Chapter 1117
After the chief general accepted Meng Xi's military arrangement, they each returned to their own troops to reorganize their troops, and began to arrange the next battle formation.

Gai Meng's headquarters was originally composed of 4000 people. After the previous battle across the river, and the phenomenon of falling behind along the way, there are still 200 effective forces.

The next combat mission of this cavalry team is the most arduous.

They were planned to be used as a powerful assault force, and then, once they assaulted the front line of Murong Fang's army, they would turn around and act as a reverse encirclement force.Such a dual task is not something that ordinary troops can accomplish.

Therefore, in addition to issuing orders to let officers at all levels convey the news that there are enemy troops lurking ahead to every soldier, Gai Meng had to work hard on the battle formation formed by his own army.

Gai Meng envisioned that he could divide his troops into three parts:
First of all, since the enemy army must attack their own army after seeing a large number of their own troops appear, the lineup of the vanguard of the first attack must be strong enough, and it must be able to withstand the enemy's first wave of raids. just work.

Therefore, these troops can attack in a square formation. In this case, the defense forces in the front, left, and right three directions that may be attacked are the same.

Gai Meng selected [-] soldiers from the army, and the bravest and most courageous soldiers joined this part of the army. All of them were armed with long knives, which were convenient for close combat.

At the same time, the military formation of the central army is a wedge-shaped formation, with a number of 600 people.This is a cavalry assault formation. This part of the troops is the backbone of Gai Meng's troops in combat, and it is also the main force that will break through the defense of Murong Fang's army and rush to their rear.

Whether Gai Meng's army can complete the tasks assigned to them by the entire combat plan really depends on the combat situation of this person.It is precisely because their tasks are the most important, so naturally the most people should be assigned to them
The final rear army unit will only be equipped with 600 people.They will be commanded by Guy Meng himself and can be used as a reserve team.However, with more troops than the enemy already invested in the front, the place where they can finally save the field may be the vanguard.

As for the military and local areas with more Zhi Yuan, it should be said that their situation is much easier than that of Gai Meng.Because they need to enter the battlefield after Ge Meng's army breaks through the enemy's situation.In the situation at that time, it should be said that Murong Fang's army had already been severely hit by Gai Meng's army.

Moreover, the number of Zhiyuanduo's own troops is not less than that of Gai Meng. Zhiyuanduo uses the same number of troops to perform easier tasks, so there is really no need to be too nervous.

And the worst situation Zhi Yuanduo had to face was that Gai Meng's army could not break through the defense of Murong Fang's army after all, so they had no choice but to join the battle.It's just that if this is the case, the result of the battle will be smaller than the original plan.

Of course, because the Shu Han army alone has tens of thousands of cavalry troops, it is definitely not a problem to defeat Murong Fangcai's mere 2000 troops.What needs to be paid attention to is actually only the extent to which the results of the battle can be accepted.

And this point is actually an important point that Meng Xi solemnly explained to Xiong Ping after all the generals left.

Then, when Meng Xi saw that Xiong Ping himself was in a hurry to leave to prepare for the attack, he smiled and called Xiong Ping to a stop.

Meng Xi said to Xiong Ping: "General Xiong, you don't need to be so anxious. Except for me, even if you have the most time among the generals here, there is no need to be so anxious."

Xiong Ping asked: "General Meng, do you have anything else to do?"

Meng Xi smiled and said: "Actually, I want to ask you something. The next task of chasing Murong Sui himself should be entrusted to you. However, your attack may be pursued by you." If you go out for a relatively long distance, you may not be able to get support from our side in time. Therefore, you need to carefully consider in advance how far you want to pursue Murong Sui."

Xiong Ping's expression changed when he heard this, he was so excited now that he never thought that he should still think about these things.Now after hearing Meng Xi's reminder like this, I just realized that this should be the case, otherwise I would chase desperately regardless of the actual situation, and it might be my own army, not Murong Sui's army, that would be dragged down in the end.

Xiong Ping thought for a while, and said: "Because Murong Sui himself may pose a huge threat to our Shu Han in the future, and considering the physical strength and food conditions of my troops and horses, we can consider chasing them three hundred miles away. This round trip will take six to three hundred miles." Seven days."

As a member of the army, Meng Xi was already familiar with the geographical situation, and said: "If it is three hundred miles away, it may have crossed the Yellow River west of the Hetao. And what is certain is that because your army attacked in a hurry, It is impossible to carry food for six days. I suggest that you return after two hundred miles, is that okay? Because if it is three hundred miles, it is very likely that you will encounter the army of the Hexi Xianbei used to defend the Tuoba tribe."

Xiong Ping nodded. In fact, he didn't have the confidence to chase three hundred miles away.Because now his soldiers have dry food to eat, but in such a snowy day, the horse feed carried by the cavalry is very limited, and it is difficult to find sufficient fodder in the snow.

Xiong Ping said: "This is also possible."

Meng Xi said: "In order to prevent accidents, all the food and grass of my cavalry team can be given to you. Maybe there will be delays on the road, and it can be used for emergency. Of course, please be careful, General Xiong." Keep the agreement on the pursuit distance of [-] miles, and don't keep chasing across the Yellow River because of the increase in food supply."

Xiong Ping nodded with a smile and said, "Of course! Thank you for your support."

Meng Xi also smiled and said, "However, judging from the time it takes for your army to go back and forth, I'm afraid it won't be able to catch up with the next battle between our army and the army of Hexi Xianbei. But, send all the food After giving it to your troops, it is impossible for my infantry to continue to advance, but to immediately turn around and go back to Araki Town. After all, I am a member of the army, and I need to report the situation of Lifeng Valley to Ma Dai The general knows."

Xiong Ping cupped his hands and said, "Okay, let's make a deal like this, I'll take my leave first."

Meng Xi returned the salute and said kindly: "Later, my headquarters will be placed on the left side of your army. Then we will watch the battle together and decide the time for your cavalry to attack."

Meng Xi grinned, turned around and rushed towards his horse, then left with a whip.

(End of this chapter)

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