The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1119 Long-distance pursuit

Chapter 1119 Long-distance pursuit ([-])

After Xiong Ping's men and horses rushed over the battlefield, they roared and continued to rush towards the end of Lifeng Valley.

Of course, Xiong Ping was very grateful to Meng Xi for making such an arrangement. He continued to let his men and horses take on the task of chasing him, which was completely a deliberate arrangement for him.

Because he can completely assign this task to Gai Meng's troops, who have more physical strength than his own.

Moreover, Zhiyuanduo's men and horses are actually very likely to carry out this task, because indeed, as Zhiyuanduo himself said, his men and horses move at the fastest speed, and of course it is very suitable to use them to chase down Murong Sui's army .

But in the end, Meng Xi deliberately handed over the task to himself when assigning it. It was because he took into account his current mood, which was a kind of affection for himself.Ge Meng should be able to understand, so he didn't argue with himself.

And Zhiyuanduo itself has no need to understand.Therefore, Meng Xi carefully assigned tasks that could easily obtain great credit to his men to perform.

Zhiyuanduo is of course willing to accept a mission that can make great contributions and will hardly take any risks, so why bother to fight for a chasing mission that may be thankless?

All of this was within Meng Xi's planning and grasp, and it was a very successful transaction.

Moreover, Xiong Ping's army was able to break through directly from the right flank of Murong Fang's army at one time, without encountering any decent resistance at all. It should be said that Gai Meng's army really did their best.

Meng Xi and Gai Meng have done their best for themselves, such people can be said to be brothers who depend on each other for life and death.Xiong Ping's heart was full of gratitude to the two of them.

And the sudden appearance of Xiong Ping's cavalry team really surprised the Xianbei cavalry who kept passing messages back and forth between the battlefield and the resting place.Xiong Ping's men completely caught them off guard.

Even many of Murong Sui's scouts were shot and killed by the cavalry led by Xiong Ping with random arrows.

However, Murong Sui got the news that Xiong Ping's cavalry suddenly broke through the battlefield and headed towards him a little earlier.

Murong Sui was immediately turned pale with fright.He had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't calculate that the Shu Han army would do this to him. This is completely the beheading tactic of capturing the thief first and capturing the king first!
So, of course, Murong Sui didn't have time to bother to understand the current situation of Murong Fang's battle, and how they were easily broken through by Xiong Ping's army.

And Murong Sui also felt heartbroken.He originally expected that Murong Fang could delay the Shu Han army, give himself enough rest time, and then immediately rush to the battlefield and retreat.

Then, on their way to the west, they had already agreed on a meeting place, and they met again at that place.Then, according to the number of troops, they will decide whether to return to the grassland or join forces with the bald Shoutian troops.

However, news from the battlefield so far shows that Murong Fang's army has been surrounded by the Shu Han army in reverse, and they have also cut the battlefield where Murong Fang's army is located, which has never been seen before.

All this made Murong Sui sadly realize that his 2000 troops had once again encountered the fate of being surrounded and wiped out by the Shu Han army.He was no longer able to save them from the crisis.

Murong Sui just sent down an order immediately, ordering all the troops to mount their horses immediately, and then escape from this Lifeng Valley.

It was also thanks to Murong Sui's decisive choice, if he was like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, Murong Sui would have wiped his neck long ago when he was in this field.

Murong Sui did not, he first abandoned his own brother Murong Ke without hesitation, and now he abandons 2000 subordinates, plus a guard captain Murong Fang, in fact, it is not too difficult a decision.

So, Murong Sui led the army of more than a thousand people and started to run away.

When Xiong Ping arrived at the resting place where Murong Sui was, it was already empty.But after inspection by experienced soldiers, it was quickly determined that Murong Sui's men had actually just left not long ago.

This is definitely very good news, which means that Murong Suixiu is actually running away not very far ahead, and if he speeds up to catch up, he should be able to see their shadows soon.

Moreover, Xiong Ping is very confident now that he has definitely more supplies than Murong Sui, and he is not afraid of a shortage of supplies when chasing.Therefore, what his men need to work hard now is to catch up with Murong Sui in the area east of the Yellow River.

Therefore, in order to speed up the pursuit, Xiong Ping, like Murong Sui, also made a choice this time.

Xiong Ping actually ordered all the troops to keep only their own swords, and discard all other equipment.As for food, of course it is impossible to throw it away.

In this way, more than half of the personal equipment of each cavalryman would need to be lost, which would correspondingly reduce the burden on the horses and save even more stamina of the horses.

It should be said that Xiong Ping is already doing everything he can to pursue Murong Sui.

Therefore, Xiong Ping's lieutenant immediately caught up and questioned Xiong Ping loudly: "General Xiong, there is no need to make things like this? Although chasing the enemy is important, so much equipment is also the life-saving capital of the soldiers. During the battle on the way , There will definitely be damage to the weapons, and at that time, will the soldiers have to fight the Xianbei people with broken knives and broken swords?"

After Xiong Ping thought about it, he still felt that what his lieutenant general said made some sense.

Then, Xiong Ping waved his hand and said: "Then keep the sabers and bows and arrows, and some soldiers even keep some sabers, so it's not necessary for everyone to equip them."

It should be said that Xiong Ping's order this time is indeed much more reasonable.Because the next battle with Murong Sui's men and horses should still focus on hunting and killing, so bows and arrows will definitely play a greater role in the pursuit than swords.

At the same time, if the two armies engage in close combat, the weapons will inevitably be damaged.At that time, the soldiers who lost their weapons can also get a new sword from the soldiers equipped with two weapons.

Xiong Ping's order was quickly carried out.As a result, Xiong Ping's men and horses marched urgently, throwing away unnecessary equipment on the road, which immediately filled the road they passed.

Those who didn't know thought that these things were dropped by Murong Sui's men when they ran away in a hurry!

After the army's load was reduced, the speed of the horse's march was indeed improved.

Thus, Xiong Ping's men finally saw the backs of Murong Sui's men from a distance before noon the next day.

Xiong Ping immediately ordered the army to chase after him with more effort.

(End of this chapter)

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