Chapter 1112
Yijianda felt a little strange when he saw the Xianbei army suddenly regroup behind the battlefield.But he soon thought that the Xianbei people were rearranging their armaments so that the army could continue to enter the battlefield.

It should be said that such an idea is just Yijianda's own opinion.And it soon proved that Yijianda's own imagination was not rich enough.

The thing that stunned Yijianda happened soon. The assembled Xianbei army suddenly changed direction and galloped towards the opposite direction of the battlefield.

Igenda couldn't help but exclaimed.No matter how bad his brain is, it is impossible for him not to understand that the enemy is going to escape.

Then, what further confirmed Yijianda's idea was that under the command of Murongfang, part of the Xianbei army began to retreat from the battlefield in an orderly manner, leaving only a part of the troops to continue with Yijian. Dar's men continued to fight.

Things couldn't be more clear now, the army of the Xianbei people already wanted to flee from Lifeng Valley.

Of course, it is impossible for Yijianda to let such a thing happen, at least his army has suffered such a great humiliation at the hands of the Xianbei, and it is absolutely impossible for him not to seek face from the Xianbei.

So, Yijianda immediately became ruthless.He immediately reorganized his troops, because his original escort team had already been almost lost, and there was no escort team around him now.

But he still took the lead and shouted constantly on the battlefield, telling his soldiers to gather around him quickly.

Later, it was estimated that the assembled troops were about 600 people in size, which was enough to launch an impact on the enemy and then break through the enemy's interception.

So, Yijianda took the lead and rushed towards the enemy army.

The long knife in Yijianda's hand flew up and down. He was not particularly tall, but he was very strong, and he couldn't meet any opponent who could stop him.

So, after Yijianda personally led the troops through the second attack, the enemies in front of them could no longer stop their attack, and a hole was torn in the defensive front.

For Yijianda, this was definitely an excellent opportunity, and he immediately led his troops to rush forward in order to chase down the retreating Xianbei army.

But at this time, Gai Meng's men and horses had also reached the edge of the battlefield.Yijianda also got the news from the soldiers, and immediately turned his head to look behind him. The tall general who rode his horse first was indeed Xiong Ping.

Xiong Ping would actually lead the army here at this time, which was definitely beyond Yijianda's expectations.

Moreover, Yijianda will be mistaken again this time, thinking that Xiong Ping led the army to come to him to settle accounts, because it is indeed because of him, Yijianda, that the negotiation between Xiong Ping and Murong Sui was completely messed up. cracked.

So, Yijianda immediately said: "Don't worry about the following things, everyone rush out with me now, and I must intercept all the Xianbei people."

It should be said that Yijianda's order actually only reflected his true thoughts in his heart.There is another half of his thoughts, he didn't say it, but it was impossible to say it.Because he is a little afraid of seeing Xiong Ping now, and he feels a little guilty.

So, Yijianda rushed out from the breakthrough with only about 600 Qianghu cavalry.

Xiong Ping led the troops and rushed into the battlefield without any scruples.

Now the number of Xianbei people left to continue fighting is probably less than a thousand people, and it can almost be said that they are left to die.

Therefore, after Xiong Ping's 4000 troops came up at once, the Xianbei people's will to resist has been impacted and there is not much left, and their resistance has also been reduced a lot. In some places, deserters gradually began to leave the battlefield and go to the rear The phenomenon of escape.

At this time, Xiong Ping saw that the situation on the battlefield had changed drastically.But I also feel very strange in my heart, why the number of enemies on this battlefield has suddenly become so small.

Also, he couldn't find the figures of Murong Sui and Yijian Da now.

Therefore, Xiong Ping had no choice but to send people to find Yijianda.

In the end, his subordinates brought Xiong Ping a piece of news that made him feel rather annoyed, that is, Yijianda went to chase the enemy by himself again, and left the huge battlefield to his subordinates to deal with.

It was Yijianda's rather irresponsible behavior that made Xiong Ping feel angry again.

Then, news came from Murong Sui, saying that Murong Sui had already led the army to retreat from the battlefield.

In fact, even if there is no need for this news to come, Xiong Ping can probably guess what happened from the current situation of the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield.

Therefore, Xiong Ping made a decisive decision and passed on the order that only 1000 people need to be left on the battlefield to support Ikenda's troops. In addition to continuing to attack the enemy, Xiong Ping himself will command the remaining 3000 cavalry to chase Ekin. Da.

Of course, what Xiong Ping did was really not what Yijianda imagined, but to settle accounts with him.Xiong Ping felt that with such a small army led by Yijianda, daring to pursue the enemy was simply courting death.

From Xiong Ping's point of view, in this expedition, this Ikenda did not come to fight with him, but to make trouble with him, he was simply his natural enemy.

As a result, Commander Xiong Ping's army was hardly blocked, and had successfully broken through the battlefield, chasing desperately in the direction where Ikanda left.

When Xiong Ping's army had advanced about [-] steps, Xiong Ping's eyes were very sharp, and he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the situation on the side of the road.That was on the grass by the roadside, hundreds of corpses lay in a mess.

And judging from their death conditions, they died without resistance at all, and most of the corpses were still tied with ropes.

When Yijianda went through these situations before, no one paid attention to them at all, but Xiong Ping was not.

After seeing these situations, Xiong Ping's head suddenly exploded, and an extremely terrifying thought emerged: These people are soldiers of the Shu Han army who were captured by the Xianbei people!
Xiong Ping's face suddenly turned pale, and he immediately ordered all the troops to stop advancing.

Then, Xiong Ping immediately jumped off his mount and ran all the way to those corpses.After inspection, these corpses were all Shu Han soldiers.

Xiong Ping's anger rose suddenly, and he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Damn Yigenda, damn Murong Sui, if I, Xiong Ping, don't kill you in this life, I won't be called Xiong Ping!"

Xiong Ping immediately left 200 people for these Shu Han soldiers to deal with the funeral, and then stepped on the horses again, and ordered the whole army to meet anyone from Xianbei, and then they don't have to accept any surrender from them, and they will all be killed!

(End of this chapter)

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