Chapter 1121 Main Force ([-])

While Xiong Ping was desperately chasing Murong Sui, the base camp Ma Dai built in Araki Town also quickly recovered the troops of Meng Xi, Gai Meng and Zhi Yuanduo.

Yijianda has already returned to Araki Town.Seeing that Xiong Ping did not return to the base camp, but continued to attack Murong Sui, a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

The equipment that Xiong Ping lost in chasing Murong Sui's men in Lifeng Valley was later collected by Gai Meng's men.

But when Meng Xi reported Murong Sui's killing of the prisoners of the Shu Han army to Ma Dai, Ma Dai was furious at first.There are two targets of his anger, one is Yijian Da, and the other is Murong Sui.One of these two people is too impulsive, and if they want to tear themselves apart with Murong Sui, they must at least find a milder way, without causing such an irreparable situation.

Now, Ma Dai seemed to be troubled by these subordinate generals again, and suddenly felt very overwhelmed.

Moreover, whether the killing of prisoners happened in the local area or on your own side, the matter ultimately depended on the assassination of the army, the final judgment of the chief minister and His Majesty the emperor, and the incident could be large or small.

But Ma Dai knew very well in his heart that even Lu Xun's arbitrariness caused offense to the assassination work, so he was ordered to accept the questioning, and the questioning meeting lasted for two full days.The nature of the killing of prisoners this time was much worse than that of Lu Xun, so Ma Dai was already mentally prepared to accept the questioning of the assassination meeting after the war was over.

So Ma Dai summoned Yijianda alone and severely criticized him.Then let him temporarily avoid the limelight now, and stop commanding the army to participate in the battle.This actually means that he will temporarily remove Yijian Da's military power and military command.

Of course, this is also a difficult choice made by Ma Dai after careful consideration, not a hasty action because of anger.Doing so would actually be beneficial to Ikenda himself.After all, it is quite a risky move to temporarily replace military generals on the battlefield.

Yijianda's behavior is indeed a bit reckless, but this can also be understood from another aspect, he is a person full of passion for victory.

At the same time, most of the captives who were killed were actually soldiers of Igenda's own army, and he himself had indeed suffered a lot of psychological shock because of this.

Now that even the military command power has been deprived, Yijianda has been hit even harder.

In addition, the purpose of Yijianda's attack with the army this time is actually a revenge war against Hexi Xianbei.Now that Ma Dai has deprived him of his power in this way, of course he will feel aggrieved.

The two started arguing, and finally Yijianda couldn't control his temper, so he quarreled with Ma Dai.

Ma Dai still felt a little guilty about removing Yijianda's power. After all, for a general, there is no greater blow than this.Now under the rage, although Ma Dai is not Ma Chao, but his intentions are steady. In fact, when he erupts, his temper is not small.

Therefore, Ma Dai issued the most severe punishment measures that the Shu Han army had imposed on senior generals since Liu Chan ascended the throne, almost on the front line of the war. up to investigate.

The news about Yijianda spread immediately, and the senior generals such as Meng Xi and Gai Meng were surprised and inexplicable.Ma Dai's punishment of Yijianda was too severe, although they also knew that Yijianda seriously offended Ma Dai, the coach, and it was a great crime.

However, such a punishment by Igenda could already be infinitely close to the legendary court-martial trial that had never been implemented before.

All the generals under Ma Dai's command agreed that Ma Dai's punishment of Yijian Da was too severe.

Therefore, Zhi Yuanduo couldn't sit still at first, and went to Ma Dai to intercede in person.

When Meng Xi also dispatched and went to Ma Dai to discuss Yijianda's affairs, he suddenly found that Ma Dai had gathered at least [-] middle and high-level generals from the whole army, and all of them came to find Ma Dai to take care of Yijian. Kinder pleaded.

Ma Dai was already very dizzy and upset because of Yijianda's affairs, but now so many people came to plead with him, which made him unable to step down at all.

Sometimes face matters are really weird.In Ma Dai's heart, he actually regretted punishing Yijianda so severely, but now that so many people came to intercede, Ma Dai suddenly developed a desperate mentality, thinking that everyone understood his feelings at all.

As a result, no matter how Zhiyuanduo and Gai Meng pleaded with Yijianda, Ma Dai just gritted his teeth and insisted on his own opinion.Originally, Ma Dai had always been easy to talk to, but such a stubborn performance suddenly made everyone a little at a loss.

Meng Xi had already seen some clues, so he went in and persuaded everyone to go back first, and it would not be too late to talk about Yijianda's matter in two days.

It took Meng Xi a lot of effort to drive those generals out of Ma Dai's camp.

Only then did Meng Xi wipe the sweat off his forehead. It's really not easy to sweat in this cold weather. The big tent was crowded with people just now.

Meng Xi smiled and said, "General Ma, calm down first. In fact, you may not know why everyone came to plead for General Yijianda, right?"

Now there is no one else here, and Meng Xi is now his soldier, so Ma Dai no longer hides his emotions, and said angrily: "What is the reason for them! That kid Yigenda is so rude, I will punish him Him, let him know what military discipline is, am I wrong?"

Meng Xi hurriedly said: "General Ma, of course you are right. However, the generals did not come to oppose you, but because everyone was touched. Because General Ma, your punishment of Yijianda this time can be said to be a start. This is a precedent for our army, and of course everyone will start to worry that they will be treated in the same way in the future. Being interrogated by a meeting of assassins on the front line is a very hurtful thing for the general's self-esteem!"

It should be said that Meng Xi's words were indeed persuasive and persuasive, which immediately touched Ma Dai's heart.After all, although Ma Dai is the supreme military commander of this army, he is also a general first, and Meng Xi's words touched him a lot.

Meng Xi said: "There is also General Ma, Xiong Ping had a very unpleasant quarrel with Yijianda this time. And Yijianda already had a problem with General Gai Meng. If you punish General Yijianda severely this time, Zhi Yuanduo and other Qiang and Hu generals must feel unbalanced in their hearts, thinking that you treat one more than another, which gradually creates a rift between the generals that is difficult to bridge. The cooperation seems to be very tacit, please be sure to maintain the unity among the generals. Only when the relationship between these senior generals is harmonious, can their troops have the possibility of sincere cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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