Chapter 1114
Xiong Ping returned to the original battlefield, and the battle there had just ended. Igenda's men hadn't left yet, they were just rearranging their men and preparing to start again.

At this time, Xiong Ping saw that Yijianda's men had taken dozens of Xianbei captives, his eyes flashed, and his body was full of murderous intent.

Xiong Ping nodded to his guard captain, waved the whip in his hand forward, and said loudly: "Kill the prisoners, leave no one behind!"

Xiong Ping's guards all drew out their weapons, and immediately charged forward with roars.

Those soldiers in Yijianda's army who escorted the captives were all startled by Xiong Ping's men and horses suddenly making such a move.Of course, they were stunned immediately, not knowing how to deal with such a situation, they left those captives and fled to the side.

The commotion on Xiong Ping's side immediately alarmed Yijianda's lieutenant general, who was also stunned by the sudden and incredible situation.

Then, when Xiong Ping's guards rushed and turned the direction of the men and horses, there was no living person in the place they passed.Dozens of Xianbei people have all been killed by them.

Yijianda's lieutenant just wanted to rush over to ask Xiong Ping why he did this. After all, the Shu Han army never killed enemy prisoners since His Majesty the new emperor came to power.

But at this time, with a wave of Xiong Ping's big hand, he led his guards and rushed back to his troops without looking back, and left the place with his troops, rushing towards the front.

Xiong Ping's actions once again made everyone on Igenda's side feel baffled.

Of course, the answer can only be obtained from Ikenda's guards when Ikenda, who was beaten up by Xiong Ping, returns.

Xiong Ping was delayed for a while because of "chasing and killing" Yijianda earlier, so he had to speed up the army's running speed, otherwise, he might not even be able to chase Murong Sui, even that Murong Fang Not a trace to be seen.

After Xiong Ping's men and horses pursued for a distance of more than ten miles, because the speed of the pursuit was too fast, their horses were already in a state of exhaustion, and they were breathing heat one after another.

Seeing this, Xiong Ping had no choice but to pass down an order to let the army stop and let the horses have a good rest, otherwise, if they continue to run like this, the damage to the precious horse's body will be too serious.

But after resting for a while, the scout team sent out to investigate the situation came back and reported the situation ahead to Xiong Ping, saying that they found some Xianbei troops moving ahead, but the scale did not seem to be large.

Xiong Ping felt a little strange about the information brought back by the scout team.Judging from the current situation, the army of the Xianbei people should no longer waste their troops staying in the middle of the way to stop their own army from chasing them.

Therefore, Xiong Ping immediately suppressed the desire to pursue immediately.He had a faint feeling in his heart. Judging from the distance, the army had already traveled more than ten or twenty li in this Lifeng Valley, at least they had already entered the middle of the canyon and even exited.

At such a time, it is also the time when accidents are most likely to happen.

Xiong Ping first issued an order to the whole army, telling everyone to get back on their horses and get ready for battle.Then, he continued to send a scout team to the front to investigate the situation, and once he found anything special, he would come back and report immediately.

After Xiong Ping finished these, he suddenly felt a burst of anxiety for no reason, because he felt that the atmosphere on the battlefield seemed to be a bit out of order.

Then, many people from Zhiyuan also arrived.

Zhiyuan came to Xiong Ping himself, and said to Xiong Ping: "General Xiong, General Yijianda has been hit hard this time, and I feel very sorry for my impulsiveness. In addition, he was injured, so I temporarily asked him not to command the army. The attack has been made, and his men and horses are now temporarily handed over to me to command the battle."

Xiong Ping nodded, thinking that although he had hit harder, it shouldn't hurt a strong man like Ikenda too seriously.Therefore, Xiong Ping guessed that Yijianda should have no face to see him.

Then, Zhi Yuanduo asked: "General Xiong, aren't you chasing the army of the Xianbei people? Why did you stop here suddenly?"

Xiong Ping said: "The horses are running too hard, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on. In this winter, once the horses fall down from exhaustion, they are considered ruined, and they will never be able to recover in the future."

Zhiyuan was mostly from the Qiang and Hu people, and he knew much more about horses than Xiong Ping.

Xiong Ping continued: "What's more, some scouts sent back news that the army of Xianbei people was found in front of them. This is a very strange situation. I think the situation is not right, so let the army continue to stay in place for a little longer Time, wait until the situation is found out."

After today's events, Zhi Yuanduo has also learned relevant lessons from it, and he is unwilling to act impulsively again, so he agrees with Xiong Ping that at such a juncture, his mind is still relatively calm.

Zhiyuan said in admiration: "Since this is the case, I agree with your handling method, so I will let people dismount first and rest."

Xiong Ping nodded, and said: "General Zhi's troops can rest a little longer. If it is really necessary to attack, let my army go first, and your troops can rest here and catch up."

Zhiyuan nodded in agreement, and then issued an order to the army to dismount and rest.

After all, the news of the scouts was sent back. Zhi Yuanduo was quite surprised by the content of the news, but Xiong Ping seemed to be prepared for it, so he was relatively calm when the time came.

According to the news, the scout team discovered that the Xianbei army had actually set up an ambush for the pursuers of the Shu Han army four miles ahead!
Fortunately, this situation was discovered by the Shu Han army in time. Otherwise, if they encountered an ambush during the high-speed march, the army's formation would not have time to reorganize, and they would definitely be caught off guard by then!

Zhi Yuanduo quickly asked: "General Xiong, what do you think we should do next? Do we need to wait until the men and horses of General Gai Meng come over, and then we attack together?"

Xiong Ping smiled, and seemed to be in a good mood all of a sudden, and said: "No need. I guess that this time the ambush could not have been directed by Murong Sui himself, but by Murong Fang. Murong Fang's men That's just a little bit, even with the support of some of Murong Sui's men, it's not too much. It's really not difficult to defeat Murong Fang. It can only be said that this is Murong Sui's last struggle, full of gambling. color."

(End of this chapter)

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