The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1125 Conquering the enemy first

Chapter 1125 Controlling the enemy first ([-])

The commotion from Meng Xi's side was too much.

Even though, those shovel teams of Mengxi had been formed symbolically once by Liu Chan when they were in Jingzhou.But after so many years of development, it should be that it has not yet adapted to the needs of war, and has not successfully developed into a professional engineer.

Moreover, the tools used by these people have not been updated and improved much.

Therefore, it should be said that even though the excavation speed of these people is fast enough, it is obviously still unable to keep up with the needs of the war.Meng Xi just took them to conduct a general mobilization test, trying to figure out what kind of mobility they could have on the battlefield.How much trouble can their transformation of the battlefield bring to the enemy's cavalry.

Of course, it was precisely because the movement was so loud that it naturally attracted the attention of both the enemy and us.

Bald-haired Shoutian even went to the right flank of his army to check the situation on Mengxi's side, and saw that Mengxi's side had dispatched a lot of people, digging the ground with various tools. L
The bald Shoutian found the bald Shoukuo, pointed at Meng Xi and smiled and said, "What are they doing on the other side? Look at them, do they want to open up wasteland here before the arrival of spring?" Farming next year!"

The bald-haired Shoukuo thought to himself, if they really want to farm here in the coming year, it means that we have lost this war!You are still in the mood to make such a joke now!

Bald-haired Shoukuo said: "The soil here is very loose, with loess everywhere. When it rains heavily, the ground is washed away by the rain and there are gullies everywhere. The Shu Han army should be digging trenches."

"Trenches?" The bald-haired Shoutian frowned.

"Yes, it should be trenches, and there are still a large number of trenches, blocking the left-wing army of the Shu Han army from the front. There are a large number of their infantry troops distributed there, and it should be to prevent our cavalry from attacking their front." Bald Hair Shou Kuo said, "The opponent's general's idea is very novel, fully taking into account the geographical factors here. Today's war is not easy for us to fight."

The bald-haired Shoutian nodded and said, "It will take at least a few days for such a large-scale war to determine the outcome. Don't worry."

The bald-haired Shoukuo nodded, keeping his eyes on the central army of the Shu Han army. Judging from the positions of the flags and banners, Ma Dai, the commander of the Shu Han army, must be in the position of the central army.

The bald-haired Shoutian kept turning his head to look at his troops. There were so many people in the Shu Han army, and the army formation was almost fully set up by now.My side is entirely in the cavalry position, and there is also an infantry team of less than 4000 people. Most of these people are slaves. How can they move so slowly?
What's more, the Xianbei army has very loose requirements for the army formation, as long as it has a little appearance.

The bald-haired Shoutian cursed dissatisfiedly: "Why are these bastards so slow! I also plan to dispatch some troops immediately, and when the Shu Han army takes action, launch a surprise attack on their left wing, and keep the **** who dig trenches It's all in one pot, let's see how you dig it!"

The bald-haired Shoukuo was moved when he heard this, and said, "Brother, this is indeed a good opportunity, we should be able to mobilize some troops to make a surprise attack and have a look!"

The bald-haired Shoutian waved his hand and said, "There's no need. You didn't see that damned Ma Dai, and there was an infantry team next to the infantry team. Why didn't he hide the cavalry team behind, and then When the time comes, we will be caught off guard again?"

The bald-haired Shou Kuo asked, "Why?"

"Because they wanted to deter us! They visited the cavalry there generously, because they thought they were superior in strength, and there was no need to hide their strength!" Bald Shoutian said angrily, "If it wasn't for Because Tuoba Liwei's bastard's army suddenly appeared in the west of us, the number of troops they dispatched here can exceed twice the current number, and it is not easy to beat the Shu Han army!"

At this moment, Gai Meng has been looking at Meng Xi.His cavalry team cooperated with the cavalry team directly under Ma Dai, occupying the position of the central army formation of the Shu Han army, and its position is very important.

Gai Meng found Ma Dai and asked, "General Ma, what is General Meng Xi going to do? How did you make such a big noise?"

Ma Dai smiled and said: "He is also working hard to prepare for the battle between him and His Majesty the Emperor, so let's ignore him for now. Are the formations of the whole army ready?"

Gai Meng replied: "Both General Meng and the last general are ready. General Zhi Yuanduo is not clear yet." It seems that Meng Xi went to lead the army alone, and the nearest Gai Meng responded accordingly. He temporarily took on the responsibility of being a military counselor for Ma Dai.

Only then did Ma Dai order people to ask Zhi Yuanduo to report the situation, and the news they got was that they were already ready.

Only then did Ma Dai point to the Hexi Xianbei army, and said to Gai Meng: "Look, General Gai, their army has not lined up like our army. Since His Majesty led the troops, they have been insisting on using the left, middle and right three." The formation of each wing is arranged. But it can still be seen that they are actually divided into three sides: left, middle and right. The performance of the middle part is good, and the speed of action is fast enough. Now that the assembly has been completed, the right side is also okay. Judging from the rising dust, the assembly is almost complete. The problem is to their left, where the assembly is clearly still in progress."

Gai Meng nodded and asked, "That's true. Can we send a cavalry team to attack their left flank?"

Ma Dai nodded and said, "That's what I mean personally. The commotion caused by General Meng Xi is really too big. Although they have been equipped with a cavalry team, they are still worried that the bald-haired Shoutian will send troops against him. They are conducting a surprise attack. Therefore, it is better for us to conduct a surprise attack before them, disrupt their army deployment, and buy more preparation time for General Meng Xi."

Gai Meng asked: "Should I leave this task to the last general?"

Ma Dai waved his hand and said: "The task of surprise attack must be handed over to the fastest cavalry. And the action speed must be fast, and once the desired result is obtained, it must immediately retreat from the battlefield. Judging from the cross-section of the current battlefield, the opponent's deployment only needs to be one and a half to two miles long, while our army is longer. The pressure on both sides' frontal defense is very high, so they will not easily use troops from other positions to support somewhere else."

Gai Meng understood what Ma Dai meant, and said, "Then we will hand it over to General Zhi Yuanduo's troops."

Ma Dai said: "Yes, his men and horses are relatively lightly equipped, but the horses are all good horses. Pass my order to Zhi Yuanduo, and it should be enough for him to send 3000 men, and don't attack too much." Ferocity, as long as the assembly of the opponent's left wing is disrupted."

Gai Meng immediately summoned the herald to explain Ma Dai's orders and precautions.

(End of this chapter)

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