The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1133 Coercion Strategy

Chapter 1133 Coercion Strategy ([-])

The battle in Araki Town ended with the disastrous defeat of the Hexi Xianbei people, and it also established the tone and direction of the entire Hetao War.

It should be said that such a defeat was absolutely unexpected for Bald Shoutian.So much so that with the loss of confidence in the army, he could hardly reorganize a decent military force to stop Ma Dai's army.

The bald-haired Shoutian could only flee westward towards the Yellow River with the remnants of the defeated generals.

On Ma Dai's side, after capturing the bald-haired Shoukuo, he immediately ordered people to take him into custody. After the war was over, he was sent to Jincheng, Liangzhou, and handed over to Huang Quan, the governor of Liangzhou, for custody. His Majesty's verdict.

Then, Ma Dai led the army to pursue the remnants of Bald Shoutian in batches.

At this time, Ma Dai's army was divided into two parts, with Lifeng Valley as the watershed, and the area to the south was handed over to Ma Dai, who was in charge of Ma Dai's troops and Yijianda's troops.

Because the battle was over, after the request of the generals, Ma Dai immediately released Yijianda from prison.Of course, how to deal with Yijianda's affairs in the future is not something that Ma Dai can control.

In view of Yijianda's impulsive performance, Ma Dai decided to keep him by his side to watch, so as not to cause any trouble.

At the same time, the north of Lifeng Valley reached the area of ​​the Yellow River, and handed over to the two cavalry teams of Gaimeng and Zhiyuanduo to attack.

The infantry team commanded by Meng Xi, who joined the army, stayed in Araki Town for two days to rest. After all, the infantry team directly regretted the Xianbei cavalry team and caused certain damage.

Then, Mengxi's troops will march northward together with Xiong Ping's cavalry.They will serve as the third force and the reserve force of the whole army, and at the same time protect the delivery of strategic materials behind the army.

Seven days later, the cavalry led by Gai Meng and Zhi Yuanduo first swept across the Hetao area north of Lifeng Valley, threatened to reach seventy miles east of the Yellow River, and stopped their advance temporarily.

Because according to the information Xiong Ping wanted to send earlier, the bald Nagano army was stationed near the Yellow River and was fighting fiercely with the Tuoba army.Gai Meng and Zhi Yuanduo wanted to wait for Ma Dai's men to arrive before discussing countermeasures together.

Two days later, Ma Dai's army finally reached its position.They are the main force chasing the remnants of Bald Shoutian, so the task load is much larger than that of Gai Meng.

What's more, even if the bald Shoutian is lost again, it is still possible to organize several small-scale blocking battles.After all, he is a dignified adult of Hexi Xianbei people.

However, although Ma Dai's pursuit achieved results, he was unable to capture Bald Shoutian. In the end, he could only watch him run back to Bald Nagano to join his son.

After receiving Ma Dai's order, Gai Meng immediately moved his army to the south, trying to join forces with Ma Dai's army.

At this time, the bald-haired Nagano side is in a dangerous situation facing the two sides of the Shuhan army and the Tuoba tribe.Therefore, Bald Shoutian and Bald Nagano were not willing to let the Shu Han army merge together to strengthen their strength.

The bald-haired Shoutian Qingzi led an army to raid the troops of Gai Meng and Zhi Yuanduo.

A bloody battle broke out between the two sides ninety miles away from the bank of the Yellow River.Both sides came prepared, and after a day of fighting, there was no winner.

At this time, Ma Dai's reinforcements had arrived, and the bald Shoutian had to lead the army to retreat.

Gai Meng and Zhi Yuanduo's troops joined forces with Ma Dai's army, and the army entered Ma Dai's camp.

Although it is not yet in place to participate in Mengxi, Ma Dai still held a combat meeting and asked to formulate the next combat plan against bald Shoutian.

At this time, Ma Dai provided the information sent from Mengxi.

According to intelligence, even though the bald-haired Shoutian was defeated once near Araki Town, resulting in heavy losses, his strength is still extremely strong.His territory is not just a small Hetao area.

It's just that the Hetao area is rich in water and grass, and the climate in winter is better than that of the grassland, which is very suitable for cattle and sheep to overwinter, so Bald Shoutian himself will station here.His territory also includes a very large piece of territory in the southern grasslands west of the Yellow River.At this time, the army he recruited from there was about to rush to the north of the Yellow River.

At the same time, Murong Sui, who had been beaten into an extremely embarrassing situation by the Shu Han army, had reorganized his armaments at this time, and led an army of 1 people to fight back.

However, judging from Murong Sui's military movements, their army might be blocked by the Tuoba troops first.

At the same time, information from the Tuoba Department was sent to Ma Dai.

The Tuoba tribe originally sent not many troops to Hexi Xianbei. It may be that even though the bait given by Tuobawei was very rich, but because it was a winter battle, even if the Tuoba tribe sent troops, the interest was not too great. .

However, as the battle with Bald Nagano became fiercer, the Tuoba tribe mobilized several troops of their subordinate tribes to join the battle in the south, which increased the number of troops by a lot, probably reaching [-] number of people.

However, with the re-intervention of Murong Sui's army, the Tuoba Ministry saw that the burning area of ​​the war had become larger, and they should continue to invest in it.

Therefore, judging from the above information, Bald Shoutian should still have the energy to join Murong Sui to carry out another large-scale counterattack.

Gai Meng immediately asked Ma Dai, "General Ma, when will another reinforcement from Hexi Xianbei arrive from the grassland and arrive at the Yellow River to meet Bald Shoutian?"

Ma Dai said: "They should have arrived earlier. But when they came over on the grassland on the road, they might have been delayed due to the impact of wind and snow. But at the latest, the troops will take more than three days. Their number can at least reach More than 5000 people."

Zhiyuan asked: "If our army launches an all-out attack on Tufa Shoutian's current army now, can it be defeated within three days? Once Tufa Shoutian's army is defeated, their There is no point in coming to support the troops.”

Gai Meng said: "I'm afraid this is very difficult. Our pursuit is very hard, and fighting in such a cold winter, the bodies of soldiers and horses have been greatly affected. At the same time, my men and horses have just suffered from baldness. Shoutian fought another battle, and the battle of the Xianbei army is also not to be underestimated."

Zhi Yuanduo said: "Then, what General Gai means is that it should be difficult for our army to take down the opponent within three days?"

Gai Meng replied: "You can understand it this way."

Zhiyuan nodded more and said nothing more.

Yijianda said: "Now the Yellow River has been completely frozen. Such a long river is now a road that anyone can pass through. Can we send an army across the Yellow River to raid the group that came from the grassland to Hetao? Reinforcements from the Xianbei people in Hexi?"

Ma Dai was taken aback when he heard this, and before he could speak, Gai Meng had already said: "General Yijian, what you said is indeed correct. But it is precisely because the Yellow River is completely frozen that the Hexi Xianbei will definitely be here. There are a large number of scouts deployed on the Yellow River. If you want to raid a cavalry team of 5000 men, you must use at least 7000 cavalry troops? How can such a large-scale troop move without the enemy's scout team? ?”

Yijian Da spread his hands and said, "Then what should we do now? Could it be that we just watched so many of them come to reinforce the bald-haired Shoutian, and then another fierce battle broke out between the two sides?"

Ma Dai said: "If it's a fierce battle, I'm afraid that Hexi Xianbei is no longer willing to fight anymore. The reason why they are still competing with us and showing a stance of not admitting defeat is because they do have reinforcements to support them. However, they can no longer afford to fail now. Therefore, we can be sure that after waiting for his reinforcements, the bald Shoutian will rely on the newly added troops to retreat from the battlefield instead of continuing to fight us to the death go down."

All the generals were stunned when they heard this, they didn't expect such a situation to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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