Chapter 1123 Going All Out (Part [-])

Since the main force of Bald Shoutian had arrived at the place where he could launch an attack on the Shuhan army's base camp within a day, Ma Dai immediately summoned all the generals to gather in his tent.

This time, Ma Dai did not hold a pre-combat meeting again.As for the battle meeting, they have already held it many times before.What needs to be done for the assembly of the chief generals this time is mainly to join the army Meng Xi to announce to everyone the battle plan for the battle with Hexi Xianbei.

As a member of the army, Meng Xi has already assembled some outstanding subordinates. After the generals have determined the battle goal, the army and his subordinates can plan extremely complete action steps.

In this way, the planning of military operations has gradually become more professional, and its operability will be further improved. What kind of army will attack, what kind of army should be equipped with how many weapons and so on.

The Shu Han army, under the determined reform of their emperor, is moving step by step towards an internal professional division of labor that surpassed this era.Although this kind of change is not achieved in one step, it is also subtly advancing step by step. This may really avoid the implementation of too radical practices, which will lead to double resistance from the top and bottom of the army.

Liu Chan did have some good intentions in this regard.It should be said that in the process of carrying out reforms in the imperial court over the past few years, he encountered many obstacles from the old bureaucrats to the new policies. In many cases, he was only able to temporarily abandon some goals and achieve political compromises with them. lessons learned.

Moreover, once a violent organization like the military can realize gradual changes in the most gentle way, then in fact, changes in other fields should also have a guarantee of strength.Only in this way will it gradually change. Once a huge social contradiction arises, there will be a big riot in the society.In the end, either the regime change was achieved, or the riots were suppressed.

Even if the regime change is successful in the end, the new social form is still maintained, and a new ruler has come to power.After the civilians killed each other bloodily, it was as if the resentment that had been squeezed in their hearts was finally released, and then they continued to renew their dissatisfaction with society under the rule of the ruler of the heart.Then, finally, there will be another change of dynasty, and the army will go out to kill again without knowing it.

Society operates in such a cycle, generation after generation, seemingly forever.Is it that national character must continue to resent and anger in the midst of repression, and then resort to the most radical violent violence until it erupts completely?
Is it true that an extremely dangerous and violent organization like the army must be controlled by interest groups like private individuals and rulers, instead of being naturalized in the hands of the state?

The interest relationship between civilians, bureaucrats and the army is definitely the relationship that gives Liu Chan the most headache.In terms of changes in the government, when encountering strong resistance from the Prime Minister's Mansion in Chengdu, Liu Chan had to first set his sights on the army, which was easier for him to control.

Moreover, Da Sima Dong He has a gentle personality, and his methods of acting will not be as tough as the great prime minister Zhuge Liang, which is indeed convenient for Liu Chan to handle.As a result, Liu Chan now has more and more opportunities to transfer the generals under his command to higher positions.

Today, the main military commanders of the armies of Yongliang and Liangzhou in the northwest have all been generals of Liu Chan's cronies.

Of course, the influence of the prime minister's mansion is still strong. For example, the supreme commander of the battle against Hexi Xianbei is Ma Dai, and Ma Dai is the most trusted general by the prime minister Zhuge Liang.

And in terms of politics, Liu Chan has never been able to cultivate his own team, and what he can use is actually the one left by Liu Bei back then.There are so many old people around, Liu Chan boy wants to flex his muscles, it can be said that there are many obstacles.

Having said that, after Meng Xi assigned the generals the combat tasks of the armies they commanded, he announced that the battle would start in two days.

At this time, Gai Meng had no choice but to ask: "General Meng, the enemy army has now reached a distance of about a hundred miles from our army. You have been emphasizing just now that they can attack our army within a day. In such an urgent situation, why postpone the attack until three days later? I think this is definitely too late! It may lead to very serious consequences."

Meng Xi smiled and asked, "Then when does General Gai think it's more appropriate to attack?"

Gai Meng said: "We must launch an attack on Hexi Xianbei's troops within two days. After all, our army far exceeds the opponent in terms of cavalry and infantry. In addition, the enemy has just arrived , if our army launches a quick attack, they will definitely be caught off guard."

Meng Xi said: "The strength of our army must be stronger than that of Hexi Xianbei. However, it is not easy to succeed in launching hasty surprise attacks and surprise operations."

A general under Gai Meng's command asked: "Why is this? Our side can use the large-scale cavalry Hexi Xianbei to make an assault, and the infantry behind will continue to press on, so that we can gradually occupy the captured territory steadily." position, and finally forced Hexi Xianbei's troops to collapse."

Meng Xi had to admit that this was a very creative statement, but he still said: "The bald-haired Shoutian can already know the fact that Murong Sui's army was wiped out by our army. That's why Murong Sui lost so badly." , a big reason is that we carried out a quick raid. With such a lesson learned from the past, it is impossible for the bald Shoutian not to prevent our army from repeating the old tricks in advance, so if we want to succeed in the raid, we have already changed It's not easy."

Zhi Yuanduo said: "Then you should try it?"

Meng Xi smiled wryly and said: "Now the total number of troops dispatched by the enemy and us has reached tens of thousands. Such a large-scale war cannot rely solely on luck, although luck can actually be regarded as part of the war. Moreover, in the face of Considering the number of troops the enemy has, if we send too few troops here, we will not be able to succeed, but if we send too many troops, we will fail under the enemy's successful defense. A blow. At the same time, such an approach is quite wasteful. Our supplies are not as abundant as we imagined on the surface, so don’t just take actions that don’t have a high chance of winning. If I explain it this way, everyone should understand, right?”

Meng Xi's explanation is indeed very detailed, from the strength of the enemy and us to logistics, to the situation on the battlefield, everything has been analyzed.Although Meng Xi's military plan is not as sophisticated and brave as Gai Meng and others', the victory is that it is safe and cautious enough to try to maintain the absolute advantage of the Shu Han army in terms of strength, so as to obtain the greatest chance of victory.

From a certain point of view, Meng Xi's battle plan was indeed made based on the principle of saving resources.

When the generals heard Meng Xi's explanation, they immediately looked at each other, and finally accepted the combat mission assigned to them.

(End of this chapter)

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