Chapter 1124 Full Attack ([-])

Two days later, the Shu Han army received an extremely large number of bows and arrows prepared by Yang Yi.This is the last piece of combat supplies that can be reached before the war, and it is also the last link in Meng Xi's battle plan.

Because His Majesty the Emperor has always wanted the Shu Han Army to try a new method of combat against the enemy cavalry.This is mainly to do a preview for the powerful cavalry that will deal with Cao Wei in the future.

After all, for a long time to come, the Shu Han army will inevitably use infantry as the main force of its armed forces.

Judging from the battle against Hexi Xianbei this time, the Shu Han army has exhausted two-thirds of all the cavalry in the territory, and the number is only that small.Compared with Cao Wei's cavalry, there is a huge gap in numbers.

According to Meng Xi's discussion with Ma Dai, during the previous battle between Yongliang and Liang, the Shu Han army had already tried to use a tight phalanx of infantry to deal with the enemy cavalry.The effect is actually unsatisfactory.Even if the infantry team uses a large number of long weapons, it will eventually lose momentum to the enemy's cavalry team, which may lead to the automatic collapse of the phalanx.

For example, Lu Xun led an infantry phalanx with an absolute numerical advantage against Gao Shili's cavalry. As a result, the result of the two sides was five or five, and the infantry did not have a cavalry team that could defeat Gao Shili.

Therefore, this time, Mengxi is going to try to use bows and arrows with a longer range and the long shape of the infantry to form an army phalanx, and try to fight against the enemy's cavalry again.

Once successful, the Shu Han army may have a new countermeasure against the cavalry of the Cao Wei army in the future, so as to avoid the embarrassment of Wei Yan being beaten helplessly by the Bingzhou iron cavalry in Fengyi County. Feng Yi resigned from the post of prefect.

After receiving the batch of bows and arrows, Meng Xi began to assemble all the archers in the army to form a special archer unit, and re-armed the equipment on the table, almost equipped them with an unlimited amount of arrows and bowstring.

In fact, the bowstring is really very important to the bow and archery team.In many cases, the bow string needs to be replaced at any time. It is an item that is easily considered broken. It is affected by many factors on the battlefield, and it cannot be checked out by careful inspection before the battle.

On the third day, all the troops ordered by the Shu Han Army to attack all left Araki Town according to the order of attack.In Araki Town, only the necessary defensive troops remained.

At this time, the Shu Han army was not very worried that Araki Town would be suddenly attacked by Xianbei people. After all, after so many days of construction, Araki Town's defense capabilities had become very strong.

And according to the news, Xiong Ping's cavalry should return to the base camp in Araki Town in the next two days.With Xiong Ping's cavalry participating in the defense, Araki Town's defense shouldn't be a problem.

Such a large-scale military mobilization in Araki Town was indeed too loud. In fact, the bald-haired Shoutian troops had been discovered by their scouts two days ago.

Therefore, Shoutian with bald hair will of course start to prepare for battle.Now as soon as the Shu Han army attacked, the bald-haired Shoutian army also attacked immediately.

When the Shuhan army drove about seventy miles away, the vanguard saw the cavalry team of Hexi Xianbei looking over mightily within visual distance.

The cavalry must have been the first to be dispatched by both sides. The noise caused by the two sides was extremely huge. When the two sides gradually approached, there was a huge movement on the ground. Everyone could feel it. Under the trampling of countless horseshoes, the ground was already It started bouncing up and down.

Because the number of troops dispatched by both sides this time is really huge, and what is even bigger is that the number of cavalry dispatched is simply unprecedented.Therefore, the military forces of both sides were cautious about each other. When the distance was four miles away, the commanders of both sides ordered the troops to stop advancing, and the troops of both sides began to occupy positions and spread out their formations.

According to the battlefield arrangement made by Meng Xi and his men, all the cavalry forces were handed over to Ma Dai to command this time, including three parts of the cavalry force.

Among Gai Meng's troops, Xiong Ping's troops were continuing to rush back from the Yellow River. Sure enough, Meng Xi was right. If Xiong Ping went out to chase Murong Sui, he would not be able to participate in the next attack against the bald man. The war of Shoutian.

The second part of the people belongs to the people with many Zhiyuan.This includes Igenda's headquarters who were imprisoned.Not being able to participate in this battle, Igenda must be regretful now.

The third part of the troops is the cavalry team in the army directly under Ma Dai.The number of this cavalry team has been growing, due to the special care of Chengdu.

The total number of these three parts of the cavalry should reach the 4000 mark, which is more than the [-] on the bald Shoutian side.

At the same time, the Shu Han army still had a large number of infantry, and 5000 people were mobilized to participate in the battle.This large infantry team will be commanded by Meng Xi, an expert in defense and counterattack operations.

This infantry team is equipped with a large number of bow and arrow teams, the number of which is 5000 people. It is the backbone of Meng Xi's new tactics for Liu Chan.Therefore, Meng Xi prepared at least [-] arrows for them.This is another large military expenditure, and the next step is to test whether the money is worth it.

Since the sequence of the attacking army had already been prepared long ago, after spending a little time rectifying the formation of each army's pursuit, the army began to enter its position in an orderly manner according to the arrangement.

It should be said that if such a large number of troops as the Shu Han Army acted together, it would be very easy to cause chaos.

This is why, when Liu Chan was fighting, he never deliberately emphasized the role of the number of troops.Because the army is too large, the probability of errors and confusion during the transmission of military orders will increase greatly.Troops that cannot even transmit orders smoothly, dare to expect to obey the command and win the war?

Therefore, in the wars that Liu Chan participated in, it was rare for a certain general to command an army of more than [-] troops.It may be because Liu Chan feels that a huge army of [-] is an upper limit.

The cavalry team directly under Ma Dai divided 4000 troops to occupy the leftmost position on the battlefield.The right side of this cavalry team is the position occupied by Mengxi's huge infantry team. These infantry teams are arranged in a large number of geometric square formations. calculate.

These two parts formed the left wing of the Shu Han army.Ma Dai's remaining cavalry and Gai Meng's cavalry were in charge of the central army formation, while Zhi Yuanduo was in charge of the right-wing position.

At the same time, the infantry on Mengxi's side made the most noise. They dispatched a large number of shovel soldiers and began to dig trenches in front of the formation, which seemed to be used to prevent the enemy's cavalry from attacking.Make a row of dust flying in front of the battlefield.Fortunately, the soil here is really soft, otherwise it would be really difficult to dig trenches.

(End of this chapter)

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