Chapter 1131 Final Battle ([-])

Of course, the cavalry team that helped coordinate the battle at Mengxi's side is now under Mengxi's full command.

After receiving Meng Xi's order, the cavalry team fought and retreated immediately, and slowly made a detour from the edge of the battlefield, retreated from the battlefield at a not fast speed, and got rid of the sudden pursuit of the cavalry team over there.

An important reason why they were able to get rid of the enemy so easily was that the cavalry on Mengxi's side had already entered the battlefield ahead of time, set up their positions, and were ready for battle.

If Sudden Shou Kuo continues to pursue the cavalry of the Shu Han Army, he will only be able to be flanked by the cavalry and infantry of the Shu Han Army in the end.

Therefore, for the bald Shoukuo, in the end, he could only choose to give up chasing the cavalry of the Shuhan Army, and then adjust the battlefield slightly behind his own side.

Therefore, the bald-haired Shoukuo immediately sent an order, and led his cavalry to turn the horse's head on the battlefield, and ran towards the direction of his own army.

The bald-haired Shoutian was a bit strange. The bald-haired Shoutian's cavalry had clearly defeated the cavalry deployed by the Shu Han army, so why did they suddenly stop chasing and killing, and began to run towards the back.

Then, Bald Shoutian saw that the troops led by Bald Shoukuo only retreated to a distance of [-] steps in front of his original position, and about [-] to [-] steps away from the enemy's phalanx.

All the cavalry stopped and turned around again, pointing to Meng Xi's infantry formation.

The bald Shoutian originally wanted to send someone over to ask what was going on, but now he immediately dismissed the idea.

Because Bald Shoutian only realized at this time that Bald Shoukuo wanted to regroup all the troops, at least to make his own cavalry look more organized.Because his troops were preparing to attack the infantry of the Shuhan army.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of the cavalry is far better than that of the infantry, especially on such a relatively flat battlefield.But it should be said that the infantry team also has its own advantages.

They are much easier to arm than cavalry, and their soldiers are also easier to recruit, so they are numerous and powerful.As long as the infantry is well-trained and united in battle, no matter how powerful the cavalry is, it may not be able to easily shake their army formation.

Therefore, Bald Shoukuo is now facing an infantry unit of the Shu Han Army that is more than twice the size, well equipped, and has undergone careful training.Most of the soldiers in these armies have sufficient combat experience.

In the face of such an enemy, it is indeed necessary to be cautious enough, not to be too arrogant.Bald Shoutian very much agrees with Bald Shoukuo's prudent attitude.

In fact, in today's battle, the Hexi Xianbei people have no right to be arrogant.More than half of the army on one's own side has been mobilized, but the enemy's center army and right-wing cavalry have actually only mobilized part of it.

For the Hexi Xianbei people, the situation they will face in the next battle will definitely become more and more tense.

The bald-haired Shoukuo was both nervous and excited. After all, he had just led the army to repel the cavalry of the Shu Han army.

Of course, the goal that bald Shoukuo had set before was not actually the cavalry team Ma Dai deployed to assist Meng Xi.In terms of the current military strength of the Xianbei people in Hexi, at most they can only defeat the cavalry of the Shuhan army, which can already be regarded as a great victory.

But now the Shuhan army has also brought the infantry, which has always been quite large, onto the battlefield.This provided a good opportunity for the Hexi Xianbei to expand their achievements.

Once the cavalry of Hexi Xianbei defeated the cavalry of the Shuhan Army, it would be very difficult for them to pursue them.

Therefore, it would be better to completely siege and strangle their infantry on the battlefield.The cavalry of the Shu Han army fled quickly, but no matter how many infantry, each of them only had two legs!
Once the infantry is destroyed, it will cause an extremely heavy blow to the Shu Han army's operations in the Hetao area, and even cause them to retreat from the theater urgently.

Moreover, the bald Shoukuo is not a reckless man, and he still plans to use this decisive victory to persuade the bald Shoutian and the Shu Han army to carry out peace talks.

So, the bald-haired Shoukuo had actually set his sights on Meng Xi's infantry team since the early morning.

The bald-haired Shoukuo centered on himself and his guards, and asked all the Xianbei knights to move closer to them and gather together.

On the battlefield, apart from the bald-haired Shoutian's troops on the right wing who were fighting fiercely with Ma Dai, the bald-haired Shoukuo's side was also full of dust.

But there is no sound of bloody fighting and clashes here, only bald-haired Shoukuo dissatisfied with the soldiers moving too slowly, hindering his assembly time and rude cursing.

Meng Xi stood at the back of the battlefield, behind him was a reserve team of only [-] people.

However, in fact, he has the largest reserve team in terms of numbers, that is, the shovel team sent out to dig trenches.They are already distributing weapons at this time, and will soon be able to re-arrange and enter the rear position.

Of course, before they went into battle, Meng Xi needed to give them enough rest, and even allow them to eat and drink some water.Digging is not an easy job, even though the land here is loess, but their digging tools are not advanced.

Meng Xi watched as the cavalry on the bald-haired Shoukuo's side quickly regrouped, completing the final preparations for the assault on his infantry phalanx.His expression is calm and composed, either because he is full of confidence in his troops, or because he has a perfect way to deal with it.

Meng Xi turned to a subordinate standing beside him, and said, "Pass my order to the quartermaster who distributes weapons, tell them to move quickly, and don't waste time like this. War is not a child's play, let the army enter the position early, the more A guarantee!"

The subordinate immediately took the order, mounted his horse and ran towards the rear quickly.

About a quarter of an hour passed, and the movement on the bald-haired Shoukuo's side suddenly became quieter.His cavalry was finally assembled.

There was a ferocious smile on Shoukuo's bald face, and the thick and hard stubble made his entire face look extremely fierce.

The bald-haired Shoukuo drew out his saber, pointed to the front, and shouted loudly: "Warriors, follow me! Kill all the enemies in front!"

Facing a group of enemy troops who just stood still and waited passively for their attack, the bald-haired Shoukuo's subordinates became extremely excited.It's as if they didn't go to fight the enemy, they just used to kill casually to end the battle.

Their hearts were filled with confidence immediately, but it is still unknown whether this is moderate confidence or overly inflated confidence. It needs to be obtained in the next quarter of an hour, an hour, or two hours. test.

The bald-haired Shoukuo cavalry team started running again, and the army array was fairly neatly arranged. A large wedge-shaped impact formation moved from slow to fast on the flat ground, and there was a rumbling sound on the ground. , immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Even some people who were still fighting on the right-wing battlefield suddenly stopped to take a look.

On the side of Meng Xi's infantry team, the atmosphere suddenly became serious. Many people's foreheads and faces were covered with cold sweat due to nervousness.

All the frontline commanders began to constantly remind the soldiers not to be afraid, and to stand firmly in their positions.

The task of the spear team in front is the heaviest, and they are the key factor for the infantry to block the impact of the enemy cavalry.The axemen and long shield soldiers behind them are also critical, forming the most powerful rear two defensive offensive system.

As for the central position this time, there are a large number of bow and arrow teams.The Shu Han army received a large amount of bow and arrow supplies this time, enough to use arrows in unlimited quantities.The Shu Han army armed an archery team that is said to have 5000 people.

They were mainly deployed to Mengxi's side, and finally got nearly 3000 archers.

Among them, 2000 people have already entered the battle sequence, 500 of them are the starters, and there are [-] archers at the end of the army formation, scattered in a relatively scattered manner.

The bald-haired Shoukuo cavalry team was still approaching quickly. When they approached the front of the infantry team, nearly [-] steps away, the archer team had already followed the commander's order and began to draw their bows and shoot arrows.

Because the number of archers is too large, they can only stand in place, instead of driving to the front of the army to start shooting, and then retreating after the enemy approaches.

This is also impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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