The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1116 Top Level Planning

Chapter 1116 Top Level Planning
Gai Meng, Xiong Ping, and Zhi Yuanduo saw that it was Meng Xi who was coming, and their army lords rushed forward one after another and asked, "How is the news? Is the news accurate?"

Meng Xi smiled and said: "It should be accurate. This should be the news from the second scouting team sent by General Xiong Ping. I personally think that the accuracy of the information is enough. "

Gai Meng said: "If Murong Fang's troops are only [-] people, facing so many of our troops, as long as we organize the army well and spread the news to the whole army in advance, we will have manpower and psychological preparations. After that, it is actually not very difficult to break Murong Fang's ambush."

Xiong Ping said: "Besides, in my opinion, since we have so many troops now, the results we need to achieve should not be limited to just defeating Murong Fang's army."

Zhiyuan took another look at Xiong Ping, and said with a smile: "Why, do you want to wipe them all out? I'm afraid it will be difficult. After all, Murong Fang's team is small, and the results they expect to achieve must not be too great. Therefore, the perseverance in the battle must not be too strong. I am too familiar with the battles of the grassland people. If they can't fight, they will definitely choose to run away without hesitation."

Xiong Ping said: "If we can't annihilate them all in this Lifeng Valley, but we can only let them escape to join Murong Sui in the end, it is actually not a glorious achievement for our army."

Xiong Ping looked firmly at Gai Meng and Meng Xi.

Meng Xi said: "General Xiong, do we have to do this?"

Xiong Ping said firmly: "Yes! Otherwise, I, Xiong Ping, will never get out of the bad breath in my heart!"

Meng Xi is a very sentimental person, otherwise he would not have leaked the information about Lifenggu to Ge Meng in advance, so that today's military operation of everyone was launched, almost falling into a situation of serious division up.It seems that today's mess needs to be cleaned up by himself.

Meng Xi thought for a while and said, "Okay, then the goal of the next battle is to encircle and annihilate Murong Fang's army in this Lifeng Valley."

Xiong Ping continued: "What if Murong Fang's army was delayed for too much time in besieging Murong Fang, and eventually Murong Sui escaped?"

Gai Meng frowned, and when he was about to speak, Meng Xi had already said: "The method is thought up by people, since there is one more condition to be added, it will not make the difficulty of the battle doubled, right?" ?”

Zhi Yuan looked at the good-tempered Meng Xi strangely, while Gai Meng's expression was a little ugly.Because he was the one who initiated today's incident, and it turned out that Meng Xi was the one who made things difficult. Now that Xiong Ping continued to increase the situation, Gai Meng would of course feel aggrieved for Meng Xi.

Meng Xi then said: "The biggest advantage of our army now is the number of troops, and we already know the location of the enemy's ambush. Therefore, we can not only report the information to the whole army, but also adopt a strong attack strategy .”

Xiong Ping's enthusiasm was suddenly seduced by Meng Xi's words, and he asked, "How about a strong attack strategy?"

Meng Xi said: "Originally, in the face of an enemy's ambush, there are generally only a few countermeasures that can be adopted. Either adopt an anti-encirclement strategy, or lure the enemy's ambush out before launching an attack. But this Lifeng Although the valley is wide, it is not enough to be used as a battlefield for the army to turn around. But fortunately, this is a canyon terrain. We must first send a fast assault cavalry team, and first forcefully break through the enemy's ambush."

Zhi Yuanduo asked: "Why is this? This will inevitably lead to fierce confrontation between the cavalry of both sides."

Meng Xi nodded, and said: "The enemy's purpose is to ambush to prevent our army from continuing to pursue, so fierce resistance is inevitable. But as General Zhiyuanduo said just now, I'm afraid their will to resist will not be strong." Very strong. This gives us a chance to break through their defense line. Once the cavalry force breaks through successfully, immediately turn around and fight back against Murong Fang's army."

Gai Meng suddenly realized, and said: "General Meng wants to take a breakthrough, and then let the cavalry turn around to cut off the retreat of Murong Fang's army. In this way, our army can encircle Murong Fang's army one by one. .”

Meng Xi nodded and said: "Yes. The terrain of the canyon limits the possibility of our outflanking Murongfang's army, so we can only adopt such a laborious method. Therefore, it can be said that the army used to carry out the forced breakthrough, It is necessary to have corresponding mental preparations. The battle situation should be very tragic."

Gai Meng, Xiong Ping, and Zhi Yuanduo thought about it for a while, and they seemed to be unable to think of a better way to deal with it.They just knew that their army was much larger than Murong Fang's army, and they could use this to defeat the enemy.But they didn't think about how the next battle steps would be carried out.

As expected, Meng Xi was expected to join the army, and he quickly and sharply provided them with a specific and detailed battle plan, which was indeed an admirable ability.

Xiong Ping was the first to express his position: "Let me give the task of forcing a breakthrough? After all, I put forward the conditions, so naturally my army should be responsible."

Gai Meng said: "Let's leave it to my headquarters. I haven't participated in all the battles during this journey, so I can't justify it."

Zhi Yuanduo also said: "Leave it to my troops. My cavalry is the fastest."

Gai Meng argued, "But my cavalry's assault ability is stronger than your cavalry's!"

Seeing that everyone is arguing like this is not a problem, Meng Xi asked everyone to stop arguing and said: "Joining the army has the power to assign combat tasks. I think this is the case. The task of assault is given to the headquarters of General Meng." .As for the task of supporting the encirclement and suppression of the enemy from the rear, I will leave it to General Zhiyuanta.”

Xiong Ping saw that Meng Xi didn't assign him any tasks, so he said anxiously, "What about the tasks of my men?"

Meng Xi smiled and said, "General Xiong Ping, please stay here for your troops to rest. The infantry I brought out can be used as a reserve force to join the battlefield according to the situation."

Zhi Yuanduo said: "Ijianda's troops can also be handed over to General Meng as a reserve team."

Naturally, Meng Xi could accept it.

But Xiong Ping asked: "My troops arrived first, but why can't they participate in the battle?"

Meng Xi explained: "General Xiong, your troops can continue to recharge their batteries. Once our army participating in the battle has an advantage over the enemy, you can lead all the troops across the battlefield in one fell swoop. I guess that Murong Sui's troops are When the time comes, you will definitely stop to rest somewhere in front of you, and on the other hand, you can pay close attention to the battle situation on Murong Fang's side. Therefore, when the time comes, your men and horses will rush over as fast as possible, and maybe you can kill one of Murong Sui's men. Caught off guard!"

Hearing this, Xiong Ping reached out and patted Meng Xi's shoulder vigorously, and said with a smile: "When it comes to battle planning, who can compare with our Meng Canjun! I, Xiong Ping, really convinced you this time!"

The four laughed out loud.

Then, Gai Meng waved his hand and said, "Everyone prepare to attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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