Chapter 1127 The Crowd ([-])

Father Fox's plan is very simple. Such an enemy interception force only needs two to three strikes, and it should be able to completely defeat it.Then, he will continue to lead the army with a victorious attitude and morale, and charge the enemy's left army in one fell swoop!

Father Fox also led the army very confidently. When the distance between the two sides was still three hundred steps away, he immediately ordered all the archers and riders to prepare to shoot arrows.

But what Father Fox couldn't think of was that the mob of enemy troops seemed to be in a mess, and he couldn't see how they passed on the command of the general in such a chaotic situation. A wave of arrows flew from among them!
Father Fox never expected that his army would be seized by a group of mobs, and the rhythm of shooting would be disrupted by the opponent!

When the rain of arrows fell, a group of people in Father Fox's army were shot by arrows.This caused some disturbances in the formation of the cavalry of the Shuhan Army, but the problem was not very big.

The Shu Han army ignored the cavalry that had been hit by arrows, and continued to prepare for impact and shooting.

Father Fox also didn't notice that the army on Gaoche's side was indeed in a state of disunity, but in fact there was someone among them who was responsible for testing the distance between the two sides.

Their method is actually very simple, that is, they will let the few people rushing to the front of the army suddenly shoot a single long arrow to test the distance when they feel that the distance is suitable.Once the distance is sufficient, all their horses will start shooting at the enemy without anyone giving orders.

At this time, although the soldiers of the Shu Han army have more professional soldiers, they can even test how many steps the distance between the enemy and us has reached, and whether they have reached the shooting distance of the cavalry archers on their side. within distance.

However, these people first need to report to Father Fox, and Father Fox will give an order whether to shoot at the enemy.Then, the order was conveyed down immediately, and it would only be effectively executed when it reached each cavalry archer.

The steps and processes are stylized and communicated level by level before they can be finally implemented.The advantages of this way of order transmission are: standardization, uniformity, and program control.

The chiefs of the Celestial Dynasty have always liked this, so they can use it to the extreme. The so-called high-ranking officials crush people to death, this is their favorite thing to do.

But this approach also has its weakness, that is, the command will be lost accordingly during the transmission process.The factor of time is the most important variable related to efficiency, and it can basically be said to have a positive correlation, that is, if time is lost, efficiency will be lost.

Therefore, it can be said that the Gaoche people used their own cleverness to successfully increase the efficiency of the army's attack to a level higher than that of the Shuhan army, which led to the archery time of their archers being earlier than that of the Shuhan army. Seized the necessary opportunities.

At the same time, this also once again involves a problem about the level of the system, which is also a problem that Liu Chan has been avoiding, that is, the problem of the number of troops.

If the number of an army is too large, its various orders: whether it is an administrative order or an order for attacking operations, in the process of standardizing the transmission from bottom to top and from top to bottom, what needs to be passed? The more levels, this is indeed inevitable, so the time-consuming must also be more, resulting in a decline in the efficiency of the army and war.

At the same time, Liu Chan has repeatedly emphasized to the army that in the process of passing orders, the more levels they pass through, the greater the degree of mistakes and losses will be, which will also lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the army's operation.

It is not difficult to understand why the military in the 21st century, as well as all social organizations, especially commercial enterprises, have been emphasizing two very important reasons for informatization.The method of managing people level by level should actually be said to be a management method that lags behind the needs of the 21st century.

Having said that, of course, a standardized management method like the Shuhan Army is not necessarily bad, at least it maintains the overall mobility and command of the army.This is undeniable.

The contradiction between these two points requires a trade-off at the highest level.But the result is inevitable, and the system that has been established with great difficulty should not be changed just like that.What's more, what the Shu Han army needs to face is only a little bit of Gaoche people.It should be enough to review how to shorten the time spent in the order delivery process.

Therefore, even if the Shu Han army lags behind their opponents in terms of shots, as long as they make up for it with teamwork, they can quickly reverse the passive situation.

Therefore, when both sides shoot the second-wavelength arrows, they are actually launching at the same time.

However, the power of the Shu Han army's teamwork at this time was indeed reflected.Even at the time of high-speed impact, the shooting of the cavalry archers on the side of the Shu Han army can actually achieve a relatively uniform salvo.

In this way, the density of the arrow rain they shoot will be much higher than that of the Gaoche people, the coverage will be larger at one time, and the momentum will be higher than that of the enemy, which boosts the morale of the army.Although after rational thinking, the lethality of such a volley to the enemy should not be much higher than the random shooting of the Gaoche people.

Sure enough, after the two sides shot each other three times, the Shu Han army became cheered because of the high density of their own arrow rain covering the sky in front of them.The original depression because of being robbed by the enemy all of a sudden disappeared.

However, at this time, the distance between the two sides has been shortened, and it is no longer suitable for large-scale bow and arrow shooting.Everyone put away their bows and arrows, drew out their knives, and began to prepare for the assault.

For this point, Father Fox is also very confident that relying on his superior position, he can crush the mob who are not afraid of death on the opposite side.

Soon, the two sides were close to seventy steps away.

Then, it was sixty paces away.

The atmosphere between the two sides suddenly became extremely dignified, many people's breathing suddenly became heavy, and the strength of the sword in their hands became stronger.

The sword in Father Fox's right hand had already been raised high, and all the Qiang and Hu people let out the unique hooting sounds that belonged to them, the descendants of the grassland.

"Hoo Hoo... Hoo Hoo... Hoo Hoo..."

"Hoo Hoo... Hoo Hoo... Hoo Hoo..."

Their hooting tones gradually became uniform and neat.

This was their last coordinated move before the onslaught with the enemy.

On the other hand, Gaoche's army was in disarray, and it could even be said to be noisy.

Father Fox's cavalry continued to charge towards Gaocheren's cavalry at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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