Chapter 1129 Intense Battle ([-])

The reason why the bald Shoutian sent an order to the right-wing bald Shoukuo to ask his army to attack first is not complicated.

Bald Shoutian saw that facing the army of Bald Shoukuo was Mengxi's infantry.In the eyes of the Xianbei people, compared with the combat effectiveness of the cavalry, the combat effectiveness of the infantry is simply one day at a time.

Furthermore, Mengxi was desperately digging a trench at this time.The bald-haired Shoutian saw such a move, thinking it was a sign of the fear of the Shu Han army. He had already become terrified in front of the Xianbei cavalry, and had no intention of going in to win at all.

Therefore, although the bald-haired Shoutian was a little surprised by the sudden attack and timely retreat of Father Fox's army, he clearly thought that the opponent's general, Ma Dai, was a coward and did not dare to fight.

Facing such an army as timid as a mouse, the bald-haired Shoutian immediately felt at ease.Therefore, he was not in a hurry to let the still somewhat chaotic left-wing troops attack to intercept Ma Dai's cavalry, but let the right-wing troops that were ready to attack.

The right-wing army already has a positional advantage, and its combat effectiveness has always been very strong.Facing the infantry of the Shuhan Army, Shoutian the bald could not help but feel a little pity, so he felt that there was no problem in dispatching some of them to join the battle in advance.

So, the bald Shoutian really did it.

Bald Shoukuo immediately dispatched 3000 troops and rushed out.

The movement of the bald-haired Shoukuo immediately caught Ma Dai's attention.He couldn't figure out what the bald-haired Shoutian's intention was, he turned his head and asked Gai Meng, "General Gai, what do you think of this enemy's action?"

Gai Meng said: "The enemy should have seen clearly the left-wing formation commanded by General Meng of our army, so they did not hesitate to withdraw troops from their right-wing. At the same time, the left-wing formation of their army has been The rectification has not been completed, the speed is too slow, Bald Shoutian needs to buy time for it."

Ma Dai nodded and said: "General Gai's words are reasonable. Then our Chinese army will continue to attack! It seems that the bald Shoutian is going to fight with my army just like this. We also have to take advantage of this time to fight for Meng. General Xi bought time."

Gai Meng agreed and said: "That's it. How about letting the last general's headquarters attack?"

Ma Dai waved his hand and said: "No need, this is a sudden situation. Originally, the front should let your troops attack first. Now that part of the cavalry of my headquarters is the first to attack, for the needs of the army to cooperate, now It’s better to let the rest of my troops continue to attack. Your troops will be left behind for the time being.”

Gai Meng had no objection, it was the right decision for Ma Dai to take the order immediately.

Therefore, Ma Dai immediately sent an order to send another 3000 cavalry to the battlefield.

The 2000-man cavalry team sent out by Ma Dai earlier was already fighting with the bald and white-haired men and horses.This time, the Gaoche people came to chase and kill them with anger, and they were hit very hard by Ma Dai's headquarters who suddenly came over.

Because the Gaoche people lacked the necessary preparations in advance, and the formation was indeed scattered, no matter how good they were at melee combat, they would certainly not be able to defeat the Shu Han army.

Therefore, after the bald-haired Bai Zhi resisted for a while, he immediately ordered his men to flee first, and after they had gained some distance from the Shu Han army, they resumed using their best tactics to get rid of this damned enemy reinforcements. Forget it.

So, the bald-haired Bai Zhi took the lead and really turned around and ran away.

Seeing that the matter was so easy to solve, the commander of Ma Dai's headquarters couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately wanted to catch up.

It should be said that they actually have a certain degree of danger in doing so.After all, with the difficulty shown by the Gaoche people just now, and now they retreat in such a hasty manner, if there is no trick in it, no ghost will believe it.

But the commander of Ma Dai's headquarters should not say that he is not calm enough.After all, all his attention is now on the current battle, and it is difficult to be distracted and think about other things.

However, as the supreme military commander of the whole army, Ma Dai should never confine his gaze to a small corner of a huge battlefield.

Ma Dai immediately said to Gai Meng, "I'm afraid Gao Che will repeat his old tricks."

Gai Meng nodded and said: "Yes, it should be. Since they came to chase Father Fox, how could they retreat so easily? Moreover, they are definitely not a bunch of mobs. General Ma, there must be something strange in it, very Maybe they really have to repeat the old tricks, lead our men over, and then fight back."

Seeing Gai Meng, Ma Dai also thought so, and his judgment became more solid.Immediately sent a signal to the 2000-man cavalry team, telling them not to pursue the Gaoche people's army anymore, but instead to face the bald Shoukuo's attacking troops.

Although Ma Dai's army couldn't understand why Ma Dai didn't let him take advantage of the victory to pursue a defeated army like the enemy's. If he could catch up, he would definitely achieve great results.

But now that the Supreme Commander's order has been issued, and Ma Dai's own troops are in command, if they don't obey the order, what will others think of them and Ma Dai himself?

The commander's face was a bit gloomy, but he still turned to the cavalry in front and shouted loudly: "Everyone, turn around and turn to attack the enemy's right-wing assault troops!"

The actions of the cavalry in front will drive the following cavalry, otherwise, the cavalry with small flags around the commander can only use small flags to command.

But in today's high-speed operations, it is obviously more time-saving and trouble-free to convey orders to the cavalry in the front row.

Immediately, the 2000-man cavalry roared, and suddenly drew a one-fifth arc in the middle of the battlefield. Fa Shoutian's attacking troops charged over there.

The bald-haired Bai Zhi turned his head to look behind him at this time, and his face turned pale with anger.Is this group of turtle-like Han army smart or do they really like head-to-head fighting? Why doesn't their own fighting style seem attractive to them at all?

The bald-haired Bai Zhigang clenched his teeth, angrily thinking about what he should do next.It is impossible to continue like this. Could it be that his own people came to the battlefield immediately just to walk the horses here?
The bald-haired Shoutian also realized that things did not go as he expected. The enemy's army surprised the bald-haired and white-minded troops, and all rushed to the bald-haired Shoukuo's side.

(End of this chapter)

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