Chapter 1128 The Crowd ([-])

Suddenly, something happened that made Father Fox dumbfounded.

Gaocheren's army suddenly began to flee in all directions, not daring to confront Father Fox's army head-on, which directly caused the cavalry team's previous high-speed sprint to be nearly completely wasted.

Father Fox couldn't help cursing: "What's going on? Are those turtle grandchildren so afraid of death? How can they fight?"

At this time, the speed of the cavalry was too high, and if Father Fox wanted to immediately order the cavalry to change direction, it was actually impossible.The Gaoche people roared, and suddenly, like a scattered flock of birds, they ran to the distance and simply gathered together again.

Father Fox was also furious immediately, and immediately commanded the army to pursue and kill the Gaoche people in a wedge-shaped formation of impact.

The bald-haired Bai Zhi was in his own army, pointing at the army on Father Fox's side with the tip of his saber, and laughed loudly: "These bastards have been tricked twice by us, now we must I am very angry. Everyone follow me!"

So, under the command of the bald-haired Bai Zhi, Gao Cheren's cavalry team rushed towards Father Fox's army again in an extremely scattered formation.

This time they are indeed no longer dependent on the Shu Han army.

Relying on a tight wedge formation, the cavalry of the Shu Han army broke into the Gaoche people's army at once, and the collision knocked them all off their feet.

After the two assaults, Father Fox also felt that he had achieved good results.But he soon discovered that something was not quite right.That is when they were attacking the enemy army, the Gaoche people's army actually gradually penetrated into the Shuhan army.

As a result, the military formations in some places of the Shuhan Army have begun to become chaotic, which has dragged down the operation of the overall military formation.

In the end, the troops of both sides fell into a melee, which completely disrupted Father Fox's original attack strategy, and also prevented him from leading the army to defeat the Gaoche people's army in time to complete the attack on the left side of the bald Shoutian army. Conduct raid missions.

Almost all the high-ranking generals of the Shu Han army and Hexi Xianbei were watching this small conflict that suddenly broke out on such a vast battlefield.

But Gao Cheren's performance really opened the eyes of the Shu Han army.

Gai Meng was very surprised and said to Ma Dai: "General Ma, is this how the Xianbei army fought? In the impression of the last general, it shouldn't be like this?"

Ma Dai nodded and said, "This is absolutely impossible for the Xianbei people to fight. If my guess is correct, this is an army of Gaoche people! Father Fox's army, why did it happen when they made a surprise attack?" Met these rascals! What they are best at is when the two sides are in a melee, they suddenly seize the enemy's weakness and defeat the enemy at once! It seems that Father Fox's battle may be difficult to complete."

Gai Meng wondered: "Is this really the case? After all, the Gao Che people you mentioned don't even understand the military formation."

Ma Dai smiled and said: "They really don't understand, and they don't want to understand at all. Next, the Gaoche people will start playing hide-and-seek with Father Fox and them. Tell Zhi Yuanduo, and start issuing orders to Father Fox to retreat in time .Gao Cheren's small force will not affect the final direction of this war in the end."

Although Gai Meng didn't quite believe Ma Dai's words, he immediately asked the herald to deliver orders to Zhi Yuanduo.

Zhi Yuanduo's face was not pretty at this time.He didn't know much about the Gaoche people cruising on the grassland, so he didn't have the kind of judgment that Ma Dai could make at this time.He was just very angry that Father Fox had once again failed everyone's expectations.

At this time, the Gaoche people on the battlefield were indeed fighting with the Shu Han army, but at the same time they were constantly moving.Unknowingly, the cavalry of the Shuhan Army followed them and moved, and the army was also lengthened.

Looking at this situation, the bald-haired Bai Zhi didn't even bother to fight himself, but just continued to move with the army.Because as long as the Shu Han army's army formation continues to be stretched to a certain extent, his army will actually start to regroup by then.Then turn around and suddenly cut the enemy army in half from the middle.

At that time, the frightened enemy troops will inevitably lose their combat effectiveness due to panic.At that time, it is time for the Gaoche people to slaughter the Shu Han army.

The bald-haired Shoutian squinted his eyes, watching the performance of the bald-haired Bai Zhi. Later, a slight smile appeared on his squinted face.He has already seen the typical fighting style of Gaoche people.

It seems that the bald-haired Bai Zhi's determination and ambition are greater than he expected. The bald-haired Bai Zhi not only wants to stop the Shu Han army that came to make a surprise attack, but also completely defeats it before he is reconciled.

Of course, Bald Shoutian now has some time to spend with the superior Shu Han army. Of course, he is very optimistic that Bald Hair will achieve success, and he can kill one more enemy.Moreover, if the first battle is won, it will also be of considerable benefit to the morale of one's own army.

At this time, the sound of the gong for the retreat of the Shu Han army suddenly rang out.

After Father Fox heard it, he couldn't help but feel very depressed.After all, from the order to retreat, he could tell that his superiors had lost confidence in the success of his raid.

Father Fox is not Igenda either, he is a very well-behaved person who can follow orders and carry out tasks, even though he feels unconvinced in his heart, he still decides to lead the army to retreat.

Therefore, Father Fox immediately changed the rear of his army into the front, and suddenly retreated from the charge against the Gaoche army.This suddenly made the bald-haired Bai Zhi a little dazed.

His tactics have always been executed very well.The cavalry team of the Shu Han army was also gradually falling into his trap, but why did they suddenly change to retreat, causing their tactics to fall short?
The bald-haired Bai Zhi suddenly became furious, and rushed to the front of the army himself, leading his men and horses to chase the Shu Han army from behind, trying to chase and kill Father Hu's cavalry.

Ma Dai frowned, and the other party couldn't accept it as soon as he saw it, so he was looking for death!

Ma Dai immediately issued an order to send a battalion of 2000 soldiers from his cavalry directly under him to defeat the Gaoche army.

As a result, a new cavalry team set off from the position of the central army, and charged directly towards the Gaoche people's army.

Ma Dai's attack this time provided a wrong signal to Bald Shoutian.Because the Chinese army is the most important place among the three armies, the enemy's Chinese army is actually dispatched, which means that the battle between the two sides has completely started.

So, the bald Shoutian immediately sent an order to the right-wing army so that they could participate in the battle.

The official battle between the two sides began.

(End of this chapter)

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