The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1120 Long-distance pursuit

Chapter 1120 Long-Distance Pursuit ([-])

When Murong Sui saw that Xiong Ping's men had caught up so quickly, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

But Xiong Ping's troops had already rushed over, and all the Shu Han soldiers equipped with bows and arrows fired with all their might, killing at least 200 Xianbei people.

Murong Sui saw that if this continued, all his troops would not be shot to death by the Shu Han army in time, but they would definitely be followed by the enemy.

So it actually means one thing, in the case of being unable to get rid of the enemy, you can only choose to turn back and fight to the death.Because your war horse cannot always be in a state of running at such a high speed.

As a result, Murong Sui immediately used Liu Chan's 400 men as the troops behind him.

It should be said that such a broken army immediately occupied Murong Sui's general troops, which shows how worried Murong Sui is about the situation in his heart now.

However, now Murong Sui has already led his troops out of the Lifeng Valley, and entered the edge of the adjacent area to the north of Hetao. The terrain here is flat, which is indeed very conducive to his escape.

However, such terrain is also very suitable for Xiong Ping's troops to encircle and wipe out the broken Xianbei troops.

Therefore, Xiong Ping immediately sent out a cavalry team of less than 2000 people to encircle and wipe out the broken army.The rest of Xiong Ping's horses dismounted to rest.Their men had been chasing for one night and one noon, and their own side was exhausted, so Murong Sui must start choosing a place to stop and rest.

When chasing, of course, you have to rest, they are not made of iron.

An hour after eliminating the broken army, Xiong Ping led the troops to continue the pursuit.

After three battles, Murong Sui finally had only 100 soldiers left around him.If Xiong Ping's men catch up again this time, as long as the opponent shoots all the bows and arrows in his hand, Murong Sui should be finished.

So Murong immediately ordered everyone to disperse and run for their lives, trying to confuse Xiong Ping.

Murong Sui himself took only ten soldiers to protect him and suddenly stopped going west, but fled south suddenly.

To the south is actually the direction of Yongliang and Liangzhou, that is, the direction of the Shuhan army base camp, not the direction of the Yellow River and the grassland.This is completely in the opposite direction. It can be seen that Murong Sui's cunning is simply more cunning than a fox.

Murong Sui's choice was really unexpected, and it was really hard for ordinary people to imagine.

In addition, Murong Sui also ordered his subordinates to scatter and flee, which really succeeded in disturbing Xiong Ping's attention.

Moreover, Xiong Ping's army has already penetrated into the inner area of ​​Hetao, Xiong Ping really did not dare to disperse the pursuit.

Under the influence of these factors, Xiong Ping finally let Murong Sui run away.

But after this long-distance pursuit, the 5000 troops that Murong Sui brought out were almost wiped out, which dealt a great blow to his ambition and self-confidence, and made Murong Sui always full of confidence in the Han army from then on. fear.

Xiong Ping was of course very angry about this result, but it should be said that he had already used the army's pursuit potential to the extreme.It is impossible for him to cross the Yellow River again, enter the grassland and kill Murong Sui's territory, right?
So Xiong Ping just led the army to chase to the vicinity of the east of the Yellow River, and then ordered the army to stop the pursuit, and he wanted to withdraw his troops and go back.

But at this time, Xiong Ping's army was scouted by some Xianbei scouts.Later, the investigation by Xiong Ping's scout team showed that these scouts came from Hexi Xianbei.

The Hexi Xianbei stationed a large number of troops on the front line of the Yellow River, the number of which reached at least tens of thousands.Their commander is Bald Shoutian's only son Bald Nagano.

At the beginning, Xiong Ping couldn't figure out whether the bald-haired Shoutian had gone crazy, and how he brought such an army here.Does he really have so many troops in his hands to deal with the war between the east and the Shu Han army?

However, the bad situation soon appeared.

The movement of Xiong Ping's army was quickly learned by Bald Nagano.Therefore, Nagano with bald hair immediately sent out a 3000-man cavalry team to deal with Xiongping's 4000 men and horses.

Fight or retreat from here immediately?Xiong Ping was caught in a choice.

In fact, Xiong Ping and Meng Xi had already made an agreement that they could not cross the Yellow River, so let's not talk about it.What's more, with Xiong Ping's troops and the current exhaustion of the troops, if he wanted to cross the Yellow River, it would be a completely impossible task.

Why, because Bald Shoutian's son Bald Nagano's troops guarding the northern border of the Hetao area are now deployed along the Yellow River.

And what everyone in Ma Dai's army can't know for the time being is that at this time, Tuoba Wei, the special envoy Liu Chan sent out to negotiate with the Xianbei people, has successfully persuaded the Tuoba tribe, the largest Xianbei tribe in the southern grassland.

Tuoba Liwei, the master of the Tuoba tribe, has been traced as an ancestor by the Northern Wei Dynasty in history.It should be said that this is a rather courageous figure.Of course, his life experience has also been given a myth by the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Tuoba Liwei and the bald-haired Shoutian had originally become sworn enemies because of the power struggle.

Tuobawei's original mission was to persuade Hexi Xianbei, but the bald Shoutian strongly rejected his friendly negotiation.So, in the end, the only way left for Tuobawei was to find Tuoba Liwei from the Tuoba tribe who went westward to the grassland, and discuss with him the possibility of sending troops to Hexi Xianbei to eradicate the bald Shoutian forces together. .

It should be said that Tuoba Liwei did not trust Tuoba Wei very much, and also had doubts about the strength of the army sent by the Shu Han to Hetao.

But Tuoba Wei tried his best to persuade Tuoba Liwei in the end.

Moreover, it should be said that the Tuoba tribe's attack on Hexi Xianbei in such a winter is actually more beneficial than disadvantageous.Because, at this time, the Tuoba tribe and the Shu Han army are attacking Hexi Xianbei on both sides. In this case, the Tuoba tribe actually does not need to dispatch too many troops to form a military advantage over Hexi Xianbei.In this case, the supplies for the winter will not be consumed too much.

At the same time, when Tuobawei came along this way, he had already found out a situation, that is, the Linghu tribe, an ally of Hexi Xianbei, also sent troops to help the bald Shoutian.This also means that the pressure on Tuoba's territory defense will be reduced, and it will be easy to free up hands to deal with Hexi Xianbei.

It was too late for Tuobawei's news about the Linghu tribe to be sent to Ma Dai, who had already discovered the situation in advance.

Moreover, the Xianbei sent troops to fight, in fact, often had a very dark purpose, which was to plunder the opponent's tribe for supplies.

It's already a cold winter, if the Tuoba tribe can successfully invade Hexi Xianbei, then the materials they plundered from it will definitely allow the whole tribe to spend this winter without any worries.

That is to say, under the persuasion of the above reasons, Tuoba Liwei finally couldn't help sending troops to Hexi Xianbei.

At this time, Tuoba Liwei's army was in the midst of a partial battle with Bald Nagano on the west bank of the Yellow River, and the battle had begun to become increasingly fierce.

This is why even if the bald-haired Nagano found traces of the Shu Han army, they could only allocate an army of 3000 people to fight in the end.

Back to Xiong Ping's side, facing the new enemy that appeared, after Xiong Ping's scouts launched an investigation, they finally learned that the war between the two Xianbei tribes on the north bank of the Yellow River had detonated.

This news was extremely important to the Shu Han army, Xiong Ping immediately ordered his troops to retreat, and he had to rush back to report to Ma Dai.

(End of this chapter)

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