Chapter 1118 Precise Strike
All preparations were completed within the shortest possible time.

After Gai Meng sent someone to inform Meng Xi, he first ordered the army to move forward.

From the back of Mengxi's side, he could see the sky above the valley in front of him, and smoke and dust appeared again.That should be a sign that the people who changed their names were dispatched.

It should be said that the infantry team brought out by Meng Xi and the cavalry team from Yijianda acted as the final reserve team in his battle plan.But in fact, even Meng Xi himself believed that there was no chance for them to play.

After all, the number of cavalry troops of Gai Meng and Zhi Yuanduo combined was four times that of Murong Fang's troops.If Murong Fang can't be defeated in this way, then the Shu Han Army no longer needs to exist, but should be disbanded automatically, and they all go home to take care of their children.

Therefore, Meng Xi also leisurely returned to his army, so that the army that had already settled the formation could move well.After all, they are an infantry team, with two legs, it is impossible to run faster than others' four legs, so there is nothing wrong with dispatching early.

Zhi Yuanduo's troops got the news that Mengxi's troops behind them had started to walk slowly, while Gai Meng's rear troops in front of them were still motionless, so they ordered their own troops not to act in a hurry.

Although Gai Meng's front troops attacked first, they were also tasked with drawing Murong Fang's army out of ambush.Therefore, they must maintain the most rigorous formation, and the speed of marching should not be too fast.

Fortunately, Lifeng Valley has reached its current position, and the terrain has become wide enough, otherwise, it would be impossible for the cavalry to fight in such a canyon.

After the front troops attacked, Gai Meng's central army did not follow up immediately.They will only join the battlefield depending on the battle situation of the front troops.Therefore, it is very necessary to keep a sufficient distance from the front troops.

Then, the following troops immediately entered their own battle order according to the original arrangement.

It should be said that the battle that broke out in the early stage of Lifeng Valley this time was extremely chaotic for the Shu Han army, and was later regarded as a shame by the Shu Han army.

But in the final battle, because the chief generals have gone through strict discussions, each of them strictly abides by their own combat missions, making their attack operations appear extremely organized and orderly.

It can be said that these armies are a chain.Each of their troops is a part of it, and then one after another, the front is set behind the back, and they are closely connected together. On the contrary, it has become a very classic case of the battle sequence arrangement of the attack.

With this attack, it can be said that it has become a watershed in the military philosophy of the Shu Han army, showing that the concept of division of labor and cooperation between the various armies has been recognized and accepted by the generals of the army.

It can also be said that the running-in period between the Han generals and the Qianghu generals has finally come to an end.

Ten miles away, Murong Fang anxiously waited for the Shu Han army to appear.He has been sending out scouts to spy on the situation of the Shu Han army, but the Shu Han army has even sent an astonishing number of scouts to completely seal off this extremely narrow battlefield passage for war. This is really too easy to do , As a result, Murong Fang was unable to obtain too much information about the Shu Han army.

Of course, the scouts of the Shu Han army are actually facing the same situation, even though they are far more numerous than the Xianbei people.

However, after all, Gai Meng's front troops still appeared. Even though there were scouts clearing the way ahead, their situation was still known by Murong Fang's troops.

Murong Fang heard that the vanguard of the Shu Han Army had an extremely well-organized lineup and marched very cautiously.He couldn't help but murmur in his heart, wondering whether the Shu Han army had already learned that he was going to set up an ambush for them again.

But after Murongfang thought about it, she felt that her actions were relatively safe.The Shu Han army's pursuit speed was actually a bit too slow, which gave Murong Sui time to leave.Correspondingly, it also eased the difficulty of the task of Murong Fang's men and horses to block the advance of the Shu Han army.

Therefore, he originally imagined that his troops would have to stop the enemy army here for two hours, but judging from the current situation, after one hour, he would be able to flee with his troops.

Therefore, Murong Fang immediately sent an order to the troops in ambush in the valley, once the enemy troops appeared, they would immediately attack from both wings, and they had to catch the enemy by surprise.Then, let them fall into a state of chaos, so that their army can fish in troubled waters, with inferior forces against the enemy's superior forces.

Murong Fang's tactical intention was completely calculated by the generals of the Shu Han army.It can be seen how excellent these generals who have experienced the most dangerous and full of strategic calculations have unknowingly displayed now.

Soon, Murong Fang's ears could already hear the huge movement of the Shu Han army's large-scale cavalry marching along the valley.

The entire army of the Xianbei people entered a state of attack.At the same time, Murong Fang immediately sent troops to the front to inform Murong Sui of his upcoming attack.

As Gai Meng's front troops finally came into sight, and they could clearly see the soaring smoke and dust rising from behind them, Murong Fang's palms suddenly sweated due to nervousness.

When the Shu Han army entered the ambush site five hundred paces away, Murong Fang's two ambushes finally attacked.

The two ambush troops of the Xianbei had 1000 soldiers each, and they immediately killed them from the two wings of the vanguard.Because of the canyon here, it is very difficult for the army to turn around, so the Xianbei people are very confident to attack at such a long distance.

Since the Shu Han army was already well aware of the enemy's surprise attack, the army did not show any timidity at all. Instead, it slowed down a little, and continued to move the entire army towards the inside during the march. Shrink, let the army formation become closer!

Then, they continued to advance and rushed directly to the Xianbei ambush on the left.

Seeing that the Shu Han army reacted like this, they were immediately dumbfounded.He didn't realize until afterwards that the Shu Han army had already known about his ambush strategy.

The armies of both sides immediately strangled together.All of Gai Meng's troops had to resist the impact of the Xianbei people on their right wing, and on the other hand, they had to fight the enemy on the left wing.In this way, in fact, their combat area was slowly moving towards the left side of the valley unconsciously.

The two sides killed inextricably.

At this time, Gai Meng's Chinese army appeared.

Gai Meng's eyes flashed, and he found that under the guidance of his front troops, Murong Fang's army had almost given him an almost undefended passage on the right flank.

Therefore, Gai Meng immediately sent an order to let his central army troops launch a breakthrough operation against the enemy's right flank at the fastest speed!

Then, Murong Fang was dumbfounded again.He could only watch Gai Meng's central army, with a huge number of spear cavalry in front, they tore through the defense line of his right-wing army with the most powerful impact, and then rushed over!

The speed of the Shu Han army's actions was so fast that it was impossible for Murong Fang to prevent the troops from re-arming.

Seeing that the tactical breakthrough was completely successful, Ge Meng couldn't help laughing out loud.

He immediately sent someone to inform Zhi Yuanduo.

Zhi Yuanduo led his men and horses into the battlefield, taking over the battlefield of Gai Meng's front men and horses.

At this time, Gai Meng's Chinese army rushed forward for a certain distance, then turned around at a slow speed, and then launched an attack from the rear of Murongfang's army again.

At this moment, Murong Fang's men suddenly discovered that they were completely surrounded by the Shu Han army.

At this time, Meng Xi and Xiong Ping were closely watching the situation of the warship together, which made everyone feel agitated.The execution of Gai Meng's army is really good, and they have completed the combat mission meticulously!
Xiong Ping also wanted to attack at this time, but Meng Xi wanted him to wait until the troops of Gai Meng and Zhi Yuanduo had completely formed an advantage on the battlefield.

Two quarters of an hour later, Gai Meng's army roared across the battlefield along the right flank, the passage completely opened up by Gai Meng's army.Under Murong Fang's horrified and unbelievable eyes, he whizzed by.

Murong Fang finally realized that the Shu Han army hadn't been slack in pursuing them before, but had been planning how to pursue Murong Sui as quickly as possible!

The Xianbei people were completely desperate.

Half an hour later, the remaining [-] Xianbei people on the battlefield all surrendered, and Murong Fang was among them, his body was covered with scars.However, he was finally able to meet his sworn brother Murong Ke as a prisoner.

(End of this chapter)

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