarmed at this time, but their hands had already been tied up to prevent them from escaping indiscriminately.

Facing a group of wolf-like Xianbei people and the swords in their hands, it was impossible for them not only to resist symbolically, but even to turn around and escape.There is only one fate left for them to face, and that is to be slaughtered by the neck!
For a moment, the swords of the Xianbei people passed by, and the prisoners of the Shu Han army screamed, and then their bodies fell down one after another.

After the Xianbei people killed all the captives, the bodies of 300 people had fallen there, and the blood had already stained the ground under their feet.

In all fairness, the killing of captives happened frequently in the past, whether it was the Han army or the Xianbei people's own wars, and the scale was much larger than what happened now.

But the problem is that this is definitely the first time since Liu Chan ascended the throne that the prisoners of the Shuhan army were massacred on the battlefield by the enemy!
Then there is no doubt that this event will inevitably cause a big disturbance in the future.

The news that the captives had been slaughtered was sent to Murong Sui immediately. Murong Sui was very satisfied with their dexterity, and immediately led the army to retreat.

But Murong Fang stopped Murong Sui with a look of hesitation on his face.

Murong Sui saw that Murong Fang stopped him but did not speak, now that time is so tight, there is absolutely no time to waste it, he immediately asked: "Murong Fang, if you have something to say, hurry up, or let's talk while walking. "

Murong Fang had no choice but to ask: "My lord, the second leader is still in the hands of the Shu Han army, and the negotiation with the Shu Han army has also broken down. What will he do in the future? Also, now we have killed all the prisoners of the Shu Han army , the lives of the two chiefs are in danger."

Murong Sui was also taken aback when he heard that, he couldn't help shouting in his heart, he was so anxious and angry just now, he actually forgot all these things.However, since the matter has been done, there is absolutely no room for repentance.

Murong Sui sighed, and had no choice but to find an excuse to defend himself: "It was the Shu Han army who broke their promises. Naturally, they have never thought of returning my second brother to us for a long time! Maybe, he has already It has been killed by the Shu Han army. Hey, everything can only be resigned to fate now."

Seeing that Murong Sui completely evaded responsibility, Murong Fang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Murong Sui.

Murong Sui said: "Okay, the situation is so urgent now, we have thousands of lives in our hands, we can't take care of my second brother for the time being. Hey, let's get out of this Lifeng first." Gu, wait until you find the bald-haired Shoutian's army and join them, then slowly find a way to kill my second brother."

Murong Fang was really helpless when she heard Murong Sui's words, and knew that it would be useless for her to continue talking now.After all, even the wise and powerful Murong Sui was helpless, not to mention that Murong Fang was just a small guard captain.

Murong Fang had no choice but to nod and said: "Okay. Then, my lord, you lead the team to retreat first, and the last general leads the rear army to the rear for you. In case the enemy breaks through the current battlefield and chases us again, the situation will not be so good at that time." It's easy."

Murong Sui was very moved by Murong Fang's loyalty, reached out and patted Murong Fang's shoulder, and said, "Okay, let's deal with the retreat in this way first. I will leave the affairs of the rear to you, and you must hurry up." Come up."

Then, Murong casually turned over and stepped onto his mount, and with a move with his right hand, the assembled army that had retreated from the battlefield followed him and set off quickly towards the front.

Looking at the back of Murong Sui leaving quickly, not only Murong Fang's eyes, but also his mood became extremely complicated.Murong Sui is his adult, and Murong Ke is his sworn brother!

Although Murong Fang knew that the relationship between Murong Sui and Murong Ke had always been very good, Murong Sui also loved his younger brother Murong Ke very much.But judging from the negotiation between Murong Sui and the Shu Han army this time, and the way Murong Sui handled the incident after the negotiation broke down, it made Murong Fang feel half cold about Murong Sui.

So much so that Murong Fang is a little confused now whether Murong Sui's feelings for Murong Ke are real or not.Why did Murong Suihui kill so many prisoners of the Shu Han army so casually, without any concern that after he did this, Murong Ke's life, which might have been saved, should be completely impossible to save now .

Therefore, Murong Fang was actually a little angry with Murong Sui in her heart at this time.Although he said that he would follow Murong Sui to command the troops behind the palace, in fact, his inner thoughts were that he was not willing to follow Murong Sui and guard him all the way.

Murong Fang waited until Murong Sui's former troops could no longer be seen, and then issued an order to let the thousand-man troops in the rear retreat with him.

(End of this chapter)

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