Chapter 1115 Gentle Warning
When Xiong Ping and Zhi Yuanduo were discussing, Gai Meng's men who were marching behind also arrived at this time.

After Gai Meng got the news that there was an ambush by Xianbei people ahead, of course he didn't dare to delay any longer. Such a situation is actually very dangerous.

Fortunately, Xiong Ping and the others did not act impulsively, otherwise the enemy would suddenly move out, and it is estimated that the Shu Han army would repeat the disastrous defeat of the vanguard of Zhi Yuanduo.

Therefore, Gai Meng immediately went to see Xiong Ping and Zhi Yuanduo.

As soon as the three of them met, Ge Meng immediately asked, "Why, isn't the situation very dangerous?"

Now that the Shuhan army had won the victory over the Linghu tribe's army, what he cared about was whether he could keep this victory, rather than rush forward.Although Murong Sui had already heard about the casual killing of Shu Han soldiers and captives, he was also very angry.But Gai Meng, as the chief general of an army, under the situation that Xiong Ping almost lost his composure, this composure needs to be borne by him all the more.

Xiong Ping said: "According to the news sent back by the scouts, it should be Murong Fang's men who set up an ambush ahead. It can be expected that this should be the last step Murong Fang made in order to give Murong Sui's men time to escape. A fight."

Gai Meng saw that Xiong Ping's mood was quite calm, and his analysis of the matter was quite methodical, so he nodded, and stopped mentioning the Ijianda matter to him, lest Xiong Ping become angry again.

Gai Meng asked Zhi Yuanduo, "General Zhi, what do you think of General Xiong Ping's analysis?"

Zhi Yuanduo said: "The two of us discussed this matter just now. The number of troops brought by Murong Sui was not very large, and some of them have been wiped out by our army, so the number of troops now is even smaller. Therefore, even if it is used to It is impossible for Murong Fang's troops to set up an ambush. Although they are said to be setting up an ambush in name, when they launch an attack, they must adopt a surprise attack strategy. They simply do not have the strength to deal with our army. Carry out encirclement and annihilation."

Gai Meng asked: "Have the scouts not detected the specific number of enemy troops yet?"

Xiong Ping said: "Not yet."

Gai Meng thought for a while and said, "Two generals, I would advise you not to rush into action before getting detailed enemy information. You should know that since His Majesty the Emperor, our army has obtained information from Guan Yu Junhou. From the beginning of the military power until now, all the military actions taken have been based on strict prior planning and prudent actions."

Both Xiong Ping and Zhi Yuanduo had to admit that these words of Gai Meng were true.

Zhi Yuanduo himself did not participate in the wars between Jingzhou and Jiangdong that year, but every step in these wars was officially recorded in the form of combat reports, combat planning, and post-mortem reviews.Nowadays, as long as it is an official with a high enough rank, almost all of them can be consulted.

Therefore, Zhi Yuanduo is actually very clear about this.

Gai Meng went on to say: "Even so, the generals like Zhang Ni and You Tu who are fighting in the remote South China Sea on the side of Funan Kingdom, even though they are thousands of miles away from Jiangling City, they still have to formulate a complete battle plan before each battle, and take it together. Send it to Jiangling City as a report. Look at our attack this time, every time someone is messing around! Although General Ma Dai can help you hide these things for a while, it is absolutely impossible for too long, because the assassins must We will initiate an investigation! Therefore, for this ambush, please discuss it properly before attacking."

Xiong Ping is a very careful person, and he knows very well in his heart that although Ge Meng has repeatedly claimed that everyone wants to discuss, in fact, he should be the one who told Xiong Ping.

Of course, Xiong Ping actually had no reason to refute. What Ge Meng said was out of good intentions.

Xiong Ping had no choice but to say: "The general understands. But if our army doesn't act quickly to defeat Murong Fang's army in the shortest possible time, how will we catch up with Murong Sui? Once Murong Sui joins up with the bald Shoutian troops, They will definitely turn around and fight with my army again. Moreover, don’t think that Murong Sui’s Linghu tribe only has 5000 troops. It is impossible to gain a foothold on the grassland with such a small number of troops.”

Zhi Yuanduo said in agreement: "In fact, judging from the 5000 troops that Murong Sui dispatched, the troops he stayed in his own territory to guard are at least twice as many as he brought out. After all, according to the people of the Linghu tribe, they are now My biggest enemy is the Tuoba tribe, just like the Hexi Xianbei people."

Gai Meng frowned, and asked Zhi Yuanduo: "You mean that Murong Sui is strong enough to organize a cavalry team of more than 5000 people?"

Zhiyuan smiled wryly, it seems that Gai Meng's understanding of the grassland people is far from enough!Nodding his head, he said, "It's definitely possible. Although the tribal mobility of the grassland people is very large, it actually means that the territory that needs to be maintained must be large enough. They can’t support that many people. The livestock of the prairie people determines the population that their tribe can support. Therefore, one thing can be considered, which is why the prairie people are always in a cycle of competing for territory.”

Gai Meng sighed, and said, "So General Zhi Yuanduo, do you mean that our army should do everything in its power to prevent Murong Sui from going back to the grassland, so as not to raise tigers?"

Zhi Yuanduo said: "It can indeed be understood in this way. After all, one point that has to be emphasized is that Murong Sui has completely become a deadly enemy with our army this time. Even if our army captures Hetao this time, the defeated army of Hexi Xianbei must follow Murong Merge with Sui. If Murong Sui successfully annexes it, his power will be strengthened instead. Then an enemy like Hexi Xianbei will reappear on the border of our Shu Han army."

Xiong Ping interjected, "Murong Sui is even more cunning than a fox!"

Gai Meng felt that the analysis of the two of them, in essence, had taken a very long-term view, completely surpassing the current battle situation in Hetao.

But Xiong Ping still said: "I will agree with your point of view. I also have to say one thing, right now is not right. Our current goals are only two: first, to defeat Murong Fang's ambush; second, to pursue Murong Sui. "

Xiong Ping and Zhi Yuanduo nodded in agreement.

At this time, Meng Xi had also arrived, raised his horsewhip, and said loudly to the three of them: "Murong Fang's ambush is only less than 2000 people, it must first disturb the morale of our army, and then launch a surprise attack with inferior forces , to defeat the morale of our army in one fell swoop to win. What are you going to do?"

It seems that the scouting team first sent the information they got from the spying to their immediate boss, Meng Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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