Chapter 1113
Xiong Ping's men finally caught up with Igenda's men.

This is mainly because when Murong Fang was retreating, he left some people along the way to intercept him.The two sides fought again, so when Xiong Ping caught up, Yijianda's men were fighting Murong Fang's troops in full swing.

Of course, in terms of the number of troops Murong Fang currently has, it is already very difficult to keep a team of hundreds of people.

However, on the one hand, these people are indeed the elite force of the Linghu tribe. On the other hand, since these people are used to cut off the heirs, they are doing the deadly work of throwing themselves into the net. They are loyal to Murong Sui, not a group of abandoned burdens. most likely.

Therefore, these people's battles are quite brave.Most of the time, they alone had to deal with the siege of several people from Igenda.When being killed with no power to fight back, they would often jump up from the horse and throw down one of Yigenda's subordinates, choosing to die together.

In doing so, they created a lot of deterrence for Yijianda's troops, and at the same time caused certain losses to Yijianda's troops.

Of course, the courage of an army that has always been able to choose such a combat method is commendable, but this actually reflects positively that such a team is already at the end of its rope.

Therefore, Yijianda did not let his army retreat because of this, and continued to attack them with a more aggressive posture.

By the time Xiong Ping's men arrived, Yijian Da's men had already wiped out most of Murong Fang's men.

When Xiong Ping saw that Yijianda's men didn't chase too far away, and they didn't seem to be planning along the way, he felt a little relieved.

But Xiong Ping's mood was more complicated. The anger towards Yijianda in his heart, especially the anger that was ignited just now when he saw the corpses of the soldiers of the Shu Han soldiers killed by Murong Sui's men, suddenly It's about to vent on Igenda.

Therefore, Xiong Ping ordered the whole army to stop and wait for orders, instead of going forward to support Igenda's army in combat.

Then, Xiong Ping rushed into the battlefield with his own guards.

Xiong Ping's people soon discovered where Yijianda's people were, and reported it to Xiong Ping.

As soon as Xiong Ping saw Yijianda, his eyes turned red with anger, as if he was about to shoot flames.

With a roar, Xiong Ping suddenly drew out his saber, and rode his horse towards Igenda.The people along the way didn't know what Xiong Ping was doing, but thought that he was going to kill the enemy, so they all gave way to him.

Yijianda heard a lot of movement from behind, turned around and looked behind him, and found that it was Xiong Ping coming up with a sword, and thought that Xiong Ping came up to help him kill the enemy, and said with a smile: "This Xiong Ping really likes Acting as if others don't know that he is very brave and good at fighting. It seems that he doesn't want to be angry with me, right?" So he didn't take Xiong Ping too seriously.

However, some of the dozen or so guards left by Yijian saw that Xiong Ping's performance was not right, so they hurriedly rode forward to intercept Xiong Ping.

When the guards stepped forward, Xiong Ping attacked them unceremoniously, only to hear the sound of gold and iron several times, Xiong Ping's sword knocked away the weapons of the two guards, and another shoulder was injured by him. A sword, but there was no death.

Yijianda was taken aback by Xiong Ping's performance, and suddenly realized that this Xiong Ping's charge must be aimed at him, and it seemed impossible to vent his anger without killing him.

Yijianda's own martial arts are very strong. It should be said that he is not afraid of Xiong Ping's martial arts, but he thinks it is better not to directly conflict with Xiong Ping.

Therefore, Yijianda, who has always acted very aggressively, chose to escape this time instead of facing Xiong Ping head-on.

Yijianda immediately turned his horse's head and rushed to the side. Before leaving, he shouted to his lieutenant: "The battle here will be left to you, kid. Then he led the troops to continue chasing that bastard Murong Sui. I can catch up in a while!"

So, Yijianda galloped wildly, and soon entered a small fork next to him.

Xiong Ping didn't expect that Yijianda would behave like this, he was a little stunned at first, and then immediately chased after him with his guards.

But Yijianda's guards were afraid that something was wrong, so they immediately chased after them, mixing with Xiong Ping's guards, and Xiong Ping's guards did not attack them.

At this moment, one of Yijianda's guards caught up with Xiong Ping and said anxiously, "General Xiong, what is going on? Are you really here to kill our General Yijianda?"

Xiong Ping said angrily: "Nonsense! If this general doesn't cut off Igenda's head today, I, Xiong Ping, will be ruined for the rest of my life!"

The guard continued to ask: "General Xiong, is it because my General Yijianda attacked without authorization today?"

"Yes! That bastard Yigenda really has no sense of the overall situation! Not only did he destroy the peace talks, turning us and Murong Sui into sworn enemies, but he also completely angered Murong Sui. Murong Sui was on the retreat. At that time, all our captured soldiers were killed. Most of them are members of your army! That bastard Igenda doesn’t know yet!” Xiong Ping became more and more angry as he spoke.

The guard of Igenda was stunned, his face turned pale.

He himself is a Qianghu from the Yijianda tribe, and most of the members of the army are from the Yijianda tribe. Everyone has been getting along very well since childhood.The vanguard of their previous attack was defeated by Murong Ke's men and horses, resulting in the capture of many men and horses. Unexpectedly, they were all killed!

Yijianda's guard suddenly became silent, but just followed Xiong Ping's side.The current situation made his mood extremely complicated. He didn't know how to continue talking to Xiong Ping, and he didn't know whether he needed to continue to persuade Xiong Ping not to chase after Yijianda like this.

After about a mile of chasing, Xiong Ping saw Igenda riding a horse and stopping in front.It should be that the fork has come to an end, making it impossible for the war horse to continue passing, so it has to stop.

Yijianda smiled at Xiong Ping, waved and said with a smile: "General Xiong, do you like me that much? Why are you chasing me like this!"

Xiong Ping was furious and speechless, the others all stopped their horses, and he drew his sword again and charged at Igenda.With a bang, the weapons of the two sides slashed at each other, and the figures of the two crossed each other.

Yijian Da hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, isn't it just a negotiation that broke down? Do you need to kill me like this?"

Xiong Ping gritted his teeth and said: "And those hundreds of prisoners of our army who were killed because of your impulsiveness!"

Igenda was surprised: "How do you know they were all killed?" Igenda was dumbfounded, most of them were his clansmen.

"I found a large number of corpses of our soldiers on the way here! They are the ones your troops captured by the enemy!"

Yigenda's complexion suddenly turned pale, his eyes turned blank, and his heart was filled with self-blame.

Xiong Ping rode his horse over, knocked Igenda off the horse with one punch, then got off the horse and punched him a few more times, leaving the bloody Igenda on his horse again, and walked away without looking back.He wants to go back and command his troops to continue chasing Murong Sui!

Seeing this, Yijianda's guards quickly got off their horses to check on Yijianda's condition, and found that although Yijianda had been beaten badly, his physical condition should be fine, except that his eye circles were red.

(End of this chapter)

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