Chapter 1132 Final Battle ([-])
When it was close to 350 steps away, the bow and arrow team of the Shuhan Army immediately launched an unlimited number of volleys.Just according to the commander's order, they have to launch a salvo, regardless of whether the arrows are sufficient.Because of this attack, each archer is equipped with nearly three times the usual arrows, and they can shoot as much as they want.

This is the best example of material abundance.

On the side of the Shuhan army, countless long arrows flew into the sky, covered a corner of the sky, and then fell one after another, shooting into the army formation of Xianbei people, causing a group of people to turn their backs.

But the Xianbei people are still moving forward.

Then, their cavalry archers immediately launched a counterattack, and soldiers of the Shu Han army also began to fall to the ground with arrows.

After the Shuhan Army's archery team fired four salvos, the Xianbei's cavalry team was already within [-] steps of the infantry team.

On their side, because the enemy's smoke and dust were too large, it was impossible to judge the specific results of the battle. Besides, they were still telling the cavalry on the move, how could they see who fell to the ground clearly.

The archers continued to fire.

The infantry continued its pre-war mobilization.The enemy has entered two hundred paces, which is already a distance that can be triggered immediately.

The bald-haired Shoukuo was tightly protected by the guards in his army, but he was very excited to see the silver spears of the Shu Han army. Their spears were shining with cold light, but he also saw the Shu Han soldiers That serious look on his face.

The bald-haired Shoukuo couldn't help shouting loudly and shouted: "Come on, everyone rush over there and kill them!"

The Xianbei's hooting chant sounded from the mouth of the bald Shoukuo again, and everyone followed suit, and the voices gradually became unified, which also gathered morale.

At this time, all the Xianbei people began to draw out their swords, and the fierce impact and fighting were about to begin.





There were bursts of unusual noises.

In front of the bald-haired Shoukuo cavalry, suddenly a group of people turned their backs on their backs.

The screams of the Xianbei people and the screams of the fallen horses filled the bald Shoukuo's ears.

He looked forward in amazement, and found that his men and horses fell into the horse pit one after another, which led to the tragic scene of a group of people turning their backs on their backs.

But now it is the sprint stage. In such a large-scale team operation, it is impossible for the knights in front to stop easily.They had only two choices, either continue to charge forward and use their luck to rush past the pit area in front, or forcefully rein in their horses immediately, and then be knocked out by their companions behind.

No one is anything, if you rein in your horse, you will definitely die.So, everyone was betting that they could get lucky and get to the sinkhole.

The most tragic scene on the battlefield happened at this time.

Bald Shoukuo lost nearly [-] to [-] knights just by passing through the pit area!This accounted for as much as one-sixth of his existing troops!

Proportionally, this is an almost catastrophic loss.Because I didn't even touch the enemy's hair!

Of course, the people from Mengxi had dug those horse pits in advance, but because of the rush of time, the number was limited.

The reason why Mengxi's infantry phalanx had to dig trenches was, on the one hand, to paralyze the Xianbei people, and on the other hand, to ensure that the rear positions would not be captured by the Xianbei cavalry, otherwise the infantry would have no place to stand. up.

As for the reason why Meng Xi wanted to drive the infantry to the trench area, it was because he really planned to face the enemy head-on, and at the same time it could be used as a bait to lure the enemy into the pit area to die.

However, most of the cavalry of the Xianbei people rushed through the pit area after all.

The bald-haired Shoukuo was already furious, and shouted loudly, telling his men to continue to charge forward, and must break up the enemy's army formation, and he wanted to start a bloody massacre of these cunning Han people.He wanted to recover his own face, and he wanted to avenge those Xianbei people who fell into the trap.

The bald-haired Shoutian cavalry rushed up immediately.

The long spear teams of the Shuhan Army raised their weapons high and fought nervously.

The two sides immediately collided violently.

In front of the army formation, there was a cloud of dust and smoke. There were screams of humans, horses falling to the ground, and soldiers being crushed to death...

The cruel scene continued to repeat itself.

Meng Xi watched all this nervously, watching all the performances of his own army.With the impact of the Xianbei people, the infantry team was still relatively weak. After all, many places were still broken through, and gaps appeared in the formation. In the end, they had to rely on the axemen and long shield soldiers behind to forcefully plug the gap.
Of course, the archery team in the rear must also give enough support, they have been shooting.

Soon, the battle turned into a stalemate.

An hour passed quickly, and with the superior force on the battlefield, Ma Dai had already grasped a large enough advantage in the battle against the Xianbei cavalry, and the victory should have been gradually established.

The fierce battle between the two sides on Mengxi's side is still going on.

At this time, Meng Xi had already put two-thirds of the reserve team into the battlefield.I have to admit that the combat effectiveness of the Xianbei army is really strong.

Although they finally got support from some people from Bald Shoutian's side, they must admit what should be admitted.

Meng Xi did not continue to put the last reserve team into the battlefield.He issued an order to the cavalry that had retreated from the battlefield and had been recuperating.

The cavalry immediately attacked again, which became the last straw that weighed on the balance of the war before us.

The cavalry swept across the battlefield like a gust of wind, and Sudden Shou Kuo was taken aback. He thought they were going to attack him from the flanks, and hurriedly assembled his troops to intercept him in person.

But suddenly there was a mistake, and the cavalry did not attack them.They walked away, leaving Su Shoukuo completely confused.

Then, suddenly Shou Kuo was stunned.

The cavalry suddenly rushed towards the position of the Xianbei army where the bald Shoutian was, and they were going to launch a surprise attack on the bald Shoutian: beheading operation!
Meng Xi's move is absolutely ruthless!

At this time, there were not many people in the Xianbei's central army, and with the bald-haired Shoutian's guards, the number was estimated to be only a thousand or so.

The bald-haired Shoutian was immediately taken aback by this sudden situation.

Immediately order people to stop immediately.But it was too late, and it was not very difficult to raid 3000 people with more than 1000 people.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Bald Shoutian's blocking force was dispersed.

Bald Shoutian had already sent a signal to the whole army to retreat, and at this time the people had already fled to the west.

In this battle, Hexi Xianbei was pale.The bald-haired Shoukuo's men were finally surrounded by the Shu Han army, and finally surrendered.The right-wing battlefield was equally bleak, with 2000 captured and nearly 500 killed.

Bald Shoutian's attacking troops lost most of their troops.Attacking at a high speed became the last straw that weighed on the balance of this war.

The cavalry swept across the battlefield like a gust of wind, and Sudden Shou Kuo was taken aback. He thought they were going to attack him from the flanks, and hurriedly assembled his troops to intercept him in person.

But suddenly there was a mistake, and the cavalry did not attack them.They walked away, leaving Su Shoukuo completely confused.

Then, suddenly Shou Kuo was stunned.

The cavalry suddenly rushed towards the position of the Xianbei army where the bald Shoutian was, and they were going to launch a surprise attack on the bald Shoutian: beheading operation!
Meng Xi's move is absolutely ruthless!

At this time, there were not many people in the Xianbei's central army, and with the bald-haired Shoutian's guards, the number was estimated to be only a thousand or so.

The bald-haired Shoutian was immediately taken aback by this sudden situation.

Immediately order people to stop immediately.But it was too late, and it was not very difficult to raid 3000 people with more than 1000 people.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Bald Shoutian's blocking force was dispersed.

Bald Shoutian had already sent a signal to the whole army to retreat, and at this time the people had already fled to the west.

In this battle, Hexi Xianbei was pale.The bald-haired Shoukuo's men were finally surrounded by the Shu Han army, and finally surrendered.The right-wing battlefield was equally bleak, with 2000 captured and nearly 500 killed.

Bald Shoutian's attacking troops lost most of their troops.

(End of this chapter)

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